Accessibility feedback process at the NRC

Your feedback will help us identify and break down accessibility barriers. Provide your feedback on the NRC accessibility plan and your experience with any accessibility matter related to our organization. Find out how we will use your feedback.

Ways to provide feedback

You can also contact our Client Service Centre:

Phone: 613-993-9101
Toll-free: 1-877-NRC-CNRC or 1-877-672-2672

Contact: Manager, Workplace Programs
1200 Montreal Road
Building M-58, W-103
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R6

Request alternate formats

You can request alternate formats of the following documents:

  • The NRC accessibility plan
  • Our description of the feedback process
  • Our progress reports (to be posted starting in December 2023)

Formats available:

  • Print
  • Large print (larger and clearer font)
  • Braille (a system of raised dots that people who are blind or who have low vision can read with their fingers)
  • Audio (a recording of someone reading the text out loud)

Contact us to request a document in an alternate format:

Phone toll-free: 1-877-672-2672

What we will do with your feedback

Your feedback will help us advance our accessibility efforts, which is why we will aim to address it right away where we can. Some feedback may have to be addressed in the development of future accessibility plans. This process will be transparent. The feedback we receive, and how we take it into consideration, will be included in our progress reports and published in the years between accessibility plans.

Acknowledging your feedback

You will receive an automatic confirmation when you submit the accessibility feedback form online. Acknowledging receipt for feedback made by other means will take longer. You will receive acknowledgment of receipt in the same means by which your feedback was received unless it was submitted anonymously. Our message will confirm that we received your feedback, include our service standard for replying to comments and explain that more complex issues will take more time to address.

Resolving issues

We will respond by email within 10 business days to comments received through the online form or by email.

Finding answers or solutions to more complex issues might take more time. If that is the case for your comment(s), we will let you know within 10 business days upon receiving your feedback.

Compiling and analyzing feedback

We will analyze feedback for trends and patterns. We will present our analysis and explain the follow-up actions we have taken in our annual progress reports on accessibility and in our future accessibility plans.

Anonymous feedback

Your feedback will always remain anonymous in our public reports. The only time your feedback will be connected to you is when you request a personal response.

To provide anonymous feedback:

  • do not state your name or provide any identifying information
  • state that you would like your feedback to remain anonymous if your email address includes your name
  • do not include your return address on the envelope for physical mail