ARCHIVED – Public review on proposed changes to Codes Canada publications - Fall 2018

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This national public review ran from November 7, 2018 to January 4, 2019.
The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) invited Code users and stakeholders to participate in the fall 2018 public review of proposed changes to Codes Canada publications:

  • National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC)
  • National Fire Code of Canada 2015 (NFC)
  • National Plumbing Code of Canada 2015 (NPC)

No changes were proposed for the National Energy Code for Buildings this public review.

The purpose of this public review was to:

  • provide Code users and stakeholders with a detailed look at proposed changes and
  • seek comment on each proposed change as to whether it should be approved, altered, or rejected.

The public review closed at 4:00 p.m. EST on January 4, 2019, after which comments will no longer be accepted. The relevant committees of the CCBFC will review every comment that was received up to that date. The committees will then either withdraw the proposed change; recommend that it be reviewed further for possible re-submission in revised form in a future public review; or recommend that it be approved by the CCBFC , with or without modification. If approved by the CCBFC , the proposed changes will be published in the 2020 editions of Codes Canada publications.



Combustible Construction (Part 3)

Introduces an additional compliance option for street access requirements in mid-rise combustible construction and reduces the 25% perimeter access to only 10% provided the exterior cladding is noncombustible.

Residential Sprinklers (Part 3)

Expands application of NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, to row houses, thus ensuring more economical designs and consistent approaches.

Fire Alarm and Detection Systems (Part 3)

Expands requirements for fire alarms to require a low frequency audible signal as well as a visible signal in 10% of sleeping guest suites in hotels and motels.

Solar Collectors (Part 4)

Introduces provisions for roof-mounted solar panels that are based on guidance from the Structural Commentaries (User's Guide – NBC 2015: Part 4 of Division B) to ensure that the additional loads due to the installation of solar panels are accounted for in the design of the building structure and that a harmonized method is used for the design.

Snow Loads (Part 4)

Modifies the provisions on intersecting drifts at inside corners to reflect a more realistic distribution of snow loads and to limit the possibility of underestimating loads when the two peak drift depths are very different.

Serviceability (Part 4)

Reintroduces Structural Commentary guidance on load combinations for serviceability in the main body of the Code and provides a new table with load combinations used to limit how much structures deflect or vibrate.

Earthquake Load and Effects — Additional System Restrictions (Part 4)

Introduces new requirements for sloped column irregularities to address the seismic design of this emerging structural feature.
Introduces system restrictions for High Importance Category buildings to render them consistent with their likely use as post-disaster shelters.

Earthquake Design (Part 4)

Introduces seismic categories based on building height to properly address the expected inertial seismic force.

Air leakage (Part 5)

Revises air leakage requirements and introduces performance classes for air barrier assemblies that provide options for innovative approaches and the acceptance of solutions with extensive historical precedence.

Legionella (Part 6)

Introduces revisions that address the growth and transmission of Legionella bacteria in buildings in order to minimize the adverse health effects caused by Legionella and other bacteria.

Protection of Windows (Part 9)

Ensures that openable windows are protected to minimize the risk of a person falling through the open window. Adds different compliance methods, including limits, to window opening size, window guards, and minimum window sill heights.

Fire Alarm and Detection Systems (Part 3 and Part 9)

Introduces performance criteria that permit the use of wireless interconnected smoke alarms.

Home-Type Care Occupancies (Part 9)

Introduces provisions on a new type of occupancy classification called "home-type care occupancy" (Group B, Division 4), which allows affordable care accommodation in a single housekeeping building for residents who require in home-type care without compromising fire and life safety.


Water-Use Efficiency (Part 2)

Introduces requirements for non-potable rainwater harvesting systems to ensure that potable water systems are safely connected to non-potable water systems, that piping is properly labelled and that non-potable water systems are designed, fabricated and installed in accordance with good engineering practice.


Storage Tanks (Part 4)

Clarifies that CSA B139, "Installation Code for Oil-Burning Equipment," applies to aboveground storage tanks of less than 2500 L, reduces the likelihood of conflicts with the National Fire Code and ensures that the correct version of CSA B139 is applied.

Fire Safety Plan (Part 2)

Introduces an exemption for certain lower risk assembly occupancies from requiring a fire safety plan. Other higher risk assembly occupancies such as schools, colleges, child daycare facilities and all licensed beverage establishments are not affected.
Introduces a requirement for fire emergency procedures for areas where persons are anesthetized while receiving day treatment in business and personal services occupancies to help ensure fire safety training and awareness for staff, consideration of the staffing ratio, and the availability of a means to transport patients to safety.
Consolidates all the requirements on the fire safety plan in Section 2.8. of Division B of the NFC so that Code users, consultants and regulators will have all applicable requirements in one location. This will ensure that fire safety plans contain the critical information required by fire services and building management during a fire situation.

To receive the proposed changes for this public review, please Contact Codes Canada.