Louis-Philippe Lefebvre

Rôles et responsabilités

Chef de l’équipe Mise en forme de poudre

Agent de recherches principal

Recherche et / ou projets en cours

Caractérisation de poudres

Élaboration de matériaux et de procédés de fabrication en utilisant la métallurgie des poudres

Fabrication additive

Titane poreux et mousses de titane

Couche de transport poreuse

Énoncés de recherches / projets

Caractérisation des poudres pour les procédés de fabrication additive

Développement de couches de transport poreuses

Évaluation de l’absorption de l’humidité sur les poudres

Évaluation de l’effet de l’humidité sur les procédés de fabrication additive


École polytechnique de Montréal : Maîtrise en sciences appliquées, science des matériaux, août 1994 (mention d’honneur : Meilleur mémoire de maîtrise en 1994)

Université Laval : génie physique, mai 1992

Activités professionnelles / intérêts

Membre de l’American Powder Metallurgy Institute (APMI)

Membre de l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)

Membre de l’American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Membre du Conseil canadien des normes (comité parallèle canadien d’ISO/TC 261 du comité F42 d’ASTM)

  • International Journal of Powder Metallurgy (comité de lecture)

Organisation de conférences, de colloques, d’ateliers et de formations


Prix d’excellence en normalisation de l'ASTM, 2022 (fabrication additive)

 Prix pour publication scientifique exceptionnelle de 2021 en fabrication additive (AMPM2021)

Prix d’excellence organisationnelle de 2020, Prix pour réalisations exceptionnelles du CNRC

Prix pour résumé scientifique de 2019, European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)

Prix Partenariat Technologique de l’ADRIQ, 2019

Prix d’excellence en leadership de 2018 du Centre de recherche sur l’automobile et les transports de surface (CNRC)

Prix pour réalisations exceptionnelles du CNRC de 2017 – Partenariat industriel

Prix Otto Aufranc pour recherche innovante de 2011 (co-lauréat) de la Hip Society (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons)

Les 10 découvertes de 2011 de Québec Science

Prix du meilleur document de recherche de 2011 (co-auteur) de la Société canadienne de génie biomédical

Prix de développement et de commercialisation de la technologie de 2008 de l’Institut des matériaux industriels

Prix pour la promotion de la visibilité du CNRC de 2007 de l’Institut des matériaux industriels

Prix pour la promotion de la visibilité du CNRC de 2005 de l’Institut des matériaux industriels

2e place au défi Plan d’affaires de 2004 du Conseil national de recherches du Canada

Ambassadeur du Palais des congrès de Montréal (2002-…)

Prix pour réalisations exceptionnelles du CNRC de 2001 – Établissement de partenariats

Prix d’innovation technologique de 2001 de l’Institut des matériaux industriels

Meilleur mémoire de maîtrise de l’École polytechnique de Montréal, 1994

Inventions et brevets

L.P.Lefebvre, E.Irissou, Method to deposit a porous coating using shockwave induced spraying, Filed May 2016 in US.

E. Baril, L.P. Lefebvre, Titanium-Based Compositions, Methods of Manufacture and Uses Thereof, CA 2,958,409.

L.P.Lefebvre, P.A.Martineau, Systems and methods for injecting fluid into bone and for inserting bone screws, and bone screws for same, US (file 13/985153), CA 2827235, EU (12746732.2), Japan, (2013-553752) Pending.

P.A.Martineau, E.Harvey, L.P.Lefebvre, Method for Producing a Porous bone screw, US9216045

P.A.Martineau, E.Harvey, L.P.Lefebvre, Porous bone screw, US8979911.

P.A.Martineau, E.Harvey, L.P.Lefebvre, Porous bone screw, CA 2777597.

L.P.Lefebvre, Y. Thomas, M. Gauthier, “Method of Making Open Cell Material”, CIP US 7,108,828 B2, Sep. 19, 2006.

L.P. Lefebvre and Y. Thomas, “Method of making open cell material”, Canadian Patent 2,355,790, April 25th, 2005.

L.P. Lefebvre, S. Pelletier, Y. Thomas, “Manufacturing Soft Magnetic Components using a Ferrous Powder and a Lubricant”, U.S. CIP Pat. 6,548,012, 15/14/03.

L. P.Lefebvre, Y. Thomas, “Method of Making Open Cell Material”, US 6,660,224 B2, Dec. 9, 2003.

L. P.Lefebvre, Y. Thomas, “Method of Making Open Cell Material”, WO 03/015963 A1, filed August 15, 2002.

L.P. Lefebvre, S. Pelletier, Y. Thomas, “Manufacturing Soft Magnetic Components using a Ferrous Powder and a Lubricant”, U.S. Pat. 6,331,270, 18/12/01.

L.P.Lefebvre, S.Pelletier, B.Champagne, Graded Powder Coatings for Magnetic Applications and Process for Producing the Same, 1997, Canadien Patent CA2211426.

L.P.Lefebvre, S.Pelletier, C.Gélinas, “Post Compaction Treatments to Increase the Mechanical Strength of Iron Powder Compacts Intended for Magnetic Applications”, US Patent 5,993,729, 11/30/1999.

L.P.Lefebvre, Y.Thomas, “Lubricated Aluminum Powder Composition”, US Patent 5,951,737, 09/14/1999.

L.P.Lefebvre, Y.Thomas et S.Pelletier, “Lubricated Aluminum Powder Agglomerates having Improved Flowability”, US Patent 5,977,033, 11/02/1999.

L.P.Lefebvre, S.Pelletier, B.Champagne, “Composite Insulating Coatings for Powder, Especially for Magnetic Applications”, Aug. 1998, US Patent no. 5,798,439.

Principales publications


L.P.Lefebvre, Porous Metals and Metallic Foams in Orthopedic Applications, Book chapter in Metallic Foams: Fundamentals and Application, DEStech Publications, Inc; 1 edition (November 1, 2012), 317-362.

J.-F. Hétu, F. Ilinca, J.-P. Marcotte, E. Baril, L.P. Lefebvre, M.D.M.Innocentini, Numerical Simulation of the Flow through Metallic Foams: Multi-scale Modeling and Experimental Validation, Book chapter in Metallic Foams: Fundamentals and Application, DEStech Publications, Inc; 1 edition (November 1, 2012), 75-96.

Porous Metals and Metallic Foams, L.P.Lefebvre, J.Banhart, D.C.Dunand eds., DEStech Publications, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008.

Adv Eng. Mat., Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (9), Special Issue on Metallic Foams, L.P.Lefebvre, J.Banhart, D.C.Dunand guest editors.


C. Charbonneau, F. Bernier, R. Pelletier, and L.-P. Lefebvre, Classication of Particle Shape Using Two-Dimensional Image Analysis, in Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2020, ed. N.Shamsaei and M. Seifi (West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International, 2022), 25–39. http://doi.org/10.1520/STP163720200101.

L.P.Lefebvre, R.Peletier, C.Charbonneau, Electostatic Charging and Its Impact on Powder Flowability, Int.J.Powder Metallurgy, Vol 57, No.4, 2021, 19-27.

R.Pelletier, L.P.Lefebvre, B.Ludwig,T.Palmer and K. Brockbank, Rheology of SS-316l Metal Powders Exposed to Laser Powder Bed Machine Cycles: An Interlaboratory Study,  International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, Volume 56, No. 4, 2020, 7-15.

L.P.Lefebvre, J.Whiting, B.Nijikovsky, S.E.Brika, H.Fayazfar, O.Lyckfeldt, Assessing the robustness of powder rheology and permeability measurements, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 35, October 2020, Article number 101203.

L. Lefebvre, J. Dai, Y. Thomas, M. Daroszewska, and Y. Martinez-Rubi, Measurement of Water Content in Metal Powders,  in Materials Performance and Characterization, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2020, pp. 426-441,  doi:10.1520/MPC20190197.

C.Charbonneau, F.Vanier, L.P.Lefebvre, Stability of Bioactive Bone Graft Substitutes Exposed to Different Aging and Sterilization Conditions, Int J Ceramic Eng Sci. 2020; 2:152–161.

P.F.Menci, A.Mari, C.Charbonneau, L.P.Lefebvre and L.De Nardo, Aging of Bioactive Glass-Based Foams: Effects on Structure, Properties, and Bioactivity, Materials 2019, 12(9), 1485; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12091485.

Aguilar-Reyes, E.A., León-Patiño, C.A., Villicaña-Molina, E.,  Macías-Andrés, V.I.,  Lefebvre, L.-P., Processing and in vitro bioactivity of high-strength 45S5 glass-ceramic scaffolds for bone regeneration, Ceramics International, 43, 9 (15) 2017, pp. 6868-687.

Melli, V., Lefebvre, L.P.; Lenci, M., Mondon, M., Sao-Joao, S., Cigada, A., Delafosse, D., De Nardo,L., Resorbability of a Bioglass®-based glass-ceramic scaffold produced via a powder metallurgy approach , Ceramics International, 43 (2017) pp. 8625–8635.

Boccardi, E.,  Melli, V.,  Catignoli, G.,  Altomare, L.,  Jahromi, M.T.,  Cerruti, M.,  Lefebvre, L.-P.,  De Nardo, L., Study of the mechanical stability and bioactivity of Bioglass® based glass-ceramic scaffolds produced via powder metallurgy-inspired technology, Biomedical Materials, 11 (1), 2016.

Heim, K.Bernier, F.Pelletier, R.Lefebvre, L.-P., High resolution pore size analysis in metallic powders by X-ray tomography, Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2016, 6, pp.45-52

Tingskog, T.Larouche, F.Lefebvre, L.-P., New titanium alloy feedstock for high performance metal injection molding parts, 2016, Key Engineering Materials, 704, pp. 118-121

Pelletier, R., Lefebvre, L.P., Baril, E., A MIM route for producing Ti6Al4V-TiC composites, Key Engineering Materials, 2016, 704, pp. 139-147.

Aguilar-Reyes, E.,  León-Patiño, C.,  Villicaña-Molina, E.,  Lefebvre, L.P.  Bioactive Glass-Ceramic Scaffolds with High-Strength for Orthopedic Applications, Biomaterials Science: Processing, Properties and Applications IV: Ceramic Transactions, 07/15, Volume 251, 2014, Pages 1-10.

Michailidis, N.,  Tsouknidas, A.,  Lefebvre, L.-P.,  Hipke, T.,  Kanetake, N., Production, characterization, and applications of porous materials  (Editorial), Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2014, 2014, Article number 263129.

Lefebvre, L.-P. ,  Baril, E.,  De Camaret, L.  The effect of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon on the microstructure and compression properties of titanium foams, 07/2013, Journal of Materials Research, Volume 28, Issue 17, 14, 2453-2460.

Lefebvre, L.-P. ,  Baril, E., Properties of titanium foams for biomedical applications,  Advanced Engineering Materials, 03/2013, Vol. 15 (3),159-165

Hart, A., Harvey, E.J.,  Lefebvre, L.-P.,  Barthelat, F.,  Rabiei, R.,  Martineau, P.A. Insertion profiles of 4 headless compression screws, J. Hand Surgery, 07/2013, 38 (9), , 1728-1734.

E.Aguilar-Reyes, C.A.Leon-Patino, B.J.Diaz, L.P.Lefebvre, Structural Characterization and Mechanical Evaluation of Bioactive Glass 45S5 Foams Obtained by a Powder Metallurgy Approach, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 12/2012; 95(12):3776-3780.

Aguilar-Reyes, E.A., León-Patiño, C.A.,  Jacinto-Díaz, B.,  Lefebvre, L.-P.,  Mechanical and microstructural characterization of 45S5 Bioglass® scaffolds for tissue engineering, Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 237, 2012, 1-9.

L.Teixeira, G.Crippa, L.P.Lefebvre, P.deOliveira, A.L.Rosa, M.M.Beloti,  The influence of pore size on osteoblast phenotype expression in cultures grown on porous titanium, Int. J. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 07/2012, 41 (9), 1097-1101.

L.Lim, D.Bobyn, K.M.Bobyn, L.P.Lefebvre, M.Tanzer, The Otto Aufranc Award: Demineralized Bone Matrix Around Porous Implants Promotes Rapid Gap Healing and Bone Ingrowth; Clin.Orthop.Relat. Res., 2012, 470 (2), 357-365.

P.Siegkas; V.L.Tagarielli,N.Petrinic, L.P.Lefebvre, The Compressive Response of a Sintered Titanium Foam at Low and High Strain Rates, J.Mater.Sci, 2011, 46, 2741-2747.

E.Baril, L.P.Lefebvre, Y.Thomas, Interstitial Elements in Titanium Powder Metallurgy: Source and Control, Powder Metallurgy 2011, 54 (3), 183-187.

Baril, L.P.Lefebvre, A.Hacking, Direct Visualization and Quantification of Bone Growth Into Porous Titanium Implants using Microtomography, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine: Volume 22, Issue 5, 2011, 1321-1332.

A.Canabarro, G. E.Crippa, M. U.Shirozaki, E. M. Sampaio, L.P. Lefebvre, P. T. de Oliveira, M. M. Beloti, A.L. Rosa, Effect of Porous Titanium Coating Thickness on In vitro Osteoblast Phenotype Expression, Journal of Osseointegration, 2011, 3 (1), 17-23.

F. L. S. Silva, J. C. Mota Jr., A. C. Canabarro, G. E. Crippa, M.M. Beloti, L. P. Lefebvre, E. Sampaio, A. L. Rosa, Caracterização topográfica tridimensional de titânio poroso. Periodontia (Fortaleza), 2011, v. 21, 65-69.

R.Wazen, L.P.Lefebvre, E.Baril, A.Nanci, Initial evaluation of bone ingrowth into a novel porous titanium coating, J.Biomedical Mat. Res.-Part B; 2010, 94 (1), 64-71.

M.D.M.Innocentini, L.P.Lefebvre, R.V.Meloni, E.Baril, Influence of Sample Thickness on the Experimental Pressure Drop Curves of Metallic Foams, J.Porous Materials, 2010, 17 (4) 491-499.

L.P.Lefebvre, E.Baril, M.N.Bureau, Effect of Oxygen Content on the Static and Cyclic Deformation of Titanium Foams, J.Mat.Sci.: Materials in Medicine, Volume 20, Number 11 / November, 2009, 2223-2233.

A.L.Rosa, G.E.Crippa, P.T.de Oliveira, M.Taba Junior, L.P.Lefebvre, M.M. Beloti, Human alveolar bone cell proliferation, expression of osteoblast phenotype, and matrix mineralization on porous titanium produced by powder metallurgy, Clinical Oral Implants Research 2009, 20 (5), 472-481.

L.P.Lefebvre, E.Baril, Effect of oxygen concentration and distribution on the compression properties on titanium foams (2008) Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (9), 868-876.

E.Baril, A.Mostafid, L.P.Lefebvre, M.Medraj, Experimental demonstration of entrance/exit effects on the permeability measurements of porous materials (2008) Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (9), 889-894.

L.P.Lefebvre, J.Banhart and D.C.Dunand, Porous Metals and Metallic Foams: Current Status and Recent Developments, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2008, 10 (9), 775-787.

E.Baril, L.P.Lefebvre, Y.Thomas F.Ilinca, Foam-coated MIM gives new edge to titanium implants, Metal Powder Report, 63 (8) 2008, Pages 46-50, 52, 54-55.

M. Medraj, E. Baril, V. Loya, and L. P. Lefebvre, “The effect of microstructure on the permeability of metallic foams”, J.Mat.Sci., Vol.42, 12, 2007, 4372-4383.

S.Cheung, M.Gauthier, L.P.Lefebvre, M.Dunbar, M. Filiaggi, “Fibroblastic Interactions with High-Porosity Ti-6Al-4V Metal Foam”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B, Applied Biomaterials, 82B, 2, 2007, 440-449.

C.Gelinas, J.Cros, L.P.Lefebvre,A.St-Louis, J.Y.Dube, R.Guo, “Use of Insulated Iron Powders in a Bicycle Permanent Electric Motor”, Fenmo Yejin Jishu/Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2007, 25 (2) 145-151.

L.P.Lefebvre, M.Gauthier, M.Patry, “Processing and Properties of Iron-Base Metallic Foams”, Int. J. Powder Metall., 2006, 42/3, 49-57.

L.P.Lefebvre, A.Blouin, S.M.Rochon, M.N.Bureau, “Elastic Response of Titanium Foams, During Compression Tests and Under Laser-Ultrasonic Probing”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2006, 8 (9), 841-846.

J.P. St-Pierre, M. Gauthier, L.P. Lefebvre, M. Tabrizian, “Three-dimensional growth of differentiating MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts on porous titanium scaffolds”, Biomaterials, 2005vol.26, no.35, pp. 7319-7328.

R. Menini, M.J. Dion, V. So, M. Gauthier, L.P. Lefebvre, “Surface and Corrosion Electrochemical Characterization of Titanium Foams for Implant Applications” J.Elect. Chem. Soc., 2006, 153, (1), , B13-B21.

M. Gauthier, L.P.Lefebvre, Y.Thomas, M.N.Bureau, “Production of Metallic Foams Having Open Porosity Using a Powder Metallurgy Approach”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol.19, no.5, 2004, 793-811.

D.Pilon, R.Panneton, F.Sgard, L.P. Lefebvre, “Influence of Micro-structural Properties on the Acoustic Performances of Novel Metallic Foams”, Canadian Acoustics, Sept. 2004, Vol. 32, No.3, 24.

L.P.Lefebvre, P.E. Mongeon, “Effect of Tool Coatings on the Ejection Characteristics of Iron Powder Compacts”, Powder Metallurgy, 46 (1), 2003, 43-46.

L.P.Lefebvre, Y. Thomas, B. White, “The effects of lubricants and compaction pressure on aluminum P/M parts: Processability and Properties”, Journal of Light Metals, 2, (2002) 239-246.

L.P.Lefebvre, G. Pleizier, Y. Deslandes, “Electrical Resistivity of Green Powder Compacts”, Powder Metallurgy, 44 (3), 2001, 259-266.

L.P. Lefebvre, Swainson I.P., Deslandes Y., Pleizier G., Chartrand P., “Microstructure and Properties of Heat Treated Iron Powder Compacts Intended for AC Magnetic Applications”.  Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 17, (1), Jan 2001, 45-53. 

S. Clénet, J. Cross, F. Piriou, P. Viarouge, L.P. Lefebvre,Determination of Losses Local Distribution for Transformer Optimal Designing”, COMPEL-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electronic Eng., 2001, 20 (1), 187-204.

L.P.Lefebvre, G.L’Espérance et M.Suéry, “Particles Degradation During Remelting of Al-1%Mg Alloy Reinforced with SiCp Coated with TiO2 Produced by Sol-Gel”, Journal of Materials Science, 32 (1997) 3987-3994.

L.P.Lefebvre, S.Pelletier et C.Gélinas, “Effect of Electrical Resistivity on Core Losses in Soft Magnetic Iron Powder Materials”, J.Magnetism and Magnetic Mat., 176, (1997), L93-L96.

L.P.Lefebvre, A.Dawson, S.Pelletier, Y.Deslandes, G.Pleizier, “Study of the Mechanisms Responsible for the Bonding of Iron Powder during Heat Treatment at Low Temperature”, Int.J.Powder Met., Oct. 1998, 34, (7), 51-58.

L.P. Lefebvre and Y. Thomas, “Lubricating Aluminum Powder with Polyethylene for Press and Sinter PM Applications”, Int.J.Powder Met., 35/05, July/August, 1999, 45-53.

L.P. Lefebvre, H.M. Hénuset, Y. Deslandes and G.Pleizier, “Improving Iron Green Strength using Powder Surface Modification”, Powder Metallurgy, Vol.42, No.4, 1999, 325-330.

Louis-Philippe Lefebvre

Louis-Philippe Lefebvre

Agent(e) recherches principal(e)
Automobile et Transports de surface
75, boulevard de Mortagne
Boucherville, Quebec J4B 6Y4
Langue préférée : français
Téléphone : 450-641-5031


Matériaux, Technologie des matériaux, Métallurgie des poudres