Students thrived in nanotechnology

- Edmonton, Alberta

The NRC’s Nanotechnology Research Centre opened its doors to a record number of students from different universities and high schools this past summer. The students, ranging from high school to undergraduate, contributed their ideas by working on leading-edge research projects.

For example, Michael Elgie, a co-op student from the University of Alberta, represented his team lead, Sergey Gusarov, at the 7th Annual OpenMolcas Developers' Workshop held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There, he presented his summer work on a Multiscale Modelling Framework: Coupling Molecular Theory of Solvation with Quantum Chemical Methods.

During their last week at the NRC, the young researchers presented their work at the 2019 Nanotechnology Research Centre student project symposium. Aidan Maxwell, winner of the symposium, highlighted his work on the Production of Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor. Runner-up, Yasas Witharana, presented his Creep-Free Piezo Motion, and Daniel To spoke about his project on Phase-Locked Loop Analysis and Optical Characterization of Nano-Optomechanical Systems.

In addition, the Biomedical Nanotechnologies team welcomed 3 high school students through the University of Alberta's Heritage Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) Program, a 6-week program for high school students across Alberta.

Congratulations to all the students on their presentations and thank you for such a successful term at the NRC in Edmonton!

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