Free online training materials to help users apply the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2017 are now available in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Store. Natural Resources Canada, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and CSA Group have worked together to develop training courses and videos targeted to contractors, designers and building officials. Improving the construction community's ability to effectively implement the NECB 2017 will help to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Canada.
Online courses
The NECB 2017 training courses are self-paced and interactive. The course on Navigating and Applying the Code provides a general overview for all users. The Contractor and Designer courses offer a more detailed explanation of selected technical requirements and the prescriptive, trade-off and performance compliance paths.
- NECB 2017 Training – Navigating and Applying the Code (20 minutes)
- NECB 2017 Training – Contractor (4 hours)
- NECB 2017 Training – Designer (4 hours)
The training videos explain the full and abridged compliance checklists for the NECB 2015/2017, which users can obtain from their local authority having jurisdiction (i.e., municipality). While the full checklist can be used for any project, the abridged checklist can only be used for projects following the prescriptive compliance path. The Designer Perspective videos explain how to complete the checklists. The Enforcement Perspective videos, which are targeted to building officials, explain how to review the checklists.
- NECB 2015/2017 – Full Compliance Checklist: Designer Perspective (12 minutes)
- NECB 2015/2017 – Abridged Compliance Checklist: Designer Perspective (7 minutes)
- NECB 2015/2017 – Full Compliance Checklist: Enforcement Perspective (12 minutes)
- NECB 2015/2017 – Abridged Compliance Checklist: Enforcement Perspective (7 minutes)
NECB 2017
These training materials complement the NECB 2017, which is available in print and free electronic formats in the NRC Virtual Store.
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