
The NRC encourages and engages in multiple forms of collaboration. Our collaborative research projects span a very broad spectrum of activities and industries.

This page lists all NRC research centre programs, as well as select projects. Learn more about the NRC's funded collaborative R&D programs and initiatives, including Ideation, Challenge, and Cluster Support programs. Grant and contribution (G&C) funding is available to eligible collaborators to advance specific objectives of the initiatives and programs.

Research Centre: Digital Technologies
Topic: Cold Region Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Topic: Cold Region Engineering, Marine
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
The NRC is working with partners to analyze the escape, evacuation and rescue requirements of the Polar Code to determine their effectiveness in increasing safety for ships operating in Arctic waters.
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Marine
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Marine
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
The NRC is developing new tools and techniques using machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence (AI), to improve ice forecasting and make shipping safer in Northern waters.
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Marine
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Transportation
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
The NRC is working with partner agencies to address ice road effectiveness and safety in Northern communities.
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Road
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Topic: Arctic & Northern, Marine
Research Centre: Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Topic: Marine