Vaccines and emerging infections research initiative – readiness innovation

As a key contributor to disease prevention and treatment, vaccines offer low-cost and low-risk options that increase quality of life and reduce health care costs.

The NRC's Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre develops disruptive technologies for the design and formulation of innovative viral and bacterial vaccines against emerging infections (EI). We also work to expand expertise and build efforts to combat anti-microbial resistance (AMR).

This includes, for example:

  • development of clinically relevant animal models of AMR and EI to support partners in industry (Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises, multi-national enterprises), academia and government
  • initiation of research on innovative technologies to provide potential future alternatives to antimicrobials
  • maturation and deployment of NRC adjuvant platforms on a collaborative basis with industry clients for the advancement of sub-unit vaccines
  • preparation and readiness for the development and evaluation of viral vaccines

Contact us

If you're interested in vaccine development, capacity-building to combat anti-microbial resistance, or connecting with our experts, please contact:

Wangxue Chen
Telephone: 613-991-0924

Targeted industries

Biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, vaccines, anti-microbial resistance, contract research organizations.