Ocean program - Information and resources

A boat on the water

There are many interesting and relevant ocean-related resources available online. The NRC has expertise in a variety of ocean-related research fields of study.

As the Ocean program develops and expands, we expect to broaden that expertise, however we cannot do it alone. We have a shared dependency on the ocean, and therefore a shared responsibility to protect and improve the health of our oceans.

Below is a list of online resources that support our goals related to technology development to advance Canada's blue economy.

This page will be updated as more resources become available.

National Research Council of Canada

Government of Canada



Collaborative projects

Contact us

If you are interested in collaborating with us, in making investments in this area, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Thomas Puestow
Program Director, Ocean program (acting)
Telephone: 613-299-3257
Email: OceanProgram-ProgrammeOceans@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca