Experts by experience Q&As

If you're thinking of joining the program as an expert by experience or know someone who might be interested, here's some information about the program and what it involves.

Who is considered an expert by experience?

  • Adults aged 65 and older
  • Individuals who care for or support an adult over 65

What does an expert by experience do?

There are 3 ways experts by experience can be involved in the Aging in Place Challenge program:

  • Advisory panel member: sits on a panel that meets twice a year to advise on program direction and priorities (10 to 15 members)
  • Project advisor: meets with a research team twice a year to provide a lived experience perspective (1 advisor per project)
  • Community member: receives updates about the program and, if interested, may receive invitations to participate in research (open membership)

Why get involved in the program?

Your involvement will allow NRC researchers to hear your perspectives as an older adult or caregiver of an older adult through your lived experience. This, in turn, will help ensure the relevance of the work they do to improve aging in place in Canada. This important feedback will contribute greatly to helping more Canadians remain in their homes longer as they age.

As an expert by experience, your involvement could:

  • better align research with needs in the community
  • help researchers develop and refine prototypes through early user testing and feedback
  • identify any barriers to adoption early on
  • strengthen partnerships between researchers and individuals with lived experience

When is the best time to get involved in the program?

There are no specific times of the year when we recruit experts by experience, so you can get involved at any time.

How do I get involved in the program?

Simply complete the short intake form to provide us with information about yourself and how you'd like to be involved.

Will I receive compensation for being involved in the program?

Yes, you will be compensated through the NRC's grant and contribution funding.

Current amounts

  • Meeting or activity of 4 hours or less: hourly rate of $25
  • Meeting or activity longer than 4 hours: daily rate of $150

If you'd like more information or have any questions, email