Artificial Intelligence for Logistics program

scale ai is a technology cluster headquartered in Montréal that aims to enable logistics and supply chain excellence in Canada through the adoption and use of artificial intelligence (AI) powered tools.

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is committed to supporting the scale ai cluster's goals through its Artificial Intelligence for Logistics program, which includes convener support in supply chain and logistics. The program also provides R&D expertise focused on next-generation technology issues to ensure Canadian excellence in logistics for the longer term. Using its national reach, the NRC program is creating linkages between stakeholders, and enabling the advancement of the technologies and firms that will make supply chain and logistics excellence a competitive advantage for Canada.

Focus areas and projects

The AI for Logistics program focusses on 4 R&D themes designed to support scale ai's technology development goals.

Theme 1: Transportation and warehousing


Theme 2: Condition of infrastructure and goods


  • Towards smart and sustainable pavement structures in Canada
  • Enhancing freight transportation using self-monitoring smart roads
  • AI for rail infrastructure thermal stress condition assessment
  • Health monitoring system for condition-based maintenance applied to rail/transit infrastructure and bogie
  • AI-enabled tools to reduce risks to first responders in responding to freight-transportation fire incidents
  • Development of self-learning algorithms for monitoring and assessing integrity of goods in Internet of Things-based urban logistics
  • Beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) inspection of critical logistics infra- and superstructures using coordinated multiple uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS)

Theme 3: Cybersecurity for logistics


  • Secure and resilient fog computing framework for intelligent transportation systems
  • Security of data provenance and machine learning for the Internet of Things
  • Internet of Things device profiling in smart transportation pathways
  • GPS jammer risk management

Theme 4: Canadian logistics AI‑powered modelling

This later-stage theme will support multi-modal, multi-provincial / territorial logistics improvement activities.

NRC program convenor theme

This theme supports ecosystem development and responsible data activities, especially in the area of logistics.  Program activities in this area will be centred on events and outreach, primarily involving linkage enablement and responsible data initiatives.


The program organizes events that bring together stakeholders from industry, government and academia to discuss themes that impact intelligent logistics research.

  • May 17-18, 2023: Artificial Intelligence for Logistics program conference
  • Fall and Winter 2021: Responsible Data Speaker Series
  • February and March 2021: NRC forum on responsible data – Online
  • April 22, 2020: COVID-19 Logistics Impacts - Online
  • February 18, 2020: NRC AI for Logistics Workshop, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • June 11, 2019: NRC Intelligent Logistics Workshop, Ottawa, Canada
  • Other informal sessions may also be possible

Please contact us if you would like to join or host a session.


The program's first engagement activities have been completed and an initial group of projects led by the NRC and its collaborators are underway. There will be ongoing future opportunities for Canadian and international universities, colleges, centres of excellence, not-for-profit organizations, governmental research organizations and highly innovative firms with an interest in applying AI to logistics to get involved with NRC researchers.

The program is currently interested in working with community and industry associations to build R&D collaborations on shared persistent supply chain challenges. NRC-Mitacs funding is available for up to 75% of salary costs for graduate and postdoctoral interns hosted by qualifying associations.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, in making investments in this area, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Contact us

Margaret McKay, Program Leader, Artificial Intelligence for Logistics program
Telephone: 613-991-6853

Industry sectors

Logistics, transportation, warehousing, shipping, rail, trucking, aerospace, manufacturing, retail, civil infrastructure, information technology.