The Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre - Transcript
[Music starts]
Photonic components are the backbone that powers AI, High performance computing, 3D sensing, Terrabit networks.
Welcome to the Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre.
We began as a prototyping R&D facility.
We've evolved.
We're the only indium phosphide photonics and compound semiconductor foundry in North America.
Our production capabilities are critical to the global semiconductor supply chain.
We've delivered some of the highest performing lasers and integrated photonics circuits the world has ever seen.
We can help bring your next photonics device to market.
The CPFC enables cutting-edge technologies that are essential in today's markets.
We offer:
In-Situ monitoring capability for base EPI and multi-growth processes, multiple options for gratings formation, etched facets, and optical coatings; and calibrated material systems for integration of active and passive devices.
Simply put, we can commercially yield devices that others can't.
We've developed BHET, DFB and quantum dot lasers, optical amplifiers and gain chips.
We've produced modulators and photonic integrated circuits.
Come find out what we can do for you. Full end-to-end device development, partial processing, or custom epitaxial growth.
Explore design and process interactions to optimize performance and manufacturability.
Come work with us. We can: condense your cycles of learning, lower your risk, and shorten your timeline to market.
We've commercialized over 100 million devices to date.
And we are adding to our facility a new clean-room space to our facility as well as additional epitaxial growth reactors, processing tools and automated wafer testing.
The Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre. Light your future.
[Music ends]
[On-screen graphic] Official signature, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
[On-screen graphic] Government of Canada wordmark