The Semi-Quantitative Seismic Screening Tool (SQST) calculates structural and non-structural component scores to assess the seismic risk of existing buildings. This calculation is done in accordance with the Level 2 – Semi-Quantitative Seismic Risk Screening Tool (SQST), developed for Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). A copy of the Level 2 – SQST can be found in the NRC digital repository.
The Level 2 - SQST has been developed by the National Research Council of Canada. It is intended for use as a screening tool for assessing seismic risk in existing government buildings to determine whether further seismic risk assessments (Level 3 – Seismic Evaluation Guidelines (SEG) are required, and to prioritize any such further seismic risk assessments.
The licence agreement must be read and accepted before being able to use the SQST application.