Account management

Registration tips

The following information is to guide you to correctly enter information on our Registration page.

The NRC values your privacy and your personal information is protected under the Government of Canada's Privacy Act. Read the NRC's Privacy Policy.


These tips will also be useful to you if you are changing the delivery address for a particular order. Please note that required fields must be completed.

First and last name

Please enter your first and last name in the two separate fields. Example: First name: John, Last name: Smith


Please enter the name of the company for which you are ordering (if applicable).

Audience group

Please enter the appropriate audience to which you (or your company) belong.

Street number

Please enter the number of your address. Example: If your address is 1200 Montreal Road, then enter the number 1200.

Street name

Please enter the name of your street (including street type). Example: If your address is 1200 Montreal Road then enter Montreal Road. If your address is a Rural Route ( RR ), Suburban Service (S S ), Mobile Route ( MR ) or General Delivery ( GD ): In the Street name field enter the applicable abbreviation and the number. Example: Rural Route 4 would be entered as RR 4.


If your mailing address contains: unit, suite, apartment enter the number in the Unit/Suite/Apartment field. Example: If your address is 1200 Montreal Road, Suite 2500 then enter the number 2500 in the Unit/Suite/Apartment field. If your mailing address contains a floor enter the number in the Floor field. Example: If your address is 1200 Montreal Road, 4th Floor enter 4th in the Floor field.


Please enter your city. Example: Ottawa


Please select your country from the Country pull down list. Once your country is selected, the corresponding list of provinces/states/regions will display.

Postal/Zip Code

Please enter your postal or zip code. Example: K1A 0R6

Telephone number

Please enter your full telephone number, including area code. Example: 613-555-1212


Please enter your full fax number, including area code. Example: 613-555-1212

E-mail address

Please enter your e-mail address. You will use this e-mail address to login to your NRC Virtual Store account.


Choose a password (8 - 12 characters). Always store your password in a safe place. Read the password tips for more help on choosing a password.

Confirm password

In this field, re-type the password you entered above.

Note for changing delivery address:

When you decide to change the delivery address for a particular order (your order will be shipped to a different mailing address than the one saved in your account profile.

Password tips

Here are some hints to remember when creating your password:

  1. Your password must contain at least 1 lowercase character (a - z).
  2. Your password must contain at least 1 digit (0 - 9).
  3. Your password must contain at least 1 special character (non-alpha) (e.g., @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, !).
  4. Your password must be between 8 and 12 characters long.
  5. The first character in your password cannot be ! or ?.
  6. The first three characters of your password cannot be identical.

Managing your account

Registering with the NRC Virtual Store enables you to enter some personal details in an account profile so you do not have to re-enter the information every time you place an order.

Once you have logged in to the NRC Virtual Store you can manage your account by selecting the My Account link from the menu bar at the top of the screen.


Information about My account link

If you select the My Account link before you login to the NRC Virtual Store, you will be prompted to login. Once you are logged in, go to My Account.

Order history

If you would like to review an order you have placed, select the My Account link. Then select the My Orders button.

Here you will be able to review the details of your order directly online. By clicking on the order number link, you will be able to view the status of your order:

Open orders: the order has not yet been processed. The status will show "Open", and there will be a quantity listed in the "Remaining quantity". It takes approximately 24 hours for an order to be processed (if we have the item in stock). If no stock is available for a particular item, then the status will remain open until we receive more stock and ship your order.

Personal data

Here you can review and update your address and telephone number if required. Once you have made the required updates to your personal information, select the "SAVE" button.


If the item you ordered is out of stock, your credit card will only be charged as items are shipped to you.

Shipped: the order has left our warehouse. Once we have shipped your order, it can take up to six weeks before your shipment reaches you, depending on the delivery method you selected. The status will show "Completed", with a "Remaining quantity" of zero. Your tracking number will be indicated by a number beginning with "800". The shipping date will also be shown along with the quantity shipped.

Change password

Your old password is required before proceeding to change your password. Enter a new password (8 - 12 characters) and confirm the password you entered. Read the Password tips for more help on choosing a password.

When you are finished changing your password information, click on the "SAVE" button to save your new password. Always store your password in a safe place.