Epitaxial and thin film growth laboratory

Our epitaxial and thin film growth laboratory offers growth, test and characterization services that complement our core fabrication services. Our team of experts has experience in analysis and testing of discrete devices and optical integrated circuits on both components and high-speed network systems

The epitaxy laboratory operates 7 ultra-high vacuum III-V semiconductor growth systems. These are used for the development and production of gallium nitride (GaN), gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium phosphide (InP), and gallium antimonide (GaSb) based electronic and optical devices. We study a wide range of active and passive device structures including lasers, detectors, high-electron-mobility transistors, and quantum optical emitters. Our experts have experience in modelling, growth, analysis, and testing of these materials and structures

The thin film growth laboratory builds on a vast and long experience in the field of optical coatings, marked with milestones research on new applications, design methods, automated fabrication, and innovative characterization of optical films and coatings. We design and fabricate filters to control the transmittal, reflection, absorption and phase properties of light. Applications range from semiconductor waveguide devices and facet coatings, to coatings for displays or larger telescope optics, using a variety of materials comprising metal, semiconductor, and dielectrics. Our experts can provide design and modelling services (including coating for waveguides and robustness studies), fabrication and characterization of optical coatings.

Our capabilities

  • V80 molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for the growth of GaAs-based materials
  • V90 MBE for the growth of GaAs and GaSb-based materials
  • Riber 32P CBE system for the growth of InP-based materials
  • Custom Ulvac-PHI/Hitachi CBE system for the growth and in-situ monitoring of abstract InP-based quantum-dot materials
  • SVT MBE system for the growth of GaN-based materials
  • Thomas Swan metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) for growth of InP-based materials
  • Aixtron multi-wafer MOCVD for growth of InP-based materials
Thin film deposition
  • Automated deposition system (ADS) magnetron sputtering with in-situ optical thickness monitoring for automated fabrication of complex multilayer optical coatings
  • Veeco spector dual-ion-beam sputtering (DIBS) deposition system with in-situ optical thickness monitoring for automated fabrication of complex multilayer optical coatings
  • Shincron TSN1300 large ion-assisted evaporation system (comprising 2 e-beam and 1 thermal sources) with in-situ quartz-crystal and optical thickness monitors, for automated fabrication of complex multilayer optical coatings
Thin film material characterization
  • Spectroscopic ellipsometry in the visible and near-infrared from 300nm to 2300nm (J.A. Woollam VASE and extended-NIR VASE instruments), with low-temperature (4K to 473K, Janis cryostat) and high-temperature (up to 700°C) accessories
  • Spectroscopic ellipsometry in the mid-IR from 2um to 40um (J.A. Woollam IR-VASE), with low-temperature (4K to 473K, Janis cryostat) accessory
  • Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer from 180nm to 3200nm for transmittance, reflectance at multiple angles of incidence, equipped with polarizers, reflectance, integrating sphere accessories
  • Agilent Cary 7000 spectrophotometer from 180nm to 3200nm for transmittance and reflectance at multiple angles of incidence (UMA accessories), equipped with polarizers, reflectance, integrating sphere, large samples surface mapping accessories
  • Perkin Elmer PE983 IR spectrophotometer from 2um to 40um for transmittance and reflectance measurements
  • Environment test chamber (temperature from -65°C to 177°C, humidity from 20%RH to 95%RH, automated control)

Why work with us

The NRC has the largest concentration of expertise and facilities in photonic devices, photonics materials, and semiconductor device fabrication in Canada. Our researchers are internationally recognized leaders in their fields of expertise, which include silicon photonics, high-performance laser design, and material science.

We are the only organization in Canada with a proven ability to support partners in bringing new photonic products from the concept stage, through materials and design development, to early commercialization.

By working with us and making use of our superior technology and technical support, you gain a distinct competitive advantage in the global communications sector.