Material for Clean Fuels Challenge program - Video

The Materials for Clean Fuels Challenge program aims to develop transformative technologies to sustainably transition Canada's energy and chemical industries to a low-carbon economy.

Materials for Clean Fuels Challenge program - Transcript

[On screen: Minister Bains]

The National Research Council of Canada is the Government of Canada's largest science and research organization.

Through their Challenge Programs, the NRC is partnering with private and public sector organizations to advance Canadian research that will lead to major scientific breakthroughs, and take on our biggest modern challenges.

[Off and on screen: Phil De Luna, Program Director]

We need new clean energy technology to meet Canada's greenhouse gas reduction targets. Our program on materials for clean fuels will take clean electricity, water and carbon dioxide and make renewable fuels and chemical feedstocks.

Termed artificial photosynthesis, this technology is inspired by nature, but engineered to be at least an order of magnitude faster than growing a tree.

[Off screen: Phil De Luna, Program Director]

Drawing on our strengths in clean energy innovations, the National Research Council of Canada is convening a collaborative research effort to develop electric, chemical and material technologies that underpin CO2 conversion and industrial hydrogen production.

[On screen: Phil De Luna, Program Director]

Our goal is to develop affordable and cost competitive alternatives for clean and sustainable sources of energy in Canada.

[On screen: Iain Stewart, NRC President]

Challenge programs are all about advanced research applied to Canadian priorities, with excellent partners.

[On screen: official signature, National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada]

[On screen: Government of Canada wordmark]

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