ARCHIVED - Transition Binder for the NRC President, December 2020

Archived - This content has been developed for the transition binder for the NRC President, December 2020

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Mandate letter: Minister Navdeep Bains
    2. Biography: (then) Minister Navdeep Bains (no longer available, retired from politics February 2021)
    3. Mandate letter: NRC President
  2. NRC onboarding deck
  3. Responding to Canada's needs from COVID‑19 to Climate Change - Annual Report 2019‑2020
  4. NRC organizational structure
  5. Governance
  8. Financial overview
    1. [REDACTED]
    2. [REDACTED]
    3. [REDACTED]
    4. [REDACTED]
    5. Consolidated financial statement – March 31, 2020
  9. NRC and NRC IRAP factsheets
  10. NRC response to COVID-19
  11. Brochure: National Research Council of Canada
  12. NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program overview
  13. NRC international strategy overview
  14. NRC values and ethics overview
  15. Departmental Results Framework snapshot
  16. Canadian public sector stakeholders list
  17. External committees list
  18. Media snapshots
    1. NRC Monthly Media Report: September 2020
    2. NRC Monthly Media Report: October 2020
    3. NRC Monthly Media Report: November 2020
  19. NRC 2020–2021 Departmental Plan
  20. NRC 2019–2020 Departmental Results Report
  21. NRC Act
  22. [REDACTED]