ARCHIVED - Briefing Note

Archived - This content has been developed for the transition binder for the NRC Acting President, September 2020

Information Table 1
Security classification: PROTECTED A
Attachment security classification: PROTECTED A
Contact: Marcel Turcot / A/Director General / Policy, Strategy & Performance Branch / 613‑668‑5255
Sponsoring Vice‑President: Serge Bijimine / Secretary General / 613‑618‑9341
Action required: For information
Information Table 2
Date prepared: 16 September 2020
Meeting date: September 28, 2020
Subject: Revising 2020‑21 CBI Operational Plans priorities
Purpose: For Senior Executive Committee (SEC) information:
  • Revised CBI Operational Plan priorities and division priorities for 2020‑21 to 2021‑22
Background: Prior to the COVID‑19 pandemic, 2020‑21 Operational Plans and Budgets were approved by SEC in Feb/March 2020.  COVID has impacted business across the NRC in a variety of ways throughout the different phases of the pandemic.  This has included reduced capacity to perform research and technical services for clients due to limed access to research facilities and reduced staff capacity due to code 0699 usage.  Additionally, a number of CBIs have had to shift their priorities to COVID related activities (e.g. Royalmount design, Pandemic Response Challenge Program, or IRAP‑ISC Challenge Program). To gain a better understanding of these impacts on NRC operations, CBIs were asked by SEC to revise their Operational Plan priorities for 2020‑21 with a focus on addressing the needs of core clients, and identify emerging priorities for 2021‑22. The revisions will assist in reflecting CBI's refocused priorities and accountabilities for 2020‑21 to 2021‑22.
Key considerations: Each CBI has documented revisions to their operational plan priorities through a process approved at SEC in May 2020. CBIs prepared slides that focused on the impacts of the new working environment as a result of COVID‑19. The slides also addressed key areas of concern related to core clients, priorities and operational needs required for the remainder of this fiscal year and into 2021‑22.

Each division has also completed a rollup of the revised CBI operational plans. These rollups focused on a high level impact analysis of COVID‑19 and addressed the key areas of concern at the division level.

To begin the SEC discussion, the Director General of PSP will provide an upfront high level analysis of the NRC's current revised operations, which have been identified through the CBIs & VP roll‑up decks. The highlights will facilitate discussion and identify the current impact of COVID‑19 on operations from a whole of the NRC perspective. The Director General of PSP will also highlight topics common to many or all divisions, including resourcing, so that VPs can focus their remarks on issues unique to their Division and CBIs.

Recommendations: VPs have reviewed and approved CBI revisions, SEC will have discussion on COVID impacts and response strategies employed by Divisions.
Plan for communication of decisions: In order to close the loop on the revised planning process, VPOs to communicate feedback to DGs/ DGRs on their plans. PSP will also communicate an update via the NRC community of planners.