Alternate format: 2018 to 2019 Fees Report (PDF, 548 KB)
Table of contents
Ministers' message
On behalf of the National Research Council of Canada, I am pleased to present our report on fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019, my organization's second annual report under the Service Fees Act.
The act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through better reporting to Parliament, improves transparency and oversight.
Last year, a detailed listing of individual fees under the department's authority, along with anticipated increases, was added to the reporting requirements.
This year's report provides more detail on each fee, such as the type and rate of adjustment, the service standard and the performance result. This information provides additional context on each fee, in the spirit of open and transparent fee management.
I welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act's reporting regime embodies, and I am fully committed to transitioning my department to this modern framework.
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act and section 4.2.8 of the Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that the National Research Council of Canada had the authority to charge in the 2018 to 2019 fiscal year.
This report contains information about all fees that are under the National Research Council of Canada's authority, even if some or all of the fees are collected by another department.
The information reported includes fees that:
- fall under the Service Fees Act
- are exempt from the Service Fees Act
The information covers fees set by:
- contract
- market-base, auction or both
- act, regulation or fees notice
For fees set by the following mechanisms, the report provides totals only:
- contract
- market-base, auction or both
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, the report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each individual fee.
Although the fees charged by the National Research Council of Canada under the Access to Information Act are subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on the National Research Council of Canada's access to information fees for fiscal year 2018 to 2019 can be found in our access to information report, which is posted on the NRC's website.
A remission is a partial or full return of a fee to a fee payer who paid for a service for which a department deemed that the service standard was not met.
Under the Service Fees Act, departments must develop policies for determining whether a service standard has been met and for determining how much of a fee will be remitted to a fee payer. This requirement does not take effect until April 1, 2020. This report therefore includes only those remissions issued under the National Research Council of Canada's enabling legislation. It does not include remissions issued under the Service Fees Act.
Overall totals, by fee type
The following table presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the National Research Council of Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019, by fee type.
Fee type | Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by contract | 170,556,696 | 155,309,560 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by contract. |
Fees set by market base, auction or both | 7,289,659 | 4,389,900 | Remissions do not apply to fees set by market base, auction or both. |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 5,188,933 | 6,125,206 | 0 |
Total | 183,035,288 | 165,824,666 | 0 |
Totals for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, by fee grouping
The following tables present, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the National Research Council of Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 that are set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
A fee grouping is a grouping of all of the fees that a department has the authority to charge for activities relating to a single business line, directorate or program.
The National Research Council of Canada has two groupings of fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, which are represented in the tables below. Certified reference materials include a comprehensive range of high-quality, reliable material for comparative analysis in industrial and academic research. Conversely, Codes Canada products are composed of the model building, plumbing, fire and energy codes. As of April 1, 2019, a major change to the Codes Canada products was introduced which consists of providing the product free electronically and at a rate intended to cover only costs on physical copies of the product.
Fee grouping | Certified Reference Materials | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
2,061,418 | 719,606 | 0 |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada | |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
3,127,515 | 5,405,600 | 0 |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee that the National Research Council of Canada had the authority to charge in fiscal year 2018 to 2019 and that was set by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
Fee category | Certified Reference Materials |
Fee | Biotoxin Certified Reference Materials (41) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1988 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 80 to 1,175 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,421,158 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Certified Reference Materials |
Fee | Inorganic Certified Reference Materials (40) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1980 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 85 to 2,000 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 610,405 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Certified Reference Materials |
Fee | Organic Certifed Reference Materials (15) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1980 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 105 to 720 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 18,015 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Certified Reference Materials |
Fee | Nanomaterials Certified Reference Materials (4) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 2016 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 260 to 1,080 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 11,840 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | National Building Code of Canada (38) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 20 to 350 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,059,356 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | National Fire Code of Canada (25) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 14 to 225 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 147,389 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | National Plumbing Code of Canada (21) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 12 to 195 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 469,692 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (18) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 25 to 260 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 141,479 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | Historical Editions of Codes Canada (5) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 34 to 450 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 22,346 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | Provincial Codes (50) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 15 to 690 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 1,089,938 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
Fee grouping | Codes Canada |
Fee | Supplementary Documents (40) |
Fee-setting authority | National Research Council Act 5(1), 5 (2) |
Year introduced | 1941 |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | Not Applicable |
Fee type | Product |
Fee amount ($) | 10 to 435 |
Total fee revenue ($) | 207,500 |
Adjustment type | Exempt |
Adjustment rate (% or formula) | Exempt |
2020 to 2021 fee amount ($) | Fees are published on NRC's Virtual Store |
Future fee-adjusted amount ($) | Not Applicable |
Adjustment date | Not Applicable |
Fee-adjustment authority | Not Applicable |
Service standard | Not Applicable |
Performance result | Not Applicable |
- Service Fees Act,
- National Research Council website,
- User Fees Act,
- Access To Information Act,
- National Research Council Act,
- NRC's Virtual Store,