Tim Hardy

Roles and responsibilities

Imaging Detector Specialist

Electronics Team Lead

Current research and/or projects

Current research is in optical and near infrared imaging detector systems for astronomy.

Research and/or project statements

  • Development of readout electronics for infrared avalanche photodiode arrays
  • Characterization of infrared imaging sensors
  • Electronics for precision motion control


M.A.Sc. in Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University (1997)

B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University (1994)

Key publications

T. Hardy, E. Zhao, G. Burley, “High-speed array controller (HIAC) for multi-channel imaging detectors,” Proc. SPIE 12191,12191-69 (2022).

T. Hardy, E. Zhao, G. Burley, “Instrument development with infrared APD arrays,” Proc. SPIE 11454, 1145437 (2020).

T. Hardy, “Infrared APD characterization at NRC,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 9915 (2016).

T. Hardy, C. Willott, J. Pazder, “Intra-pixel response of the new JWST infrared detector arrays,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 9154 (2014).

T. Hardy, K. Hanna, K. Szeto, G. Burley, ”Deep-depletion Hamamatsu CCDs for the Gemini multi-object spectrograph,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 8453 (2012).

T. Hardy, M.J. Deen, and R. Murowinski “Effects of radiation damage on scientific charge coupled devices,” Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol. 106, P. Hawkes, Editor, Academic Press, pp 1-96 (1999).

T. Hardy, R. Murowinski and M.J. Deen, “Low frequency noise in proton damaged LDD MOSFETs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 46, pp 1339-1346 (1999).

T. Hardy, R. Murowinski and M.J. Deen, "Charge transfer efficiency in proton damaged CCDs," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 45, pp 154-163 (1998).

Tim Hardy

Research Officer
Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
5071 West Saanich Road
Victoria, British Columbia V9E 2E7
Preferred language: English
Telephone: 250-363-0051


Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Microelectronics