Marina Gertsvolf

Roles and responsibilities

Senior Research Officer and Team Leader, Frequency and Time (F&T) group, NRC.

Current research and/or projects

F&T Group at NRC is responsible for realising the second, an SI unit of time, and for maintaining and disseminating the official time for Canada, UTC(NRC).


Ph. D., Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2009

M. Sc., Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1997

B. Sc., Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1994

Professional activities/interests

Systema Interamericano de Metrologia (SIM):

  • Deputy Technical Committee Chair
  • member of the Working Group (WG) on Time and Frequency. 2018-2020 Vice Chair

Consultative Committee on Time and Frequency (CCTF):

  • Chair of the WG on International Atomic Time
  • Co-Chair of the Task Force on the Redefinition of the SI Second sub-group A, Impact on Stakeholders and Liaisons
  • Co-Chair of the Sub-Group on Education
  • member of WGs on Mutual recognition Agreement, on GNSS, on Advanced Frequency and Time transfer

Union of Radio-Scientists International (URSI)

  • Commission A (Electromagnetic Metrology) representative for Canadian National Committee

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  • Canadian delegate at the International Telecommunication Union Study Group 7 (ITU-R SG7)

Fellow of NRC-uOttawa JCEP collaboration centre

member of IEEE UFFC-S Frequency Control Standing committee


Adjunct Professor - University of Ottawa, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics


The NRC Outstanding Achievement Award for Research and Technology Breakthrough 2021

Marina Gertsvolf

Marina Gertsvolf

Senior Research Officer
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Preferred language: English
Telephone: 343-990-8634


Sciences, Metrology, Time and Frequency