Louis Poirier

Roles and responsibilities

I am a Researcher with the Coastal Engineering Team within the Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering Research Centre.

Current research and/or projects

Performance of catch basin grates and inlets

Performance of floating breakwaters



PhD Physics Univeristy of Calgary 2011

MSc Physics University of Calgary 2006

BSc Spécialisation en Physique Université de Moncton 2003

Professional activities/interests

Professional Physicist (P.Phys.) 2010-present

Member of the Diversity Consultation Committee at the NRC, 2014-2017


Canadian Association of Physicists, 2004-present


Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers, 2016

Previous work experience

Sessional Professor, University of Ottawa, Department of Physics, 2012

Teaching Assistant, Univeristy of Calgary, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2003-2010

Louis Poirier

Louis Poirier

Associate Research Officer
Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Preferred language: English
Other(s): French
Telephone: 343-990-8580

Follow me


Sciences, Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Cold Region Engineering, Physical sciences, Physics, Scientific research