Jasper Arthur

Roles and responsibilities

Research Officer with Automotive and Surface Transportation's Brookside Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility. Specializing in robotic manufacturing, including process optimization, additive manufacturing, machine vision and adaptive programming.

Current research and/or projects

  • Robotic 3D printing
  • Robotic Machining Optimization


  • M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, 2021
  • B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, 2019

Professional activities/interests

  • Interdepartmental collaboration
  • Student outreach and engagement

Key publications

Pose optimization and path improvement in robotic drilling through minimization of joint reversals (Advanced Robotics, 2022)

Jasper Arthur

Jasper Arthur

Assistant Research Officer
Automotive and Surface Transportation
2690 Red Fife Road
Centreport, Manitoba R4B 0A6
Preferred language: English
Other(s): French
Telephone: 431-374-4945


Neural Network, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Optimization, Computer Vision, Automation, Materials, Polymers, Robotics, Technology, Simulation & Numerical Modelling, Aviation, Transportation