Francois Girard

Roles and responsibilities

Research Council Officer, Programs Advisor,  Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies

I provide strategic and technical support to NRC and its research programs that include a hydrogen component in them.

I represent NRC and Canada on various national and international committees. Manage relationships with relevant stakeholders to NRC's strategy on hydrogen technologies.

Act as main point of contact for NRC on hydrogen technologies, including being the interface with other government departments in support to Canada's hydrogen strategy.

Current research and/or projects

Quality Control for fuel cells and electrolyzers components, development of international collaborations on specifications definition and measurement in suppor tof industrialization of those technologies.

Data Analytics for Hydrogen Fuelling Stations to aneable commersial retail sales of this new fuel, developing station management tools and supporting specifciation definition for stations' subsystems for reliability.


Ph.D. Energy at Institut national de la recherche scientifique - Énergie et Matériaux, 1996

M.Sc. Chimie at Université du Québec à Montréal, 1992

Professional activities/interests

Past Chair of the Board for the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (2021-2022)

Member of the Executive for Hydrogène Québec (2020-present)

Chair of the Board for the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (2020-2021)

Vice Chair of the Board for the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (2019-2020)

Canada's representative ot Mission  Innovation's Hydrogen Challenge (2018-2020)

Canada's delegate to the International Energy Agency's Technical Cooperation Program on Advanced Fuel Cells (2020-present)

Previous work experience

2008-2014 Group Leader - Technology Evaluation Group (2008-2012) & Electrochemical Materials (2012-2014), NRC's Institute for Fuel Cel Innovation

2003-2005 Business Development Officer, NRC's Institute for Fuel Cel Innovation

1999-2003 Research Officer - Fuel Cell group, NRC's Institute for Fuel Cel Innovation

1997-1999 Staff Scientist HPower Enterprises of Canada, Development of bipolar plates coatings for fuel cell applications

Francois Girard

Francois Girard

Research Council Officer
Clean Energy Innovation
4250 Westbrook Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5
Preferred language: French
Other(s): English
Telephone: 604-221-3042

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Energy, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles, Materials for Energy Technologies