Chi Kiu (Jackie) Lo

Roles and responsibilities

I am a research officer in the Multilingual Text Processing team at the Digital Technologies Research Centre (DT), National Research Council of Canada (NRC-CNRC).

Current research and/or projects

  • Evaluating and estimating translation quality based on structural and lexical semantics
  • Identifying and cleaning parallel text using crosslingual semantic textual similarity
  • Improving machine translation on low-resource languages

Research and/or project statements

I work on designing and building monolingual and crosslingual semantic textual similarity systems applied to different areas in machine translation (MT).

In MT quality evaluation and/or estimation, I am interested in evaluating translation utility and adequacy against human reference translation and/or the original input based on their structural and lexical semantic similarity.

In parallel corpus filtering, I apply crosslingual semantic textual similarity to score the parallelism of the candidate sentence pairs.

In low resouce MT, I am interested in building MT systems for Canadian Indigenous communities in a community-driven approach.


Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong Univeristy of Science and Technology, 2018.

M.Phil in Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong Univeristy of Science and Technology, 2009.

B.Eng in Computer Science, Hong Kong Univeristy of Science and Technology, 2004.

Professional activities/interests

  • Area co-chairs in Machine Translation and Multilinguality at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2020) and Machine Translation and Translation Aid at the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022)
  • Organizing committee of the Metrics Shared Task at the Sixth and Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT21, 22)
  • Diversity and inclusion committee co-chair at the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2019)
  • Program co-chair for the Ottawa-AI Alliance Workshop 2019


Association for Computational Linguistics


  • Sept 2018. Rising Star. Digital Technologies Research Centre (DT), NRC.
    • For an individual who, during his/her formative years with DT, has contributed far beyond expectations and who exemplifies NRC Values.
      1. Demontrates initiatives and potential as a future leader in his/her field or area of expertise;
      2. Achieves outcome that align with DT's strategic objectives, surpass expectations, and generate sustainable benefits with long-lasting impact for Canadians.

Inventions and patents

Key publications

A more completed list is available on Google Scholar

  • Chi-kiu Lo (2019). YiSi - A unified semantic MT quality evaluation and estimation metrics for langauges with different levels of available resources. In the Fourth conference on Machine Translation (WMT2019).
  • Chi-kiu Lo and Michel Simard (2019). Fully unsupervised crosslingual semabntic textual similarity metic based on BERT for identifying parallel data. In the 23rd conference on Computational Natural Language Learnign (CoNLL2019).
Chi Kiu (Jackie) Lo

Chi Kiu (Jackie) Lo

Senior Research Officer
Digital Technologies
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Preferred language: English
Other(s): Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin)
Telephone: 613-993-5205


Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Natural language processing