Chaouki Regoui

Roles and responsibilities

Research Officer

Current research and/or projects

  • Multi monitoring-technology (Sensors, satellite imagery) approach to transportation infrastructure resiliency assessment.
  • Multi-modal sensor data analysis for AI-supported freight transportation resilience estimation.
  • Intelligent querying systems using Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Multi-source multi-type data fusion, storage, querying, retrieval and visualization.

Research and/or project statements

  • Energy storage:
    • Lead  of Pillar 1of Canada Energy Storage Roadmap project within NRC's Energy Storage for Grid Security and Modernization program.
    • Determination of a feasible (scale, technology, location) energy storage solution for a specific provincial energy market.
    • Various types of data used: Energy mix, energy consumption, grid characteristics (topology, maximum load etc.), generation technologies etc. 
    • Data from historic and predicted market characteristics over a timeframe of around two decades.
    • Data analysis of various simulated optimization (third-party) scenarios.
  • Resource Repository Network:
    • Project Lead & lead investigator.
    • 2 Researchers, 2 CS Developers.
    • Allows to define trusted sources; aggregate resource metadata, recommend matching resources to a competency of interest.
    • Software comprised of:
      • Harvester engine.
      • Components for various data types (html, RSS, OAI repositories), providers (Coursera, Twitter, Google, Facebook).
      • Competency model.
      • Mapping of harvested resources to competency profiles of interest.


  • PhD in Computer Science.
    • Université Paris V-Rene Descartes (Now, Paris Cité), France.
  • D.E.A (Pre-PhD degree) in image processing.
    • French National Institute of Nuclear Sciences (INSTN)-Atomic energy Commission/Université Paris XI-Orsay (Now, Paris-Saclay), France.
  • Engineer in Automatics.
    • University of Annaba, Algeria.

Professional activities/interests

  • Member (current or former) of various conference and funding agencies' review committees:
    • Conferences:  
      • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
      • Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS/NeurIPS).
      • International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) & Workshop Track of the ICLR conference.
      • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Symposium on Applied Computing-Conference track on Bioinformatics (ACM-SAC BIO).
      • International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE).
    • Funding agencies:
      • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
        • Review Committee member for Collaborative Research and Development Grants (CRD).
        • Reviewer of Strategic Partnership Grants for Networks (SPG-N).
        • Member of the college of reviewers for the Industrial R&D Fellowships Program (IRDF).
      • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
        • Reviewer for ACOA’s Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF).
  • University de Moncton, Faculty of Science
    •  External examiner, jury member, Master of Computer Science dissertations.

Key publications

  1. "Development of hazard-specific truck crash modification factors for cold-region rural highways". RGN Yasanthi, B Mehran, PK Patnala, JD Regehr, C Regoui, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024.
  2. "IQLS: Framework for leveraging Metadata to enable Large Language Model-based queries to complex, versatile Data", Sami Azirar, Hossam A. Gabber, Chaouki Regoui, 10th international conference on applied system innovation, IEEE ICASI 2024.
  3. "Resilience for freight transportation systems to disruptive events: a review of concepts and metrics", PK Patnala, JD Regehr, B Mehran, C Regoui, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 51 (3), 237-263, 2023.
  4. “Development of Hazard-specific Truck Crash Modification Factors for Cold-region Rural Highways” Navoda Rillagodage, Babak Mehran, Phani Kumar Patnala, Jonathan Regehr, Chaouki Regoui, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR2023, Montreal), Jul. 2023.
  5. “Canadian Energy Storage Report: 2017 Case Study for the Alberta Market” Chaouki Regoui, Ryan Baker, Giovanna Gonzales-Calienes, Steven Shi, Yuri Grinberg, Miyuru Kannangara, Kourosh Malek, Qianpu Wang, Farid Bensebaa, Adam Tuck, Will Skrivan, NRC technical report, Project: A1-010127 Document #: 176 pp, NRC-EME-55956, Jan. 2020.
  6. “Technology-agnostic grid level energy storage needs estimation for Canadian jurisdictions” presentation, Chaouki Regoui, Yuri Grinberg. Decentralised Energy Canada workshop: Canada’s Energy Storage Roadmap, Calgary-Canada October 2017.
  7. "HyDEn: a Hybrid Stegano-cryptographic Approach for Data Encryption using Randomized Error-correcting DNA Codes," by Dan Tulpan, Chaouki Regoui, Guillaume Durand, Luc Belliveau and Serge Leger. In BioMed Research International journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 634832, 11 pages, July 2013.
  8. “CliFin: A web-based geographical information system for time dependent point of care localization in New Brunswick, Canada”, D. Tulpan, M. Mancuso, G. Durand, C. Regoui, L. Belliveau. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 7(4), 13-32, October-December 2012.

Previous work experience

  • Research Associate/Project Manager (University of New Brunswick):
    • Heading a research team of 4 PhD & 2 Master candidate researchers.
  • Instructor: University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Computer Science.
    •  Taught information systems fundamentals/Database programming & design.
  • R&D Developer, MVM-Canada: 
    • Rule-based application development.
  • Research engineer, Building Research Institute (C.S.T.B)-France.
  • Research engineer, data analysis startup-France.

International experience and/or work

  • 4 years as a reasearch engineer in France:
    • Developping an odour discrimination approach.
      • Using data analytics/Machine learning techniques to replicate human odour intensity sensory space .
      • Through an array of 32 artificial polymer sensors.
      • 3 years, public research laboratory.
    • Applying machine learning and image processing techniques to industrial problems.
      • 1 year, data analysis startup.

Chaouki Regoui

Associate Research Officer
Digital Technologies
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Preferred language: English
Other(s): English, French, Arabic
Telephone: 343-990-6451


Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Processing, Data analytics, Sensors