Berry de Bruijn

Roles and responsibilities

Senior Research Officer in Text Analytics

Team Leader, Text Analytics team 

Current research and/or projects

By conducting research in medical text analytics that is both practically applicable and world class, I aim to advance the science in text analytics, as well as contribute to the advancement of medical sciences.

Research and/or project statements

  • Research in applying text analytics to biomedical scientific publications for improved knowledge discovery and knowledge synthesis processes.
  • Research in applying text analytics to clinical text for accelerating epidemiological and clinical studies.
  • Accelerating research through team leadership, peer review contributions, journal editor activities, etc.
  • Contributed to development of the renewed version of GPHIN, the Global Public Health Information Network
  • Research interest in ethical, responsible, and sustainable AI


B.Sc.      Electronics, Eindhoven University of Technology

M.Sc.     Communication technologies and sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology,

Ph. D.    Medical Informatics, Maastricht University

Professional activities/interests

  • Associate Editor, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
  • Scientific Program Committee, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting;
  • Scientific Program Committee, CanadianAI
  • Project lead, several projects in medical text analytics


Member of AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association)

Associate Editor for JAMIA (Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association)


NRC Certificate of Excellence 2018 for work on GPHIN

OCRI awards 2011: Health Innovation Award for ILI-watch with Ottawa Public Health

Key publications

Previous work experience

01/1998-11/1999: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Ottawa School for Information Technology and Engineering.

1991-1992: Researcher, TNO Institute for Perception (now Operations and Human Factors), The Netherlands

International experience and/or work

Completed my studies (BSc, MSc, PhD) in The Netherlands. Participated in numerous conferences in North America and Europe.

Collaborated in a multi-national consortium led by Philips Research (The Netherlands) in a four-year European Union funded project.

Scientific Advisory Board member for two multi-year projects: one with University College London and IBM Watson, and another with Johns Hopkins University and Brown University.

Berry de Bruijn

Berry de Bruijn

Senior Research Officer
Digital Technologies
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Preferred language: English
Other(s): Dutch, English, French, German
Telephone: 343-990-6502

Follow me


Health, Analytical Method Development, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Text Analytics, Sciences, Scientific information