Where is NRC located?
NRC's corporate offices are located at building M-58, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON. In all, NRC is present in more than 100 communities across Canada, with a network of 12 research portfolios, and more than 200 field staff in its Industrial Research Assistance Program.
How many people work at NRC?
NRC employs over 3,500 researchers, technologists and support staff, and approximately 1,200 guest researchers.
How do I contact an NRC employee?
Our staff directory enables you to search for that information.
How can I find out more about employment opportunities at NRC?
The Jobs Available Now section of this website provides a comprehensive listing of all jobs available at NRC. NRC has created specific recruitment programs and initiatives for co-op and summer students, women in science and engineering, research associates, and research officers. These positions and initiatives can be found in the Employment Programs section of this website.
What kinds of employment opportunities are typically offered at NRC?
We have a wide variety of jobs available now at NRC. Because our main focus is research, many of our employees are scientists, researchers, engineers, technicians, business officers, and librarians. We also employ administrative staff, computer scientists, financial officers, human resources officers, and other managers and professionals.
What kind of work is done at the NRC?
As Canada's premier science and technology research organization, NRC is a leader in scientific and technical research, the diffusion of technology and the dissemination of scientific and technical information.
Research is conducted on several fronts and in many different disciplines including: biotechnology, manufacturing technologies, information and communications technologies, nanotechnology, national measurement standards, molecular sciences, aerospace, transportation technologies, astronomy, marine dynamics and construction technologies.
Is NRC part of the federal government?
NRC is considered a separate employer from the federal government, and we are not part of the main public service. However, NRC follows many of the same or similar employee programs, initiatives and services.
I own a business/I am part of a delegation and I would like to meet with NRC officials. Is this possible?
Symposia, conferences, trade shows, lectures and other industry events offer great opportunities to meet with NRC personnel; to exchange ideas and learn more about the work we do in areas of common interest. Individuals and groups or delegations may also be given tours of our facilities. If either of these options appeal to you, please get in touch with the contact person for the relevant Areas of R&D.
I have post-graduate university education and appear to possess qualifications the NRC is looking for. I am not a Canadian citizen and do not currently hold a valid work permit for Canada nor do I have landed immigrant or permanent resident status. Can I still apply and be considered for employment at NRC?
Yes, if you meet the screening requirements of a particular recruitment program or job posting, you may apply even if you are not a Canadian citizen or do not possess landed immigrant/permanent resident status or do not have a valid work permit. Please note that Canadian citizens and permanent residents are given first consideration when recruiting for all positions. If, however, no Canadian citizens are available to fill a particular vacancy, foreign nationals can be considered. If an offer of employment is made to a foreign national, he/she will have to obtain a valid work permit. Information on this can be obtained on Canada's Citizenship and Immigration web site.