Behavioural competencies: NRC-wide

Competency summary

Demonstrating effective interpersonal skills and working cooperatively and effectively within and across organizational units to achieve common goals.
Self-knowing and self-development
Assessing strengths and weaknesses and engaging in ongoing self-development and improvement; maintaining effectiveness in the face of change or ambiguity.
Results orientation
Focusing efforts on achieving quality results consistent with the NRC vision.
Openly communicating in a compelling, honest, persuasive and articulate manner, ensuring the message is clear, understood and consistent with NRC objectives.
Client focus
Bringing excellence to internal or external clients by focusing efforts on discovering and meeting their needs.
Seeking and building internal/external alliances, collaborations and services with or for clients to advance NRC business relationships, as well as knowledge, innovation and economic development.
Valuing people
Treating people fairly, with dignity and integrity, to promote commitment and productivity.


  • The NRC-wide competencies reflect those needed throughout NRC to support the vision, values and strategic direction. Competency definitions and underlying notions are common across job clusters (although the full range of levels may not apply to some clusters).
  • Teamwork, Self-knowing and Self-Development, Results Orientation, and Communication apply to all employees of NRC. Either Client focus or Partnering (or both) applies to all employees.
  • Example behavioural indicators are included for each level in the NRC-wide competencies. These serve as guidelines for developing the cluster-specific behavioural indicators, and may be modified, eliminated or new ones may be added to reflect the particular needs of the individual job clusters. The underlying notion for each level, however, must be retained and reflected in the behavioural indicators included in the cluster competency profiles.
  • The term "organization" is used in this document to refer to NRC as a whole or that part of NRC for which the individual is accountable or exerts influence.