Behavioural competencies for Management services: Partnering

Seeking and building internal/external alliances, collaborations and services with or for clients to advance NRC business relationships, as well as knowledge, innovation and economic development.

Level 1

Operates effectively within partnerships

  • Communicates openly, builds trust and treats partners fairly, ethically and as valued allies.

Level 2

Manages existing partnerships

  • Manages existing partnerships within established agreements or contracts.
  • Monitors partnership arrangements to ensure that the objectives of the partnership remain on target.
  • Recognizes when adjustments to partnering arrange-ments may be required for the benefit of NRC and/or the partner.

Level 3

Open to (seeks out) partnership opportunities

  • Assesses the value of entering into partnerships in terms of both short- and long-term return on investment.
  • Creates opportunities to partner through networking, participating in multi-stakeholder groups etc.
  • Initiates and sets initial expectations for partnership arrangements or alliances.

Level 4

Sets up environment that is open to partnerships

  • Explores avenues within the rules to eliminate obstacles to partnership arrangements.
  • Communicates achievements and lessons learned from different partnering arrangements (i.e., to promote ongoing improvement).
  • Negotiates terms and conditions of partnership arrangements.

Level 5

Sets strategic direction for partnering

  • Provides strategic direction on the value and types of partnering arrangements that the organization should be pursuing.
  • Develops frameworks that support effective partnerships.