Explanation of code change request statuses

Status Decision Explanation
Received n/a The code change request was received by Codes Canada (status inserted automatically)
Sorted n/a The code change request was sorted by the team coordinators (status inserted automatically)
Analyzed n/a The code change request was analyzed by the technical advisor prior to the Standing Committee meeting
Reviewed n/a Without a decision: The code change request was added to the Standing Committee agenda for review. A decision must be made within two meetings.
Develop The Standing Committee agreed to address the code change request as a minor task or as within the mandate of an existing approved task/work plan item
Requested approval The Standing Committee agreed to request approval from the Canadian Commission on Building and Fires Codes (CCBFC) to add a task to address the code change request on the Standing Committee work plan
Further analysis The Standing Committee agreed to refer the code change request to a task or working group for an analysis and a recommendation
Referred The Standing Committee agreed to refer the code change request to another committee
Rejected The Standing Committee agreed to reject the code change request
CCBFC Decision n/a Without a decision: The request to add a task to the Standing Committee work plan was presented to the CCBFC for approval
Approved The CCBFC decided to add the task to the Standing Committee work plan
Returned to SC The CCBFC did not agree to add the task to the Standing Committee work plan
Withdrawn (by proponent) n/a The proponent withdrew the code change request
Identified as duplicate of related code change request n/a The code change request was identified as a duplicate of a related request