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[CCMC evaluation requirements] CAN/ULC-S703-09, Type 1

This document provides a summary of the minimum requirements imposed by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) for all evaluations based on the below criteria document. Additional requirements may be imposed by the CCMC when necessary for a particular evaluation, and are detailed in the individual evaluation.

Criteria document


These evaluations apply to treated, wood-based cellulose fibre intended for use as thermal insulation (cellulose fibre insulation (CFI)) in new and existing buildings. The continuous use temperature range is within –60°C to 90°C.

The standard describes two types of CFI. They are defined in CAN/ULC-S703 as follows:

  • Type 1 is intended for pneumatic application into open areas with slopes up to 4.5:12, or injection application into closed cavities, such as walls, floors and cathedral ceilings. Type 1 may also be manually applied (poured application).
  • Type 2 is intended for spray application with water or liquid adhesive into open areas regardless of slope (e.g., attics), exposed surfaces (e.g., walls or ceilings) and/or into any open cavity (e.g., wall, floor or ceiling cavities) that may be closed later. This product may also contain internal binders to increase the adhesive/cohesive capabilities of the sprayed fibres in order to reduce settlement and/or ensure it remains in place.

The following evaluation requirements apply to a Type 1 product.

Material requirements

The evaluation holder must demonstrate that the product meets the following requirements (additional requirements may be imposed by the CCMC when necessary, and are detailed in the individual evaluation):

Table 1. Performance requirements for physical properties of Type 1 CFI
Property Unit Requirement
Thermal resistivity m·K/W ≥ 18.5
Open flammability W/cm2 ≥ 0.12
Open flammability permanency W/cm2 ≥ 0.12
Smoulder resistance % ≤ 15
Moisture vapour sorption % ≤ 20
Corrosiveness _ No perforations
Fungi resistance _ Fungal growth shall not exceed that of the comparative item.
Separation of chemicals % ≤ 1.5
Design density kg/m3 As determined

© Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. Reprinted with permission. This material is not the complete and official position of ULC Standards on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the ULC Standard in its entirety.

Installation requirements

The CCMC requires that evaluation holders provide instructions for the installation of the product(s) that:

Manufacturing requirements

The CCMC requires that evaluation holders, at a minimum, demonstrate that the associated production process:

Labelling requirements

The CCMC requires that evaluation holders ensure that product labels:

In addition, the standard requires that each bag of insulation be identified with the following information:

  • manufacturer’s name and address;
  • trade name of the product;
  • generic product name;
  • material type and subtype; (e.g., Type 1 (open spaces), Type 2 (closed cavities)(1), etc.);
  • package mass;
  • standard number CAN/ULC-S703;
  • day/month/year of manufacture or traceable code number;
  • coverage table(s) providing the information described in the appropriate subsection of the standard; and
  • cautionary note as follows:
    • “CAUTION: Maintain building, electrical, gas and oil safety code required clearances between the insulation and heat-emitting devices, such as fuel-burning appliances, chimney pipes, ducts and vents to these appliances (at least 50 mm) and recessed light fixtures (at least 75 mm) unless approved for insulation contact.”

(1) Cavities that are open during the installation of insulation (e.g., wall, floor or ceiling cavities) and may be closed later.

Classification information

Products falling within the scope of this document are commonly classified by:


  • 07 20 00 Thermal Protection
  • 07 21 23 Loose-Fill Insulation
  • 07 21 23.01 Thermal Insulation - Site Applied - Loose Fill

Published CCMC evaluations

The following products have been evaluated to these requirements by the CCMC:

CCMC number:Manufacturer:Product names:
08251-LAPPLEGATEGREENFIBERRONA Eco, Thermoshield, Pro-Cell
08532-LIgloo Cellulose Inc. Igloo Cellulose Insulation
08774-LTherm-O-Comfort Company Limited Therm-O-Light (Type 1)
09217-LClimatizer Insulation Inc. Homecare, Mister Insulation, Sopra-Cellulose C, Climatizer Plus
09218-LCCI Manufacturing Inc. (a division of Soprema Inc.)SOPRA-CELLULOSE W, Weathershield Cellulose Insulation
09232-LSoprema Inc.SOPRA-CELLULOSE
12911-LAPPLEGATEGREENFIBERType 1 Natural Fibre Insulation
13031-LNorth Star Fibre, Inc.North Star Cellulose Insulation
14381-LCCI Manufacturing Inc. (a division of Soprema Inc.)PF PREMIUM, SOPRA-CELLULOSE AB M

Code references

National Building Code of Canada 2015

Code references Code provision
A- the Effective Thermal Resistance of Building Envelope Assemblies
Table Applicable to Environmental Separators and Assemblies Exposed to the Exterior Materials

Page details

From: National Research Council Canada

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