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[CCMC 13329-R] CCMC Canadian code compliance evaluation

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Compliance opinion

It is the opinion of the Canadian Construction Materials Centre that the evaluated products, when used as air barrier material in accordance with the conditions and limitations stated in this evaluation, comply with the following code:

National Building Code of Canada 2015

ID Code provision Solution type
05-04-01-02-00-0- Except as provided in Sentence ...Acceptable
09-25-03-02-00-0- Air Barrier System PropertiesAlternative
09-36-02-10-00-0- Materials intended to provide the princi ...Acceptable

Ontario Building Code

Ruling No. 09-32-231 (13329-R) authorizing the use of this product in Ontario, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Ruling, was made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on 2009-12-02 (revised 2022-10-05) pursuant to s.29 of the Building Code Act, 1992 (see Ruling for terms and conditions). This Ruling is subject to periodic revisions and updates.

The above opinion(s) is/are based on the evaluation by the CCMC of technical evidence provided by the evaluation holder, and is bound by the stated conditions and limitations. For the benefit of the user, a summary of the technical information that forms the basis of this evaluation has been included.

Product information

Product names

  • HW170-A
  • Palisade™ Building Wrap
  • Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap

Product description

This evaluation addresses the performance of the products as an air barrier material within the Intertape Polymer Inc.-specified Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap, Palisade™ Building Wrap, air barrier system. The air barrier system has not been evaluated, but is covered in the Additional information section this evaluation for the convenience of building officials and designers.

If the products are installed as part of the designated air barrier system, they will serve a dual function in the wall assembly. Use of the products as a sheathing membrane to control incidental water infiltration behind cladding is covered under a separate CCMC evaluation (see CCMC 13292-R).

The products are produced from spun-bonded polypropylene, non-woven fabric with a monolithic polymer coating on one side. The products resist the passage of water, but permit the passage of water vapour.

The products are 0.43 mm thick and are available in rolls ranging in widths from 0.91 m to 3.05 m and in lengths from 30.5 m to 1 372 m. The colour of the products is white, with a clear top coat.

Manufacturing plant

This evaluation is valid only for products produced at the following plant:

Product namesManufacturing plant
Truro, NS, CA
HW170-AProduct evaluated by the CCMC
Palisade™ Building WrapProduct evaluated by the CCMC
Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building WrapProduct evaluated by the CCMC

Product evaluated by the CCMC Indicates that the product from this manufacturing facility has been evaluated by the CCMC

  Conditions and limitations

The CCMC’s compliance opinion is bound by this product being used in accordance with the conditions and limitations set out below.

  • When the products are installed as part of the main airtight element in the designated air barrier system, the vapour barrier needs only to comply with Article, Vapour Barrier Materials, of Division B of the NBC 2015 (i.e. does not need to be continuous but must meet the maximum 60 ng/Pa·s·m2 and the other applicable  requirements of this Article). In cases where another low air and water vapour permeance material has been installed outboard of the innermost impermeable surface of the assembly, then Article, General (Properties and Position of Materials in the Building Envelope), of Division B of the NBC 2015 must be met.
  • The products must be installed:
    • with the printed side facing outward and protected from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun within 60 days;
    • with a minimum 10-mm air space between the sheathing membrane and the cladding, unless the cladding has been deemed not to require an air space (e.g., by CCMC or by building officials based on past cladding performance); and
    • according to Intertape Polymer Inc.’s  Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap, Palisade™ Building Wrap Installation Manual (sheathing membrane, air barrier and header wrap). Examples of the installation details are presented in   Additional information: An air barrier material as part of an air barrier system.
  • A concealed air space exceeding 25 mm in width must contain proper fire blocking, in accordance with Subsection 9.10.16., Fire Blocks, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • Where a CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape in accordance with MasterFormat 07 25 20 is used to seal joints, the Tuck® NovaWrap Premium Building Wrap, Palisade Building Wrap must be referenced as a tested substrate within the CCMC sheathing tape evaluation report otherwise, its adhesion over the Tuck® NovaWrap Premium Building Wrap, Palisade Building Wrap must be validated by Intertape Polymer Inc.
  • The product must be clearly identified with the phrase “CCMC 13329-R.”

  Technical information

This evaluation is based on demonstrated conformance with the following criteria:

Evaluation requirements
Criteria number Criteria name
CCMC-TG-072709.02-15ECCMC Technical Guide for Air Barrier Materials

The Report Holder has submitted technical documentation for the CCMC’s evaluation. Testing was conducted at laboratories recognized by the CCMC. The corresponding technical evidence for this product is summarized below.

The durability assessment of the product is covered under CCMC 13292-R, and additional aging in CAN/ULC-S741-08, “Standard for Air Barrier Materials – Specification.”

Performance requirements
Table 1. Results of testing of the performance requirements for the products
Test Requirement Result
Tested as per CAN/ULC-S741-08 with five 1-m2 membrane specimens and measured for air permeance at a minimum of 6 air pressure differentials (ΔP) between 0 and 300 Pa – Unconditioned (Prior to UV and Heat Aging) Air leakage rate at 75 Pa ΔP (based on linear regression of 30 data points) ≤ 0.02 L/(s·m2) 0.0036 L/(s·m2)
Five 1-m2 membrane specimens tested and measured for air permeance at a minimum of 6 air pressure differentials (ΔP) between 0 and 300 Pa – Conditioned (After UV and Heat Aging) Where less than 0.01 L/(s·m²) for unconditioned specimens, the increase of the air leakage rate at 75 Pa ΔP for conditioned specimens ≤ 0.001 L/(s·m²). 0.0046 L/(s·m2)Table footnote (1)
0.001 L/(s·m2)Table footnote (2)
Water vapour permeance (infiltration direction) When less than 60 ng/(Pa·s·m2), the location of the product installation is restricted by the requirements listed in Article of Division B of the NBC 2015. 332 ng/(Pa·s·m2)
Water vapour permeance (exfiltration direction) 373 ng/(Pa·s·m2)


Additional information:  An air barrier material as part of an air barrier system

An air barrier material as part of an air barrier system

The CCMC has not evaluated the performance of the Intertape Polymer Inc.'s Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap, Palisade™ Building Wrap air barrier system as to its conformance with Article, Air Barrier System Properties, of Division B of the NBC 2015. However, the CCMC’s opinion is that an air barrier system using this material and installed in conformance with the details outlined below, as well as in Intertape Polymer Inc.’s Installation Manual should satisfy the requirements for continuity of the air barrier system in Articles, Required Barrier to Air Leakage, and, Continuity of the Air Barrier System, of Division B of the NBC 2015.


Authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ) should be aware that this system differs from the typical air barrier approach, which uses a flexible membrane as the principal plane of airtightness. In the typical approach, the membrane (i.e., a polyethylene sheet) is normally sandwiched between 2 other materials so that it is not required to resist, on its own, the full force of indoor/outdoor pressure differences induced by stack effect, mechanical systems and, most importantly, wind.

In a system in which the membrane is applied to the outer surface of the wall sheathing, as it is in the proposed air barrier system, that membrane does not have continuous support against outward air pressure and must, therefore, have adequate strength to resist that pressure by spanning between points of support, such as its own fastening points or the points where strapping or cladding is fastened to the wall. The CCMC’s evaluation of this material does not include the evaluation of this strength or the strength of the continuity details. The AHJ must, therefore, determine whether the product’s air barrier system, described herein, meets the intent of Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015, as being an effective barrier for the proposed construction in the proposed geographical/climate area. For example, the AHJ may deem the proposed air barrier system adequate for buildings in urban areas, sheltered sites or areas of low wind, based on their experience, but inadequate in areas of high wind and exposed sites in rural or coastal areas.

An air barrier system checklist for the AHJ to consider is the following:

An air barrier system must:

  1. have an acceptable low air leakage rate;
  2. be continuous;
  3. be durable;
  4. have sufficient strength to resist the anticipated air pressure load; and
  5. be buildable in the field.

Installation details

The product’s material is applied over exterior wood-based wall sheathing material complying with the NBC 2015. It does not contribute to an air barrier system until it is joined to the other components that make up the air barrier system of the building. Intertape Polymer Inc.’s Installation Manual outlines how the product’s material must be joined to the foundation wall, windows and doors, penetrations in the wall and the ceiling air barrier in order to form the system.

A successful air barrier system installation is predicated on sequencing during construction. Coordination is required during erection of framing and after completion of the air barrier system to ensure that no other trade breaches the integrity of the installed air barrier system.

The proposed air barrier system is defined as possessing the following features:

  1. Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap, Palisade™ Building Wrap material as the principal plane of airtightness;
  2. accessories, including: sealants and CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape (for which the adhesion strength over the product has been validated by Intertape Polymer Inc.) that maintain continuity at junctions with penetrations in the wall assembly (i.e., windows, doors, pipes, ducts, electrical outlets, etc.) and in accordance with continuity details in the Intertape Polymer Inc.’s Installation Manual;
  3. durability, meeting UV- and heat-aging requirements; and
  4. exterior sheathing with specified fasteners and fastening schedule of the product for structural support against anticipated pressure loads.

The air barrier system is to be built in the field by informed builders and reviewed by building officials.

The figures below outline typical construction details on the installation of the product as an air barrier system in the field. See Intertape Polymer Inc.’s Tuck®NovaWrap™ Premium Building Wrap, Palisade™ Building Wrap - Air Barrier Material Installation Manual for additional details.

Exterior wall cross-section of the product – top wall/ceiling continuity.
Figure 1. Exterior wall cross-section of the product – top wall/ceiling continuity:
  1. wood-based sheathing installed with open horizontal gap
  2. ceiling air/vapour barrier
  3. CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape
  4. proprietary air barrier material
  5. typical overlap of 100 mm of the proprietary air barrier material and tape

All horizontal joints in the material must be overlapped 100 mm and taped with CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape. To maintain continuity of the plane of airtightness, the material must bridge through the top plates and be taped to the sealing membrane. The material should be secured underneath the transition membrane to ensure proper shingling. Wood-based sheathing, glass-fibre-faced exterior gypsum board, or exterior gypsum board having a water vapour permeance of less than 60 ng/Pa·s·m2 must be installed in accordance with Article, Position of Low Permeance Materials, of Division B of the NBC 2015. For wood-based sheathing, a gap of not less than 2 mm must be left between sheets in accordance with Article, Joints in Panel-Type Sheathing, of Division B of the NBC 2015.

Bottom foundation detail for the product.
Figure 2. Bottom foundation detail for the product:
  1. sill plate gasket
  2. sealant
  3. proprietary air barrier material
  4. tape
  5. flashing
  6. sealant
  7. sill plate gasket
  8. flashing

Since the foundation wall is part of the air barrier system, the product must be sealed to the foundation wall to maintain the continuity of the plane of airtightness. The sealant used must be compatible with the product. For example, silicone-based sealants must not be used. To maintain watertightness, the product’s sheathing membrane must be installed over the flashing and taped to properly drain any rain penetration breaching the cladding.

Structural fasteners for the product.
Figure 3. Structural fasteners for the product
  1. stud centrelines
  2. 300 mm o.c.
  3. 150 mm o.c.
  4. 600 mm o.c.
  5. overlap and tape vertical seams
  6. 25 mm cap nails or brick ties to be installed 150 mm o.c. into stud

When installed as the principal plane of airtightness, the product must be structurally attached using nails with plastic washers, screws with plastic washers, or appropriate brick tie anchors.

For wood-framed construction where the sheathing is either plywood, insulated board, glass-fibre-faced exterior gypsum, or exterior gypsum board, use nails with plastic washers and brick tie anchors.

For steel-framed construction where the sheathing is either glass-fibre-faced exterior gypsum or exterior gypsum, use screws with washers and brick tie fasteners.

All seams require a 100-mm minimum overlap and both vertical and horizontal seams should be secured with a CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape.

Window and door openings.
Figure 4. Window and door openings
  1. "outside view"
  2. make an inverted "Y" cut in membrane
  3. tape cut corners
  4. fasten proprietary barrier material to sides and bottom

The material must be cut and wrapped around framing at openings (see Figure 4). Cut ends should then be taped or caulked to the inside frame. To ensure continuity at this junction, a seal must be established with the window or door element (see Figure 5).

Illustration of window frame cross-section.
Figure 5. Window frame cross-section:
  1. seal to window with sealant or foam compatible with proprietary air barrier material and wood/vinyl/aluminum frames
  2. proprietary air barrier material

The plane of airtightness of the material must be made continuous with windows and doors that are part of the air barrier system for the building envelope. The material must be sealed to the window or door frames with either sealant/backer rod or filled with sealant foam. Sealants must be compatible with the material and adhere to the framing material.

Illustration of exterior electrical boxes.
Figure 6. Exterior electrical boxes
  1. proprietary air barrier material installed on sheathing but not shown for clarity
  2. snap-on retainer
  3. airtight plastic box
  4. tape seal
  5. seal exterior electrical outlet boxes or use airtight plastic boxes

All exterior electrical boxes or other penetrations through the material must be rendered airtight to maintain the plane of airtightness of the air barrier system. All electrical boxes must be wrapped and taped to the product’s membrane, or airtight electrical boxes can be used.

Sealing at wall penetrations.
Figure 7. Sealing at wall penetrations
  1. Method One
    1. Proprietary air barrier material around opening
    2. Exhaust air flow
    3. Seal around opening
    4. Inside
  2. Method Two
    1. Trim proprietary air barrier material around opening and tape connection
    2. outside

Where pipes and ducts breach the product’s membrane, they must be sealed to the membrane. A sealant bead or CCMC-evaluated sheathing tape compatible with the product and the pipe or duct material is recommended.

Administrative information

Use of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) assessments

This assessment must be read in the context of the entire CCMC Registry of Product Assessments, any applicable building code or by-law requirements, and/or any other regulatory requirements (for example, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that the assessment they are using is current and has not been withdrawn or superseded by a later version on the CCMC Registry of Product Assessments.


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has evaluated only the characteristics of the specific product described herein. The information and opinions in this evaluation are directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents (such as authorities having jurisdiction, design professionals and specifiers). This evaluation is valid when the product is used as part of permitted construction, respecting all conditions and limitations stated in the evaluation, and in accordance with applicable building codes and by-laws.

This evaluation is provided without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, and the NRC provides no endorsement for any evaluated product. The NRC accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained herein or the use of any evaluated product. The NRC is not undertaking to render professional or other services on behalf of any person or entity nor to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to another person or entity.


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In the case of any discrepancy between the English and French version of this document, the English version shall prevail.


© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the National Research Council of Canada, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the CCMC.

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From: National Research Council Canada

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