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[CCMC 08675-R] CCMC Canadian code compliance evaluation

In most jurisdictions this document is sufficient evidence for approval by Canadian authorities.

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Compliance opinion

It is the opinion of the Canadian Construction Materials Centre that the evaluated product, when used as structural composite lumber (SCL) in accordance with the conditions and limitations stated in this evaluation, complies with the following code:

National Building Code of Canada 2015

ID Code provision Solution type
04-03-01-01-00-0- Buildings and their structural members m ...Acceptable
09-23-04-02-00-0- Spans for built-up wood and glued-lamina ...Alternative

Ontario Building Code

Ruling No. 05-20-144 (08675-R) authorizing the use of this product in Ontario, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Ruling, was made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on 2006-01-31 (revised 2012-06-13) pursuant to s.29 of the Building Code Act, 1992 (see Ruling for terms and conditions). This Ruling is subject to periodic revisions and updates.

The above opinion(s) is/are based on the evaluation by the CCMC of technical evidence provided by the evaluation holder, and is bound by the stated conditions and limitations. For the benefit of the user, a summary of the technical information that forms the basis of this evaluation has been included.

Product information

Product name

Microllam® LVL

Product description

The product is manufactured by laminating veneer sheets of wood species or species combinations coated with an exterior-type adhesive conforming to CSA O112.6-M1977 (R2006), “Phenol and Phenol-Resorcinol Resin Adhesives for Wood (High-Temperature Curing),” and CSA O112.9-10, “Evaluation of Adhesives for Structural Wood Products (Exterior Exposure),” in specific lay-up patterns that are fed into a continuous press with all grain oriented parallel to the length of the member. The wood species, species combinations, lay-up patterns and adhesives used are as specified in the Weyerhaeuser “Microllam® LVL Manufacturing Standards.”

The product is available in thicknesses ranging from 19 mm to 89 mm, widths ranging from 63.5 mm to 1 220 mm, and lengths up to 24.4 m.

The manufacturing quality assurance program and records are verified by PFS-TECO, Cottage Grove, WI, as part of the product certification.

Isometric profile drawing of typical laminated veneer lumber showing exterior surface and layers.

Figure 1. Microllam® LVL

Manufacturing plants

This evaluation is limited to products produced at the following plants:

Product nameManufacturing plants
Buckhannon, WV, USCastleberry, AL, USEugene, OR, USNatchitoches, LA, USStayton, OR, US
Microllam® LVLProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC

Product evaluated by the CCMC Indicates that the product from this manufacturing facility has been evaluated by the CCMC

  Conditions and limitations

The CCMC’s compliance opinion is bound by this product being used in accordance with the conditions and limitations set out below.

  • The product, as with all SCL, is intended for dry service applications only.Footnote (1)
  • The product is intended for use in construction as an alternative material to lumber. Proprietary design values presented for the product are to be used by professional engineers for design in accordance with CSA O86 for structural applications such as beams, headers, joists, rafters and columns as intended by the product manufacturer. The specific application must be qualified through specific testing and validated by the manufacturer. Applications such as I-joist flanges, studs and metal-plated truss chords are beyond the scope of this evaluation.
    1. Weyerhaeuser's pre-engineered tablesFootnote (2)

      The pre-engineered tables in the literature outlined below have been provided to the CCMC by the manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with Part 9 buildings for acceptance by the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).

      When the product is used to support uniform loads only, the installation must be in accordance with the tables and installation details published by Weyerhaeuser entitled:

      1. “Beams, Headers and Columns (TJ-9500) (Limit States Design for Eastern Canada),” dated May 2022, and
      2. “Beams, Headers and Columns (TJ-9505) (Limit States Design for Western Canada),” dated March 2020.

      Except where a floor is required to support a concentrated load or a specified unfactored live load in excess of 1.9 kN/m2, and in lieu of engineering design, the spans for the product, when used as floor joists, rafters and beams, may conform to the spans for select structural grade for the Douglas Fir-Larch group in Tables to of the NBC 2015. Maximum deflections must conform to Subsection 9.4.3., Deflections, of Division B of the NBC 2015. Floor joists must be designed to meet the deflection and vibration criteria set in the NBC 2015 for lumber.

      The product must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation guidelines noted in the above-mentioned documents for those applications falling within the scope of the documents. Applications outside the scope of these installation guidelines require engineering on a case-by-case basis.

      Intertek Testing Services considers the product as an equivalent to lumber floor joists with respect to fire-resistance rating for equivalent member size and spacing within a rated floor assembly (see Intertek’s Directories of Certified Products).

    2. Weyerhaeuser's installation details

      The manufacturer’s pre-engineered details within the documents outlined above are limited in scope to building designs where the anticipated loads on the following structural details are not exceeded:

      • headers supporting floor and/or snow, pages 8–9 of (1) and pages 6–7 of (2);
      • beam connection details, pages 12–13 of (1) and pages 10-11 of (2);
      • built-up member connections, pages 16–18 of (1) and pages 14–16 of (2); and
      • allowable holes in beams, page 14 of (1) and page 12 of (2).
    3. Engineering required

      For structural applications beyond the scope/limitations of the above-referenced Weyerhaeuser publications, or when required by the AHJ, the drawings or related documents must bear the authorized seal of a professional engineer, or other certified authority approved by the AHJ, skilled in wood design and licensed to practise under the appropriate provincial or territorial legislation.

      Installations beyond the scope/limitations of (i) and (ii) above imply, but are not limited to, the following:

      • higher loads / longer spans than the manufacturer’s pre-engineered details;
      • concentrated loads;
      • areas of high wind or high seismicity;
      • design of supporting members/columns when the total beam/header load exceeds the NBC 2015 pre-engineered beam/lintel tables; and
      • design of supporting foundation footings when the total load exceeds the NBC 2015 pre-engineered floor/roof joist tables.

      The engineer must design in accordance with CSA O86, and may use as a guide the “Engineering Guide for Wood Frame Construction,” published by the Canadian Wood Council.

      The specified strengths for the product must not exceed the values set forth in Table 1. See Figure 1 for details about strand orientation.

      The ends of all beams must be restrained to prevent rollover. This is normally achieved by attaching a diaphragm sheathing to the top or to the compression edge, and to an end wall or shear transfer panel capable of transferring a minimum unfactored uniform load of 730 N/m or the required shear forces due to wind or seismic conditions. Blocking or crossbracing with equivalent strength may be used. For beams with maximum depth-to-width ratio no more than 6.5:1, the compression edges of the beams must be laterally supported at least every 610 mm. When the depth-to-width ratio exceeds 6.5:1, the compression edges of the beams must be continuously laterally supported throughout its length, except where design is done in accordance with CSA O86.

      Nailing of the product perpendicular to glue lines must conform to Table, Nailing for Framing, of Division B of the NBC 2015. Nails must be installed parallel to the glue lines on the narrow face (edge) of the product, that is at least 19 mm thick × 89 mm wide. The nails must be spaced at a minimum of 100 mm on centre (o.c.) for 63.5-mm common nails and 125 mm o.c. for 76-mm and 83-mm common nails and No. 14 gauge staples. 89-mm common nails installed parallel to the glue lines on the narrow face (edge) of product that is at least 38 mm thick × 89 mm wide must be spaced a minimum of 200 mm o.c.

    4. Engineering support provided by manufacturer

      Weyerhaeuser may provide engineering services in conjunction with Weyerhaeuser product specification and offers the following support contact number for their Canadian offices: 1-888-453-8358.

  • Damaged or defective products must not be used, unless repaired in accordance with written instructions from the manufacturer.
  • This product must be identified with the phrase “CCMC 08675-R” along the side of the product. This CCMC number is only valid when it appears in conjunction with the certification mark of PFS-TECO.


  Technical information

This evaluation is based on demonstrated conformance with the following criteria:

Evaluation requirements
Criteria number Criteria name
CCMC-TG-061710-15ACCMC Technical Guide for Structural Composite Lumber

The evaluation holder has submitted technical documentation for the CCMC’s evaluation. Testing was conducted at laboratories recognized by the CCMC. The corresponding technical evidence for this product is summarized below.

Table 1.  Specified strengths of the product (MPa)Table footnote footnote (1) Table footnote footnote (2) Table footnote footnote (3)
Billet material thickness Grade speciesTable footnote footnote (4) Axial Joist/beam Plank/deck
FtTable footnote footnote (5) Fc FbTable footnote footnote (6) Table footnote footnote (7) FvTable footnote footnote (8) MOE Fc-perp FbTable footnote footnote (9) Fv Fc-perp
19 mm to 89 mm 1.6 DF/LP 15.80 23.10 27.25 3.65 11 030 9.40 28.75 2.45 8.50
1.8 DF/LP 18.50 26.15 31.15 3.65 12 410 9.40 30.85 2.45 8.50
1.9 DF/LP 19.80 27.60 33.15 3.65 13 100 9.40 31.95 2.45 8.50
2.0 DF/LP 21.15 29.00 35.05 3.65 13 790 9.40 32.95 2.45 8.50
2.0E-2900Fb DF/LP 21.15 29.00 36.95 3.65 13 790 9.40 34.00 2.45 8.50
2.2 DF/LP 23.75 31.60 39.00 3.65 15 170 9.40 35.10 2.45 8.50
2.4 DF/LP 26.45 33.90 42.90 3.65 16 550 9.40 37.20 2.45 8.50
2.6 DF/LP 29.15 36.00 46.80 3.65 17 925 9.40 39.35 2.45 8.50
19 mm to 89 mm 1.8 SP 20.05 26.15 31.15 3.65 12 410 10.04 30.85 2.45 8.90
1.9 SP 21.55 27.60 33.15 3.65 13 100 10.04 31.95 2.45 8.90
2.0 SP 23.00 29.00 35.05 3.65 13 790 10.04 32.95 2.45 8.90
2.0E-2900Fb SP 21.15 29.00 36.95 3.65 13 790 10.04 34.00 2.45 8.90
2.2 SP 25.85 31.60 39.00 3.65 15 170 10.04 35.10 2.45 8.90
2.4 SP 28.80 33.90 42.90 3.65 16 550 10.04 37.20 2.45 8.90
2.6 SP 31.65 36.00 46.80 3.65 17 925 10.04 39.35 2.45 8.90
19 mm to 89 mm 1.6 YP 17.20 23.10 27.25 3.65 11 030 10.04 28.75 2.45 11.35
1.8 YP 20.05 26.15 31.15 3.65 12 410 10.04 30.85 2.45 11.35
1.9 YP 21.55 27.60 33.15 3.65 13 100 10.04 31.95 2.45 11.35
2.0 YP 23.00 29.00 35.05 3.65 13 790 10.04 32.95 2.45 11.35
2.0E-2900Fb YPTable footnote footnote (10) 23.00 29.00 36.95 3.65 13 790 10.04 34.00 2.45 11.35
2.0E-3100Fb YP 23.00 29.00 39.50 3.65 13 790 10.04 35.40 2.45 11.35
2.2 YP 25.85 31.60 39.00 3.65 15 170 10.04 35.10 2.45 11.35
19 mm to 45 mm 2.0E-2600Fb DF/SP/YP 19.80 27.60 33.15 3.65 13 790 9.40 31.95 2.45 8.50
2.0E-2925Fb SP 22.95 33.35 37.25 3.65 13 790 10.04 34.20 2.45 8.90


Table 2. Equivalent wood species for determining fastener capacities for Microllam® LVL
Fastener property Nail orientation Load direction Specific gravity (SG) of equivalent species for design purposes
Nail withdrawal Edge Withdrawal D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Face Withdrawal D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Lateral nail capacity Edge Parallel to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Edge Perpendicular to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Face Parallel to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Face Perpendicular to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Bolt axial capacity Parallel to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50
Perpendicular to grain D. Fir-L (N), SG = 0.50


The manufacturing quality assurance program has been updated to include requirements specified in ASTM D5456, “Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products,” and has been verified by independent, third-party monitoring and inspection conducted by PFS-TECO as part of the product certification.

Note that RedBuilt™, LLC is the owner of the Stayton, OR plant. This plant manufactures the product for Weyerhaeuser according to Weyerhaeuser manufacturing standards.

Additional information

The design values obtained from testing to ASTM D5456-01, ASTM D5456-07 and ASTM D5456-14b as specified in CAN/CSA-O86- 01, CSA O86-09 and CSA O86-14 (Update No.1) respectively are summarized below.

Table 3. Additional test information for Microllam® LVL
Property Test information
Bending Specimens were tested in edgewise and flatwise bending to establish the characteristic value. Data from quality control (QC) tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from CSA O86 was used to determine the specified strength.
Shear Specimens were tested in shear to establish the characteristic value. Data from quality control (QC) tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from CSA O86 was used to determine the specified strength.
Compression parallel to grain Specimens were tested in compression parallel to grain to establish the characteristic value. Data from quality control (QC) tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from CSA O86 was used to determine the specified strength.
Compression perpendicular to grain

Specimens were tested in edgewise compression perpendicular to grain to establish the characteristic value. The characteristic value was multiplied by 1.09 to establish the specified strength in accordance with CSA O86.

Specimens were tested in flatwise compression perpendicular to grain following ASTM D5456-14b to establish the characteristic value. The characteristic value was multiplied by 1.81 to establish the specified strength in accordance with CSA O86-14 (Update No. 1).

Tension parallel to grain Specimens were tested in tension to establish the characteristic value. Data from quality control (QC) tests were used to establish the applicable coefficient of variation, CVw, and the reliability normalization factor from CSA O86 was used to determine the specified strength.
Nail withdrawal Nail withdrawal values were established following ASTM D1761, "Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood," for an 8d common nail having a 31.75-mm penetration. Specimens were tested and equivalent species capacity was determined in accordance with ASTM D5456, A2.4.
Nail bearing Dowel bearing strength was determined in accordance with ASTM D5764, "Method for Evaluating Dowel Bearing Strength of Wood and Wood-Based Products," using 10d common nails with a nominal diameter of 3.76 mm and a lead hole diameter of 2.77 mm. Specimens were tested and the mean bearing capacity was used to establish the equivalent species capacity in accordance with ASTM D5456, A2.5.
Bolt bearing Bolt bearing capacity in accordance with ASTM D5764 using 12.5-mm- and 19.0-mm-diameter bolts was determined.
Creep and recovery Creep testing was conducted in accordance with the CCMC’s creep and recovery test. After conditioning of the specimens, the creep and recovery performance was considered favourable. Long-term creep testing was also conducted, which demonstrated equivalency to duration of load behaviour of lumber.
Adhesive The adhesive complies with CSA O112.6 and O112.9. The adhesive heat durability meets the requirements of ASTM D5456-13a.
Durability Specimens were tested for adhesive durability, product durability, and connection durability (edge nailing durability), in accordance with ASTM D5456-07 (as part of the work in ASTM D07.02.03 Task Group).


Administrative information

Use of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) assessments

This assessment must be read in the context of the entire CCMC Registry of Product Assessments, any applicable building code or by-law requirements, and/or any other regulatory requirements (for example, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that the assessment they are using is current and has not been withdrawn or superseded by a later version on the CCMC Registry of Product Assessments.


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has evaluated only the characteristics of the specific product described herein. The information and opinions in this evaluation are directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents (such as authorities having jurisdiction, design professionals and specifiers). This evaluation is valid when the product is used as part of permitted construction, respecting all conditions and limitations stated in the evaluation, and in accordance with applicable building codes and by-laws.

This evaluation is provided without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, and the NRC provides no endorsement for any evaluated product. The NRC accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained herein or the use of any evaluated product. The NRC is not undertaking to render professional or other services on behalf of any person or entity nor to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to another person or entity.


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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the National Research Council of Canada, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the CCMC.

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From: National Research Council Canada

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