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[CCMC 14204-R] CCMC Canadian code compliance evaluation

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Compliance opinion

It is the opinion of the Canadian Construction Materials Centre that the evaluated product, when used as an exterior cladding in accordance with the conditions and limitations stated in this evaluation, complies with the following code:

National Building Code of Canada 2015

ID Code provision Solution type
04-03-01-01-00-0- Design Basis for WoodAcceptable
09-20-02-01-00-0- Masonry Unit StandardsAlternative
09-20-05-01-00-0- Masonry SupportAlternative
09-20-06-00-00-0-009.20.6. Thickness and HeightAlternative
09-27-02-00-00-0-00A-9.27.2. Required Protection from PrecipitationAcceptable

The above opinion(s) is/are based on the evaluation by the CCMC of technical evidence provided by the evaluation holder, and is bound by the stated conditions and limitations. For the benefit of the user, a summary of the technical information that forms the basis of this evaluation has been included.

Product information

Product name


Product description

beonstone is a concrete stone veneer panel with a standoff and embedded metal strip support structure used for exterior cladding. It is mechanically attached to a proprietaryTable footnote (1) engineered structural wood sheathing and stud framing design detailed in Appendix A.

The concrete stone veneer panel is composed of Portland cement, water, aggregates, pigments and paint. The product is cast in moulds that produce different textures. beonstone is 610 mm in length, 305 mm in width and approximately 38 mm in thickness. beonstone has four different profiles: CLASSIC, CANYON, ELEMENT and HORIZON. The figure below illustrates beonstone with the ELEMENT profile.

an image of the product beonstone with ELEMENT profile

Figure 1. beonstone with ELEMENT profile

  1. 610 mm (24 in.)
  2. 305 mm (12 in.)

beonstone is mechanically attached to the supporting structure using an embedded metal strip with a polypropylene standoff. The beonstone starter strip is attached to the bottom of the first row of beonstone. The top and bottom edges of beonstone are designed to interlock with each other. The embedded metal strip is Type 304 stainless steel and the fasteners are minimum No. 10 × 1 in. fully threaded stainless steel wood screws. The polypropylene standoff is designed as a spacer to create a 10-mm-deep drained and vented air space behind the cladding (i.e., a rainscreen system).

Instead of the masonry being supported on the foundation, the product is supported by the wood frame. Therefore, the product must be installed according to the proprietary wood-frame construction details. These construction details are in Appendix A, and include increased top and bottom plates, less stud spacing, horizontal sheathing, etc.

a photo of a typical “beonstone” installation

Figure 2. A typical beonstone installation

Manufacturing plant

This evaluation is valid only for products produced at the following plant:

Product nameManufacturing plant
Bromont, QC, CA
beonstoneProduct evaluated by the CCMC

Product evaluated by the CCMC Indicates that the product from this manufacturing facility has been evaluated by the CCMC

  Conditions and limitations

The CCMC’s compliance opinion is bound by this product being used in accordance with the conditions and limitations set out below.


  • The components of the backup wall construction must be in full compliance with the requirements of Part 9, Housing and Small Buildings, of Division B of the NBC 2015 in conjunction with the conditions and limitations listed in this report.
  • The product is limited to use as exterior cladding for the buildings falling within the scope of Part 9, Housing and Small Buildings, of Division B of the NBC 2015 in conjunction with the conditions and limitations listed in this report. It must be installed on structural grade wood sheathing boards that are attached to wood framing in accordance with the backup wall design specified in Appendix A of this Report. It is installed on structural grade wood sheathing boards that are attached to wood framing in accordance with the backup wall design specified in Appendix A of this evaluation.
  • The product is not intended for use in retrofit construction.
  • The product is limited to installation on buildings not exceeding two (2) storeys, with a maximum height of 3 m per floor, with a maximum building plan of 24 m × 12 m and with a maximum floor joist clear span of 8 m. The joist span tables referred to Article, Spans for Joists, Rafters and Beams, of Division B of the NBC 2015, apply to floors supported by sawn lumber joists. If the framing is other than sawn lumber (e.g., I-joist), the floors are required to be designed in conformance with Part 4, Structural Design, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The product is limited to installations in geographical areas where the 1-in-50 hourly wind pressure is ≤ 0.70 kPa and the building is Category 2 for internal pressure (Cpi: –0.45 to +0.30), as defined in Article, Internal Pressure Coefficient, of Division B of the NBC 2015. The wind design value has been validated for the product installed over horizontally installed plywood or oriented strandboard (OSB) structural sheathing with a minimum thickness of 12.5 mm for plywood and 11 mm for OSB.
  • The product must be applied in geographical areas where the spectral response acceleration Sa(0.2) is 1.2 or less, and the building is on a Class C site or better, as defined in Article, Site Properties, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The 10-mm air space that is created by the clips must remain unobstructed to form a clear drainage layer behind the product.
  • At least one layer of wall-sheathing membrane conforming to Article, Sheathing Membrane Material Standard, of Division B of the NBC 2015, must be applied beneath the cladding products. The sheathing membrane must be applied in accordance with Article, Required Sheathing Membrane and Installation, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The product must be installed with suitable flashing to drain water from the drainage layer to the exterior and to protect the exposed top edge of the cladding.
  • Flashing must be installed in accordance with the requirements of Articles, Flashing Materials, and, Flashing Installation, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The impact resistance of the product makes it susceptible to hard- and soft-body impacts. However, the ease of replacing the product makes it suitable for normal use in upper floors and protected ground floors. When used at ground floors exposed to high impacts, special precautions must be taken, such as installing guardrails or raised gardens.
  • Fire blocks must be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article, Required Fire Blocks in Wall Assemblies, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The product must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s current instructions “Technical Guide BEONSTONE PANELIZED STONE SIDING,” version 19.12, dated December 2019.
  • To obtain an acceptable performance, a high level of quality control at all stages of the exterior wall construction is imperative.
  • This evaluation is applicable only to products identified by the phrase “CCMC 14204-R.”


  • The product is to be installed on a pre-engineered wood frame designed to support this proprietary product. The installation of the product must be in accordance with the engineering analysis as prepared by Quaile Engineering Ltd. in Report No. 19-096-1 Rev 1, dated April 6, 2020. The pre-engineered design solutions are produced in the engineering analysis and reproduced in Appendix A of this evaluation along with the detailed design and construction requirements. The provided pre-engineered design solutions have the following features:
    • only applied to new construction;
    • the top and bottom plates are increased, and the stud spacings are reduced;
    • the nailing of the top and bottom plates is increased;
    • squash blocks are required to support the I-joists; and
    • exterior sheathing is installed with the strong axis (face grain) oriented horizontally.
  • When the product is used outside the scope and limitations of Quaile Engineering Ltd.’s Report No. 19-096-1 Rev 1, dated April 6, 2020, a special engineering analysis must be carried out by a licensed professional engineer skilled in structural design, who must sign and seal the related analysis, confirming its conformance to Part 4 of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The stud wall must consist of 38-mm × 140-mm stud grade Spruce-Pine-Fir (S-P-F). A hole not greater than 25 mm in diameter is permitted at the centreline of the stud. No. 2 grade S-P-F plates must be used in the framing of the backup wall.
  • A horizontal joint must be provided at each floor level as indicated in Figure 5.
  • The fastening screws used to secure the cladding through the clips must be minimum No. 10 × 1 in fully threaded stainless steel wood screws.
  • A roof overhang of up to 600 mm is permitted.
  • For buildings with balconies, the tributary floor width applied to the wall shall be 4 m or less per floor.
  • Cladding attachments must conform with Sentence, Attachment (of Cladding) and Articles, Fastener Materials, and, Penetration of Fasteners, of Division B of the NBC 2015. For any other mode of attaching a cladding system to sheathing, the structural sufficiency of the sheathing and the whole backing, in conjunction with the clips and type of fasteners, must be in accordance with the engineering analysis as prepared by Quaile Engineering Ltd. in Report No. 19-096-1 Rev 1, dated April 6, 2020.

  Technical information

This evaluation is based on demonstrated conformance with the following criteria:

Evaluation requirements
Criteria number Criteria name
CCMC-TG-074650A-15CCMC Technical Guide for concrete stone veneer panel with an embedded attachment system for exterior cladding
Material requirements
Table 1. Results of testing the prescriptive requirements of beonstone
Property Unit Requirement Result
Dimensional tolerances length mm ≤ ± 4 Pass
width mm ≤ ± 2 PassTable footnote (1)
thickness mm ≤ ± 2 Pass
Density kg/m3 Report values 1 336
Absorption % < 15 8.2
Compressive strength MPa > 15 18
Saturation coefficient % < 0.80 0.32
Freeze-thaw resistance loss in mass % < 3 0.06
loss in flexural strength % < 15 6.7
Linear drying shrinkage % > 0.045 0.046
Performance requirements
Table 2. Results of testing the impact resistance of the product
Impact body Requirement Result
Dynamic mass (kg) Energy (N·m)
Safety impact large soft 50 100 PassTable footnote (1)
hard 1 10 PassTable footnote (1)
Retention of performance impact large soft 50 34 Pass
small soft 3 60 PassTable footnote (2)
hard 1 10 PassTable footnote (2)


Table 3. Results of testing the wind load resistance of the product for non-post-disaster buildings
Product Frame Stud spacing (mm) Fastening Maximum building height (m) Hourly wind pressure, Q50 (kPa)
beonstone 3 048 mm × 3 048 mm frame was built with 38 mm × 89 mm studs and sheathed with 15.9-mm-thick plywood 406 No. 10 × 1 in. self-tapping wood screws. Three screws per panel (two screws on top and one screw on the right-hand side). 12 Q50 < 1.00
100Table footnote (1) Q50 < 0.45


Table 4. Results of testing the deflection from wind load resistance of the product
Product Deflection (mm)Table footnote (1) Wind pressure for deflection measurements (Pa)Table footnote (2)
beonstone 25.86 2 180
33.16 –2 165


Table 5. Results of testing the rain penetration resistance of the productTable footnote footnote (1)
Product Frame Stud spacing (mm) Fastening Requirement Result
beonstone 2 438 mm × 2 438 mm frame was built with 38 mm × 89 mm studs and sheathed with 15.9-mm-thick plywood 406 No. 10 × 1 in fully threaded Magni galvanized wood screws. Three screws per panel. No water observed on the exposed interior surface Pass


Appendix A: Pre-engineered design solutions  

The pre-engineered solutions must be in full accordance with the engineering analysis as prepared by Quaile Engineering Ltd.’s Report No. 19-096-1 Rev 1, dated April 6, 2020. Table 6 to Table 8 provide the main pre-engineering solutions for buildings not exceeding two (2) storeys with 3 m height per floor.

A-1. Maximum stud spacing for top floor (supporting roof only)

  • Top plate: two (2) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Bottom plate: one (1) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Stud materials: 38 mm × 140 mm stud grade S-P-F
  • Maximum roof truss span: 12 m
Table 6. Maximum stud spacing (mm) for top floorTable footnote footnote (1)
Design snow load (kPa) Wall height (m) 1-in-50 yr hourly wind pressure (kPa)
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
1 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
1.5 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
2 2.4 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
2.7 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
3.0 300 300 300 300 300
2.5 2.4 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
2.7 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
3.0 300 300 300 300 300
3 2.4


A-2. Maximum stud spacing for top floor with increased top and bottom plates (supporting roof only)

  • Top plate: three (3) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Bottom plate: two (2) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Stud materials: 38 mm × 140 mm stud grade S-P-F
  • Maximum roof truss span: 12 m
Table 7. Maximum stud spacing (mm) for top floor with increased top and bottom platesTable footnote footnote (1)
Design snow load (kPa) Wall height (m) 1-in-50 yr hourly wind pressure (kPa)
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
1 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
1.5 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
2 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
2.5 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
3 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300


A-3. Maximum stud spacing for ground floor (supporting roof and one floor)

  • Top plate: two (2) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Bottom plate: two (2) 38 mm × 140 mm No. 2 Grade S-P-F
  • Stud materials: 38 mm × 140 mm stud grade S-P-F
  • Maximum roof truss span: 12 m
  • Maximum floor joist span: 8 m
Table 8. Maximum stud spacing (mm) for ground floorTable footnote footnote (1)
Design snow load (kPa) Wall height (m) 1-in-50 yr hourly wind pressure (kPa)
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
1 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
1.5 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
2 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300
3.0 400 400 300 300 300
2.5 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 400 400 400 300 300 300
3.0 300 300 300 300 300
3 2.4 400 400 400 400 300 300 300
2.7 300 300 300 300 300 300
3.0 300 300 300 300 300


A-4. Exterior sheathing and fastening

The exterior sheathing requirements are illustrated in the following figure, and their fastening schedules are shown in the table in this section.

Sheathing and fastening for product
Figure 3. Exterior sheathing and fastening for the product
  1. Nail spacing as per Table 9 along all supports
  2. 11 mm OSB to CSA O325, or 12.5 plywood to CSA O121 or O151
  3. 600 mm min.
  4. Face grain horizontal
Table 9. Nail spacing for 11 mm OSB or 12.5 mm plywood sheathing fastened to 38 mm × 140 mm S-P-F studs
Stud spacing (mm) Spiral nail size Maximum nail spacing (mm)Table footnote (1)
1-in-50 hourly wind pressure (kPa)
Length (mm) Diameter (mm) 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
300 63 2.77 150 150 150 150 150 140
76 3.1 150 150 150 150 150 150
400 63 2.77 150 140 130 120 110 100
76 3.1 150 150 150 150 150 140


A-5. Details of stud wall construction

The details of the stud wall construction are illustrated in the following figure. The details are designed to accommodate the worst-case scenario for the range of conditions covered by the pre-engineered solutions.

The details of the stud wall construction
Figure 4. Stud wall construction for the product (wall elevation, interior face)
  1. 2 × 6 top plate (2 or 3 ply as per stud tables)
  2. 3 – 82 mm end nails per stud
  3. 3 – 82 mm plate-to-plate nails between studs
  4. 2 × 6 bottom plate (1 or 2 ply as per stud tables)
  5. 2 × 4 squash block aligned with wall studs below (maximum 76 mm offset from stud below)
  6. 2 × 4 squash blocks above foundation at the same spacing as the studs in the wall above
  7. Minimum 28-mm engineered rim board fastened with 82-mm toe nails at 150 mm o.c.
  8. Floor joist or blocking at maximum of 406 mm o.c., fastened with 3 – 82 mm nails
  9. Bottom plate fastened to floor with 82 mm nails at 150 mm o.c.
  10. Maximum 25-mm diameter hole at centre of stud
  11. 3 – 82 mm toe nails from truss to plate
  12. Simpson strong G-Tie H 10A anchor on each truss
  13. 2 × 6 sill plate
  14. 11 mm 1 R 24/2f 16 OSB or 12.5 mm softwood or Douglas Fir plywood fastened as per Table 9
  15. 70 mm
  16. 70 mm
  17. Section
  18. Concrete Foundation Wall
  19. Roof Trussed at 24 o/c max
  20. 76 mm max
  21. Top of 2nd floor plate
  22. 2x6 studs
  23. top pf 1st floor plate
  24. Top of foundation wall
  25. Wall elevation (Interior face)
  26. Deviation from conventional wood-frame construction
  27. 2 or 3 top plates
  28. 1 or 2 bottom plates
  29. Must have squash blocks
  30. Must have exterior sheathing horizontally
  31. Must have 2 bottom plates



A-6. Maximum lintel span

The maximum lintel span is provided in the following table. It is important to note that the lintel span tables provided in Part 9 of Division B of the NBC 2015 are not applicable to walls supporting this product.

Table 10. Maximum lintel spanTable footnote footnote (1)
Design snow load (kPa) Maximum lintel clear span (m)
Lintel supporting roof only Lintel supporting roof and one (1) floor
3 – 38 mm × 184 mm 3 – 38 mm × 235 mm 3 – 38 mm × 286 mm 3 – 38 mm × 184 mm 3 – 38 mm × 235 mm 3 – 38 mm × 286 mm
1 1.89 2.33 2.68 1.26 1.56 1.79
1.5 1.67 2.06 2.37 1.21 1.50 1.72
2 1.51 1.87 2.14 1.15 1.38 1.63
2.5 1.39 1.72 1.97 1.09 1.24 1.54
3 1.29 1.60 1.83 1.04 1.12 1.47


A-7. Movement joints

The movement joints required for this product are illustrated in details in the following figure.

The movement joints required for this product
Figure 5. Required movement joints in applications for the product
  1. Movement joints in upper floor to be same as shown below
  2. 100 to 125 mm
  3. Top of floor
  4. ​​​​​​​Engineered wood floor
  5. Top of wall
  6. 1.2 m (4 ft.') max
  7. 3 mm gap (movement joint) between stone where shown
  8. Top of floor
  9. Engineered wood floor


Administrative information

Use of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) assessments

This assessment must be read in the context of the entire CCMC Registry of Product Assessments, any applicable building code or by-law requirements, and/or any other regulatory requirements (for example, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that the assessment they are using is current and has not been withdrawn or superseded by a later version on the CCMC Registry of Product Assessments.


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has evaluated only the characteristics of the specific product described herein. The information and opinions in this evaluation are directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents (such as authorities having jurisdiction, design professionals and specifiers). This evaluation is valid when the product is used as part of permitted construction, respecting all conditions and limitations stated in the evaluation, and in accordance with applicable building codes and by-laws.

This evaluation is provided without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, and the NRC provides no endorsement for any evaluated product. The NRC accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained herein or the use of any evaluated product. The NRC is not undertaking to render professional or other services on behalf of any person or entity nor to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to another person or entity.


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© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the National Research Council of Canada, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the CCMC.

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From: National Research Council Canada

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