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[CCMC 13698-R] CCMC Canadian code compliance evaluation

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Compliance opinion

It is the opinion of the Canadian Construction Materials Centre that the evaluated product, when used as a component in a sub-slab radon gas mitigation system in accordance with the conditions and limitations stated in this evaluation, complies with the following code:

National Building Code of Canada 2015

ID Code provision Solution type
09-13-04-03-01-0- Floors-on-ground shall be provided with ...Acceptable
09-13-04-03-01-0- Floors-on-ground shall be provided with ...Alternative
09-25-02-02-01-c- Insulation MaterialsAcceptable

The above opinion(s) is/are based on the evaluation by the CCMC of technical evidence provided by the evaluation holder, and is bound by the stated conditions and limitations. For the benefit of the user, a summary of the technical information that forms the basis of this evaluation has been included.

Product information

Product name

Radon Guard™

Product description

The product is a panelized sub-slab depressurization system that allows for soil gas removal, insulation and a capillary break between the ground and the air barrier system. The soil gas is dissipated through interconnected channels in the moulded expanded polystyrene (EPS) thermal insulation collection and exhaust panels. These panels are laid side by side to provide continuous venting and an insulation layer between the air barrier system (ABS) and the ground. The insulation panels used in the Radon Guard system are PlastiSpan HD (CCMC 12425-L) Type 2 and PlastiSpan 25 (CCMC 12426-L) Type 3, which meet CAN/ULC-S701, “Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering.”

The milled panels are a minimum 89 mm (3.5 in.) thick. The legs may be milled or moulded directly in the manufacturing plant. The legs are either square or cylindrical as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. The panels are available in the various sizes.

Illustration detailing typical assembly.
Figure 1. Radon Guard typical assembly
  1. radon gas
  2. vent collar flange
  3. concrete slab
  4. air barrier system
  5. radon exhaust vent pipe
  6. radon exhaust
  7. radon exhaust vent pipe
  8. vent collar flange
  9. concrete slab
  10. air barrier system
  11. Radon Guard panels
  12. undisturbed soil or compacted fill
  13. Section A
Underside view of square legs on Radon Guard

Figure 2. Underside view of square legs on Radon Guard

Underside view of cylindrical legs on Radon Guard.

Figure 3. Underside view of cylindrical legs on Radon Guard

Manufacturing plants

This evaluation is limited to products produced at the following plants:

Product nameManufacturing plants
Crossfield, AB, CASaskatoon, SK, CAWinnipeg, MB, CA
Radon Guard™Product evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC

Product evaluated by the CCMC Indicates that the product from this manufacturing facility has been evaluated by the CCMC

  Conditions and limitations

The CCMC’s compliance opinion is bound by this product being used in accordance with the conditions and limitations set out below.

  • The product must be laid on undisturbed soil (no organics), compacted fill or a sand base.
  • The product is intended only as an underground gas permeable layer.
  • The product must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation manual, Radon Guard Sub-Slab Radon Gas Mitigation, v. 1.2, April 4, 2014.
  • The insulation panels used in the system must be certified to CAN/ULC-S701.
  • The product must be used in conjunction with an ABS conforming to Subsection 9.25.3., Air Barrier Systems, of Division B of NBC 2015.
  • The ABS, concrete slab, and interior floor finish must all be sealed to the radon extraction piping that is provided by others in accordance with Article, Division B of NBC 2010 and 2015 (see Figure 1).

  Technical information

This evaluation is based on demonstrated conformance with the following criteria:

Evaluation requirements
Criteria number Criteria name
CCMC-TG-312113.15-15CCMC Technical Guide for Underslab EPS board with channels for radon ventilation

The evaluation holder has submitted technical documentation for the CCMC evaluation. Testing was conducted at laboratories recognized by the CCMC. The corresponding technical evidence for this product is summarized below.

Material requirements

The thermal insulation must meet and be certified to CAN/ULC-S701, “Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering.” The insulation panels used in the Radon Guard system are PlastiSpan HD Type 2 (CCMC 12425-L) and PlastiSpan 25 Type 3 (CCMC 12426-L).

Performance requirements

Radon infiltration test

Radon gas (Rn) was introduced to the dosing compartment located under the backfilling sand layer and test samples (either a Radon Guard product or a 100 mm (4 in.) gravel layer). The receiving compartment was located above the varnished wood floor. Rn concentrations were continuously monitored in both the dosing and receiving compartments of the Radon Infiltration through Building Envelope Test System (RIBETS). The seven-day average of Rn concentrations was recorded after the system reached equilibrium (see Table below).

Table 1. Results of testing the comparison of radon infiltration through Radon Guard and prescriptive gravel
Property Rn concentration in dosing compartment (kBq/m3) Rn concentration in receiving compartment (Bq/m3) Result
Floor assembly with Radon Guard 4.58 48.79 Radon Guard is comparable to gravel in terms of radon infiltration under the test conditions.
Floor assembly with gravel 4.27 35.59

Pressure communication test

A radon exhaust fan removed air from under the test samples (either a Radon Guard product or a 100 mm (4 in.) gravel layer). The average flow rates through the radon exhaust fan, and the average pressure readings from under the floor panels and the test samples, in the backfilling sand layers, and in both the dosing and receiving compartments were recorded continuously over a two-hour period. Time averaging results are summarized in the Table below.

Table 2. Results of testing the comparison of pressure communication through Radon Guard and gravel
Property Flow rate through exhaust fan (cfm) Pressure under floor panel (Pa) Pressure under Radon Guard (Pa) Pressure in sand layer (Pa) Pressure in dosing compartment (Pa) Result
Floor assembly with Radon Guard 38.4 −1.1 −1.7 −2.1 −28.6 Radon Guard is comparable to gravel in terms of sub-slab pressure communication under the test conditions. This result demonstrates that the product is able to serve as a sub-slab gas permeable layer as comparable to prescriptive gravel.
Floor assembly with gravel 38.7 −0.9 −1.4 −2.0 −29.2

Administrative information

Use of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) assessments

This assessment must be read in the context of the entire CCMC Registry of Product Assessments, any applicable building code or by-law requirements, and/or any other regulatory requirements (for example, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that the assessment they are using is current and has not been withdrawn or superseded by a later version on the CCMC Registry of Product Assessments.


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has evaluated only the characteristics of the specific product described herein. The information and opinions in this evaluation are directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents (such as authorities having jurisdiction, design professionals and specifiers). This evaluation is valid when the product is used as part of permitted construction, respecting all conditions and limitations stated in the evaluation, and in accordance with applicable building codes and by-laws.

This evaluation is provided without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, and the NRC provides no endorsement for any evaluated product. The NRC accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained herein or the use of any evaluated product. The NRC is not undertaking to render professional or other services on behalf of any person or entity nor to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to another person or entity.


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In the case of any discrepancy between the English and French version of this document, the English version shall prevail.


© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the National Research Council of Canada, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the CCMC.

Page details

From: National Research Council Canada

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