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[CCMC 12678-R] CCMC Canadian code compliance evaluation

In most jurisdictions this document is sufficient evidence for approval by Canadian authorities.

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Compliance opinion

It is the opinion of the Canadian Construction Materials Centre that the evaluated products, when used as exterior cladding in accordance with the conditions and limitations stated in this evaluation, comply with the following code:

National Building Code of Canada 2015

ID Code provision Solution type
09-27-02-00-00-0-009.27.2. Required Protection from PrecipitationAcceptable
09-27-05-00-00-0-009.27.5. Attachment of CladdingAlternative
09-27-09-00-00-0-009.27.9. HardboardAlternative

Ontario Building Code

Ruling No. 95-17-36 (12678-R) authorizing the use of this product in Ontario, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Ruling, was made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on 1995-11-29 (revised 2012-06-13) pursuant to s.29 of the Building Code Act, 1992 (see Ruling for terms and conditions). This Ruling is subject to periodic revisions and updates.

The above opinion(s) is/are based on the evaluation by the CCMC of technical evidence provided by the evaluation holder, and is bound by the stated conditions and limitations. For the benefit of the user, a summary of the technical information that forms the basis of this evaluation has been included.

Product information

Product names

  • Artisan®Lap Siding
  • Artisan®Siding with Lock Joint System
  • HardiePanel®HZ5™ Vertical Siding
  • HardiePlank®HZ5™ Lap Siding
  • HardieShingle®HZ5™ Individual Shingle
  • HardieShingle®HZ5™ Notched Panels

Product description

The products are fibre cement boards made primarily of hydraulic cement, silica, and other additives and reinforced integrally with cellulose fibres. The products are manufactured using the Hatschek process and steam autoclaved. They are intended for use as an exterior cladding applied to vertical masonry or concrete walls, as well as cementitious and wood sheathing that are attached to wood or steel framing, subject to the conditions and limitations stated in the conditions and limitations section of this Report. See also the manufacturer’s installation instructions, dated March 2020, for details and restrictions.

In addition to the sizes for each of the products listed below, additional lengths and widths may be available from the manufacturer by special order.

HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding

HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding is available in panels that are 2 440 mm to 3 050 mm long, 1 220 mm wide and 7.5 mm thick. The panels are available in a smooth, stucco pattern or a wood grain face texture.

The panels are installed with a drained and vented air space not less than 10 mm deep behind the cladding. The vertical joints of the panels must butt over the framing members (studs).

dimensions of the “HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding”. 2440mm to 3050mm by 1220mm by 7.5mm.

Figure 1. HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding

HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding

HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding is available in planks that are 3 660 mm long, 133 mm to 305 mm high and 7.5 mm thick. The planks are available in a smooth or wood grain face texture.

The planks are installed starting at the bottom of the wall with a minimum overlap of 32 mm. The vertical joints of the planks must butt over the framing members (studs). The lap siding is fastened either through the overlapping planks (face nailed) with corrosion-resistant nails or screws, or through the top edge of the planks (blind nailed).

dimensions of the “HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding”. 133mm to 305mm by 3660mm by 7.5mm.

Figure 2. HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding

  1. 133 to 305 mm
  2. 3660 mm
  3. 7.5 mm

HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels

HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels are available in three variations: a straight edge panel, a staggered edge panel and a half round panel. The panels are 404 mm high, 1 220 mm long and 6 mm thick. The panels are available in a wood grain texture.

dimensions of the “HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels” – straight edge. 404mm by 1220mm by 6mm.

Figure 3. HardieShingle®HZ5™ Notched Panels - straight edge

dimensions of the “HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels”– Staggered edge. 404mm by 1220mm by 6mm

Figure 4. HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels – staggered edge

dimensions of the “HardieShingle® HZ5 Notched Panels”. 404mm by 1220mm by 6mm.

Figure 5. HardieShingle® HZ5 Notched Panels – half round


HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle

HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle is available in cladding shingles that are 381 mm high, 105 mm to 250 mm wide and 6 mm thick. The shingles are available in a wood grain texture.

dimensions of the “HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle”. 361mm by 105mm to 250mm by 6mm

Figure 6. HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle

  1. 381 mm
  2. 105 to 250 mm
  3. 6 mm

Artisan® Lap Siding

Artisan® Lap Siding is available in planks that are 3 660 mm long, 133 mm to 209 mm high and 16 mm thick. The planks are available in a smooth and wood grain face texture and have tongue-and-groove vertical joints.

The planks are installed starting at the bottom of the wall with a minimum overlap of 32 mm. The lap siding is fastened either through the overlapping planks (face nailed) with corrosion-resistant nails or screws, or through the top edge of the planks (blind nailed).

render of the “Artisan® Lap Siding”

Figure 7. Artisan® Lap Siding

Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System

Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System is available in planks that are 3 660 mm long, 209 mm and 260 mm high and 16 mm thick. The planks are available in a smooth and wood grain face texture and have tongue-and-groove longitudinal joints. Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System is installed both horizontally and vertically. The product has four joint profiles: V Groove, Square Channel, Bevel Channel and Shiplap.

The panels are installed with a drained and vented air space not less than 10 mm deep behind the cladding. The vertical joints of the panels must butt over the framing members (studs).

render of the “Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System”

Figure 8. Artisan®Siding with Lock Joint System

Manufacturing plants

This evaluation is limited to products produced at the following plants:

Product namesManufacturing plants
Cleburne, TX, USFontana, CA, USMcCarran, NV, USPeru, IL, USPlant City, FL, USPulaski, VA, USTacoma, WA, USWaxahachie, TX, US
Artisan®Lap SidingProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC
Artisan®Siding with Lock Joint SystemProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC
HardiePanel®HZ5™ Vertical SidingProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC
HardiePlank®HZ5™ Lap SidingProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC
HardieShingle®HZ5™ Individual ShingleProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC
HardieShingle®HZ5™ Notched PanelsProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMCProduct evaluated by the CCMC

Product evaluated by the CCMC Indicates that the product from this manufacturing facility has been evaluated by the CCMC

  Conditions and limitations

The CCMC’s compliance opinion is bound by this product being used in accordance with the conditions and limitations set out below.

HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding, HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels, HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle and Artisan® Lap Siding

All areas:

  • The products are intended for use as an exterior cladding applied over exterior walls of buildings falling within the scope of Part 9, Housing and Small Buildings, of Division B of the National Building Code (NBC) of Canada 2015.
  • The products are applied to vertical walls of masonry or concrete, as well as cementitious and wood sheathing that are attached to wood or steel framing.
  • When used in existing buildings, the applicable elements of the existing buildings must comply with the requirements of the NBC 2015.
  • This Report covers the installation of the products limited to the geographical areas with the hourly wind pressures (HWP) shown in the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table and the respective fastening schedule to a wood or steel frame.
  • The performance level shown in the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table is for installations limited to non-post-disaster buildings with the maximum building height of 12 m or 20 m, depending on the geographical areas with HWP. The performance level in the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table for the building height of 20 m is shown for information purposes only for use in the engineering design by a professional engineer.
  • Buildings up to three storeys high (12 m) fall under the scope of Part 9 of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • Buildings higher than 12 m fall under the scope of Part 4 of Division B of the NBC 2015. In accordance with the NBC 2015, the engineering design must be prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practise in Canada who has expertise in a relevant area.
  • A clearance of not less than 200 mm shall be provided between finished ground and the product.
  • At least one layer of wall sheathing membrane conforming to Article, Sheathing Membrane Material Standard, of Division B of the NBC 2015, must be applied beneath the cladding products.
  • Where no sheathing is used, at least two layers of sheathing membrane must be applied beneath the cladding products in accordance with Article, Sheathing Membrane in lieu of Sheathing, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • If sheathing is required as part of the structure of the wood-frame construction (e.g., braced walls), a proper second plane of protection shall be provided in accordance with Subsection 9.27.3., Second Plane of Protection, of Division B of the NBC 2015.

Areas defined in Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015:

  • Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015 defines the area where the number of degree-days is less than 3 400 and the moisture index is greater than 0.90, or the number of degree-days is 3 400 or more, and the moisture index is greater than 1.00.
  • For applications in the areas as defined by Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015, all listed products must be installed over wood strapping creating a drained and vented air space not less than 10 mm deep behind the cladding in conformance with Clause, Sentences, and, Penetration of Fasteners, and Articles, Furring, and, Size and Spacing of Fasteners, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The drained and vented air space described in Clause of Division B of the NBC 2015 must remain unobstructed.

Areas not defined in Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015:

  • For direct application in these areas, (1)(2) the air space between the substrate and the products that is created as a result of the overlap of the cladding boards must remain unobstructed.

HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding

  • For direct application of HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding in these areas, the butt joint must consist of factory-finished ends in conjunction with a joint flashing behind the joint, which consists of a 150-mm-wide Code-prescribed sheathing membrane (2) that overlaps the course below by 25 mm. The butt joint must be lined up and be supported by a stud.

HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding and Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System

  • In all areas, HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding must be installed over wood strapping, creating a drained and vented air space not less than 10 mm deep behind the cladding in conformance with Clause, Sentences and, and Articles and, of Division B of the NBC 2015.

Cladding system installation details

  • Installation of the products must meet the requirements of Article, Flashing Installation, and Subsections 9.27.4., Sealants, and 9.27.5., Attachment of Cladding, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • Fasteners for the attachment of products shall be corrosion-resistant and shall be compatible with the products in compliance with the requirements of Article, Fastener Materials, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The attachment of the cladding conforms to the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table of this Report.
  • The products must be installed in conjunction with materials conforming to Articles, Sheathing Membrane Material Standard, and, Flashing Materials, and Subsections 9.27.4. and 9.27.5. of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • The requirements of Article, Required Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces, of Division B of the NBC 2015 must be met.
  • The product must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s current installation instructions:
    • HS1235 2/14 for HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding,
    • HS11118 2/14 for HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding,
    • HS11120 2/14 for HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels” and HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle,
    • ASP1841 P1/8 03/20 for Artisan® Lap Siding and
    • ASP1836 P1/9 04/19 for Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System.
  • In case of any discrepancies between the installation instructions and the conditions and limitations of this evaluation report, conditions and limitations of this evaluation report shall govern.
  • If the fastening schedules in the manufacturer’s installation instructions differ from those tested and reported in the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table of this Report, the ones in the Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings table supersede.
  • The technical opinion in this Report is limited to uncoated products. The manufacturer may provide primed or prepainted products. Low water vapour permeance coatings may affect the drying potential of the product as well as the substrate on which it is installed. Such a situation could lead to premature deterioration of the substrate and other elements in the wall assembly. The manufacturer’s recommendations for type and characteristics of coatings to be used in conjunction with the cladding must be followed.
  • The possibility of moisture accumulation within the wall construction is mainly a function of the level of workmanship related to the elements constituting the second plane of protection as defined in Article of Division B of the NBC 2015, such as wall sheathing membrane, flashing, caulking and attachment of siding. A high level of quality control at all stages of the exterior wall construction is imperative for obtaining an acceptable performance.
  • The products shall be applied in geographical areas where the spectral response acceleration Sa(0.2) is 1.2 or less and the building is on a Class C site or better, as defined in Article, Site Properties, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
  • This Evaluation Report is applicable only to products identified with “CCMC 12678-R.”

  Technical information

This evaluation is based on demonstrated conformance with the following criteria:

Evaluation requirements
Criteria number Criteria name
CCMC-TG-074645.01-15CCMC Technical Guide for Cellulose Reinforced Fibre Cement Cladding

The evaluation holder has submitted technical documentation for the CCMC evaluation. Testing was conducted at laboratories recognized by CCMC. The corresponding technical evidence for this product is summarized below.


Dimensional tolerances

Table 1. Results of testing the dimensional measurements of HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding
Property Unit Requirement Result
Length mm ±3.0 2
Width mm ±3.0 2
Thickness mm ±1.6 0.51
Squareness mm/m ±4.0 1.33
Edge straightness mm/m ±2.6 0.73


Table 2. Results of testing the dimensional measurements of Artisan® Lap Siding
Property Unit Requirement Result
Length mm ±3.0 2.2
Width mm ±3.0 –1.3
Thickness mm ±1.6 0.3
Squareness mm/m ±4.0 0.0
Edge straightness mm/m ±2.6 0.0


Table 3. Results of testing the dimensional measurements of Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System
Property Unit Requirement Result
Length mm ±3.0 –2.8
Width mm ±3.0 0.3
Thickness mm ±1.6 0.1
Squareness mm/m ±4.0 0.0
Edge straightness mm/m ±2.6 0.0
Prescriptive requirements
Table 4. Results of testing the prescriptive requirements of HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding
Property Unit Requirement Result
Water absorption % ≤ 40 29.8
Density kg/m3 ≥ 950 1 388
Dimensional change % < 0.20 0.1
Flexural strength MDTable footnote (1) MPa > 7.0 21.0
XDTable footnote (1) > 7.0 13.7
Fastener pull-through resistance N ≥ 28 × thickness 1 144
Water vapour transmission (water method) ng/m2·s·Pa > 60 1 056
Freeze-thaw resistance loss of mass % ≤ 3 1.42
loss of flexural strength MD % ≤ 15 4.1
XD ≤ 15 12.9
deleterious effects - None None
Watertightness - No drop of water None
Warm water resistance loss of flexural strength MD % ≤ 15 –9.4Table footnote (2)
XD ≤ 15 –12.0Table footnote (2)
deleterious effects - No visible cracks None


Table 5. Results of testing the prescriptive requirements of Artisan® Lap Siding
Property Unit Requirement Result
Water absorption % ≤ 40 29.0
Density kg/m3 ≥ 950 1 205
Flexural strength MDTable footnote (1) MPa > 7.0 17.5
XDTable footnote (1) > 7.0 11.0
Water vapour transmission water method ng/m2·s·Pa > 60 668
desiccant method Report value 320


Table 6. Results of testing the prescriptive requirements of Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System
Property Unit Requirement Result
Water absorption % ≤ 40 30.0
Density kg/m3 ≥ 950 1 221
Flexural strength MDTable footnote (1) MPa > 7.0 15.0
XDTable footnote (1) > 7.0 8.6
Water vapour transmission water method ng/m2·s·Pa > 60 602
desiccant method Report value 315
Freeze-thaw resistance loss of mass % ≤ 3 2.00
loss of flexural strength % ≤ 15 3.0
deleterious effects - None None
Performance requirements

Wind load resistance

Table 7. Results of testing the wind load resistance of the products for non-post-disaster buildings
Assembly IDTable footnote (1) Product Cladding dimension, mm Frame Sheathing Stud spacingTable footnote (2) , mm Fastener spacing, mm Fasteners Maximum building heightTable footnote (3), m Hourly wind pressure, Q50, kPa

HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

2 × 4 spruce-pine‑fir (S‑P‑F) wood None 610 305 (vertical) 6d common nail 12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 203 (vertical)

50-mm siding nail;

2.3-mm shank;

5.7-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 150 (vertical) 6d common nail 12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 150 (vertical)

38-mm ring shank nail;

2.5-mm shank;

5.7-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

20-ga steel None 610 305 (vertical)

#8 bugle head screw;

32-mm long;

8.2-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.45

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

20-ga steel None 610 305 (vertical)

38-mm ET&F pin;

2.5-mm shank;

6.2-mm head

- FailTable footnote (4)

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

20-ga steel None 610 203 (vertical)

38-mm ET&F pin;

2.5-mm shank;

6.2-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
8 HardiePanel® HZ5™ Vertical Siding

1 220 ×

2 440 × 7.5

18-ga steel None 406 150 (vertical)

38-mm ET&F pin;

2.5-mm shank;

6.2-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
9 HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)Table footnote (5)

6d common nail

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
10 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 -

(blind nailing)

6d common nail

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
11 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm roofing nail;

3-mm shank;

9.5-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
12 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 -

(blind nailing)

50-mm siding nail;

2.3-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
13 HardiePlank® HZ5™ Lap Siding 305 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(face nailing)Table footnote (6)

63.5-mm siding nail;

2.4-mm shank;

6.0-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.65
20 Q50 < 0.55
14 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 - (face nailing) 6d common nail 12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
15 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood 11.1-mm oriented strandboard (OSB) 610 203 (horizontal)

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
16 184 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

6d common nail

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
17 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm. shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
18 235 × 305 × 7.5 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm. shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.45
19 210 × 305 × 7.5 20-ga steel None 406 -

(blind nailing)

38-mm ET&F pin;

2.5-mm shank;

6.2-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
20 HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels 406 × 1 220 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 610 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
21 406 × 1 220 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
22 406 × 1 220 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood 11.1-mm OSB 610 356 (horizontal)

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
23 HardieShingle® HZ5™ Notched Panels 406 × 1 220 × 6.2 20-ga steel None 610 -

(blind nailing)

38-mm ET&F pin;

2.5-mm shank;

6.2-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.55
20 Q50 < 0.45
24 406 × 1 220 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

32-mm roofing nail;

3.0-mm shank;

9.5-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
25 HardieShingle® HZ5™ Individual Shingle 150, 203, 305 × 457 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood 11.1-mm OSB 610 Two end nails per shingleTable footnote (7)

(blind nailing)

32-mm roofing nail;

3.0-mm shank;

9.5-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
26 150, 203, 305 × 457 × 6.2 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood 11.1-mm OSB 610 Two end nails per shingle

(blind nailing)

32-mm ring shank nail;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.75
20 Q50 < 0.65
27Table footnote (8) Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System 260 × 3 660 × 16 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

6d siding nail;

50.4-mm long;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.85
20 Q50 < 0.75
28 260 × 3 660 × 16

2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood


1 x 4 S‑P‑F furring

None 406 -

(blind nailing)

#8 screw;

9.5-mm head-diameter;

32-mm long

12 Q50 < 1.00
20 Q50 < 1.00
29 Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System 260 × 3 660 × 16

2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood


1 x 4 S‑P‑F furring

None 610 -

(blind nailing)

#8 screw;

9.5-mm head-diameter;

32-mm long

12 Q50 < 0.85
20 Q50 < 0.75
30Table footnote (8) 260 × 3 660 × 16 20-ga steel None 406 -

(blind nailing)

#8 screw;

9.5-mm head-diameter;

32-mm long

12 Q50 < 1.00
20 Q50 < 1.00
31Table footnote (8) Artisan® Siding with Lock Joint System 260 × 3 660 × 16 2 × 4 Douglas Fir Larch wood None 610 -

(face nailing)

8d ring shank siding nail;

50.4-mm long;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 1.00
20 Q50 < 1.00
32 Artisan® Lap Siding 209 × 3 660 × 16 2 × 4 S‑P‑F wood None 406 -

(blind nailing)

6d siding nail;

50.4-mm long;

2.4-mm shank;

5.6-mm head

12 Q50 < 0.85
20 Q50 < 0.75
33 209 × 3 660 × 16 20-ga steel None 406 -

(blind nailing)

#8 screw;

7.9-mm head-diameter;

41-mm long

12 Q50 < 1.00
20 Q50 < 1.00


Table 8. Deflection measurements from the wind load resistance test
Assembly ID Maximum wind pressure for deflection measurements, Pa Deflection measurements, mm
AssemblyTable footnote (1) ComponentTable footnote (2)
Negative pressure Positive pressure Negative pressure Positive pressure
1 980 –5.37 5.00 –2.39 2.23
2 1 200 –4.93 4.41 –2.20 1.97
3 1 630 –4.90 4.77 –2.19 2.12
4 980 –3.27 3.18 –1.46 1.35
5 1 200 –4.12 4.04 –2.14 2.05
6 1 200 N/ATable footnote (3) N/ATable footnote (3) N/ATable footnote (3) N/ATable footnote (3)
7 1 200 –4.89 4.79 –2.54 2.40
8 1 200 –2.13 2.05 0.57 0.50
9 1 630 –5.02 4.99 –0.72 0.65
10 1 200 –6.19 5.85 –2.30 2.17
11 1 200 –5.49 5.47 –0.78 0.71
12 1 200 –5.99 5.87 –2.22 2.09
13 1 200 –4.05 3.89 –2.96 2.84
14 1 630 –7.17 6.30 –3.47 3.05
15 1 200 –4.76 4.05 –1.55 0.42
16 1 630 –5.61 5.35 –0.80 0.76
17 1 200 –3.99 3.71 –0.57 0.53
18 980 –5.17 4.73 –1.92 1.73
19 1 200 –3.76 3.44 –0.63 0.59
20 1 200 –2.70 2.64 –1.09 1.02
21 1 630 –2.31 2.27 –0.36 0.28
22 1 200 –2.31 2.19 –0.82 0.75
23 1 200 –3.20 2.95 –1.51 1.39
24 1 630 –2.31 2.24 –0.36 0.31
25 1 630 –6.21 6.09 0.31 0.26
26 1 630 –6.66 5.98 –0.33 0.30
27Table footnote (4) 1 850 –38.69 39.41 –39.02 37.11
28 2 660 –44.42 49.86 –38.48 49.00
29 1 850 –41.56 46.48 –47.98 46.32
30Table footnote (4) 2 410 –37.78 36.55 –38.40 37.00
31Table footnote (4) 2 660 –63.72 51.92 –65.55 52.20
32 1 850 –29.98 –37.08 –30.95 37.42
33 2 410 –14.53 –19.13 –14.71 19.25


Table 9. Results of testing the impact resistanceTable footnote footnote (1) of the products
Assembly ID Safety impact Retention of performance
Large soft 100 N·m Small hard 10 N·m Large soft 34 N·m Smaller soft 60 N·m Smaller soft 6 N·m Small hard 10 N·m Small hard 1 N·m
1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
3 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
4 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
5 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
6 N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3) N/ATable footnote footnote (3)
7 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
8 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
9 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
10 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
11 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
12 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
13 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
14 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
15 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
16 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
17 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
18 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
19 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
20 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
21 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
22 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
23 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
24 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass Pass Pass
25 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass
26 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass
27Table footnote footnote (4) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) - FailTable footnote footnote (2) -
28 Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) - Pass -
29 Pass Pass Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) - Pass -
30Table footnote footnote (4) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) Pass FailTable footnote footnote (2) - FailTable footnote footnote (2) -
31Table footnote footnote (4) Pass Pass Pass Pass - Pass -
32 Pass Pass Pass Pass - Pass -
33 Pass Pass Pass Pass - Pass -


Fire performance
Table 10. Results of testing the fire performanceTable footnote footnote (1)
Property Requirement Result
Non-combustibility CAN/ULC-S114 Non-combustible
Flame-spread rating CAN/ULC-S102 0
Smoke-developed classification 5


Administrative information

Use of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) assessments

This assessment must be read in the context of the entire CCMC Registry of Product Assessments, any applicable building code or by-law requirements, and/or any other regulatory requirements (for example, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, etc.).

It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that the assessment they are using is current and has not been withdrawn or superseded by a later version on the CCMC Registry of Product Assessments.


The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has evaluated only the characteristics of the specific product described herein. The information and opinions in this evaluation are directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents (such as authorities having jurisdiction, design professionals and specifiers). This evaluation is valid when the product is used as part of permitted construction, respecting all conditions and limitations stated in the evaluation, and in accordance with applicable building codes and by-laws.

This evaluation is provided without representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, and the NRC provides no endorsement for any evaluated product. The NRC accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained herein or the use of any evaluated product. The NRC is not undertaking to render professional or other services on behalf of any person or entity nor to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to another person or entity.


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In the case of any discrepancy between the English and French version of this document, the English version shall prevail.


© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the National Research Council of Canada, 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the CCMC.

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From: National Research Council Canada

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