GGTTS data format

The Group on GPS Time Transfer Standards (GGTTS), part of the Comité Consultatif pour la Definition de la Seconde (CCDS) has issued guidelines for the presentation of GPS Common View data in order to provide users of common view with a detailed, uniform data format.

NRC GPS data is formatted in accordance with the specifications set by the GGTTS. Each common view file consists of a file header which provides information about the GPS equipment used, and the laboratory operating the equipment. Data is then presented for each satellite tracked in the following categories.

Data Category Explanation
PRN the satellite vehicle PRN number
CL the hexadecimal number that corresponds to the Common View class of the track
MJD the five digit Modified Julian Date of the start of the track
STTIME hour, minute, and second (in UTC) of the start of the track
TRKL the track length in seconds (a full track is 780 seconds)
ELV the elevation of the satellite at the midpoint of the track
AZTH the azimuth of the satellite at the midpoint of the track
REFSV the time difference (measured in .1 nanosecond) between the laboratory reference clock and satellite time, referred to the midpoint of the pass via a linear fit
SRSV the slope determined via the linear fit to produce REFSV (measured in .1 picosecond per second)
REFGPS the time difference (measured in .1 nanosecond) between the laboratory reference clock and GPS time, referred to the midpoint of the pass via a linear fit
SRGPS the slope determined via the linear fit to produce REFGPS (measured in .1 picosecond per second)
DSG the root mean square of the residuals of the linear fit used to produce REFGPS
IOE the index of ephemeris, a three digit decimal code indicating the ephemeris used for computations
MDTR the modeled tropospheric delay (measured in .1 nanosecond) referred to the midpoint of the pass via a linear fit
SMDT the slope determined via the linear fit to produce MDTR (measured in .1 picosecond per second)
MDIO the modeled ionospheric delay (measured in .1 nanosecond) referred to the midpoint of the pass via a linear fit
SMDI the slope determined via the linear fit to produce MDIO (measured in .1 picosecond per second)
CK the data line check sum in hexadecimal format, computed as the sum of the ASCII values of the preceeding 101 columns, modulo 256
optional optional data may be presented beyond the check sum column, and is not included in the CK value