CLAS Certificate Number 95-01

Name Hydro-Québec
Address Laboratoire d'étalonnage et de réparation
1800 boul. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes, Québec J3X 1S1
Contact Steve Wright
Telephone: 450-652-8459
Clients served
  • All interested parties
  • The Type III services are available on-site.
  • Some Type II services are available on-site where indicated.
Fields of calibration
Accreditation body
  • Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
ISO/IEC 17025
  • SCC file number: 15176
  • First issued
  • Issue 9.3e

This CLAS Certificate is published by the CLAS service of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in cooperation with the laboratory accreditation program of the accreditation body. The accreditation body recognizes the capability of the named laboratory for being able to perform calibrations as per the listed Calibration and Measurement Capabilities with metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI) or to standards acceptable to CLAS. See supplementary notes.


Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Frequency Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
10 pF, 20 pF, and 50 pF 1 kHz 5.1 μF/F I For the calibration of capacitors using capacitance bridges and standard capacitors.
100 pF 1 kHz 5.2 μF/F I
1000 pF 1 kHz 7.1 μF/F I
10 pF to 110 mF 20 Hz to 150 kHz 10 μF/F to 10 % II For the calibration of capacitors and capacitance measuring devices, using capacitance bridges and standard capacitors.
200 µF to 110 mF dc 0.025 % II For measurement using a direct current source and a multimeter. Suitable for the calibration of the capacitance function of multifunction calibrators such as the Fluke 5520A series.
0.19 nF to 110 mF DC to 10 kHz 0.26 % to 4.5 % II For the calibration of capacitance measuring equipment using a source of synthesized capacitance of a multifunction calibrator. See Annex L.
1000 pF 500 V to 600 V 20 μF/F II For the calibration of high voltage capacitors at 50 Hz and 60 Hz using a high voltage capacitance bridge, range extender, and reference capacitors. This service is available on-site. Dissipation factor is typically expressed by the laboratory in terms of tan(δ). Expanded Measurement Uncertainty in tan(δ) is 1 % of reading + (21 μF/F to 120 μF/F).
100 pF 100 V to 400 V 63 μF/F to 82 μF/F
100 pF 400 V to 100 kV 62 μF/F to 82 μF/F
5 pF to 99 pF 100 V to 400 V 160 μF/F to 180 μF/F
5 pF to 99 pF 400 V to 100 kV 91 μF/F to 120 μF/F
100 pF to 11 111 pF 100 V to 400 V 73 μF/F to 110 μF/F
100 pF to 11 111 pF 400 V to 100 kV 72 μF/F to 110 μF/F
0.011 µF to 110 µF 10 V to 100 kV 100 μF/F to 130 μF/F
Current, AC
200 µA to 20 A 10 Hz to 30 kHz 110 μA/A to 375 μA/A I For the calibration of AC current sources such as multifunction calibrators using a current measurement through AC shunts using the AC/DC difference technique, with a standard voltmeter Fluke 5790A or 5790B. See Annex H.
1 µA to 200 µA 10 Hz to 30 kHz 125 µA/A to 2300 µA/A II For the calibration of AC current sources using a combination of shunts, and voltage measuring devices. See Annex M.
200 µA to 2 mA 10 Hz to 100 kHz 110 µA/A to 360 µA/A
2 mA to 200 mA 10 Hz to 30 kHz 110 µA/A to 200 µA/A
200 mA to 2 A 10 Hz to 30 kHz 125 µA/A to 220 µA/A
2 A to 10 A 10 Hz to 10 kHz 175 µA/A to 250 µA/A
10 A to 20 A 10 Hz to 10 kHz 200 µA/A to 300 µA/A
1 µA to 10 µA 5 kHz to 10 kHz 0.091 % to 6.6 % II For the calibration of sinusoidal current measuring devices using multifunction calibrators and amplifiers. See Annex A. This service is available on-site with increased uncertainties if applicable.
10 µA to 220 µA 10 Hz to 10 kHz 0.015 % to 0.74 %
220 µA to 22 mA 10 Hz to 10 kHz 0.013 % to 0.39 %
22 mA to 220 mA 10 Hz to 10 kHz 0.012 % to 0.14 %
220 mA to 2.2 A 20 Hz to 10 kHz 0.026 % to 0.67 %
2.2 A to 11 A 40 Hz to 10 kHz 0.042 % to 0.36 %
11 A to 20.5 A 45 Hz to 5 kHz 0.11 % to 2.4 %
1 A to 6000 A 50 Hz and 60 Hz 200 μA/A II For the calibration of measuring devices and sources of sinusoidal current using current comparators and monitoring devices.
Magnetomotive Force, Ampere Turn AC
50 Ampere turn to 1000 Ampere turn 50 Hz and 60 Hz 0.12 % II For the calibration of multi-turn coils using DC shunts, multimeters and a current clamp with a current source.
400 Hz 0.2 %
10 Ampere turn to 205 Ampere turn 45 Hz to 100 Hz 0.81 % to 0.82 % II For the calibration of current clamps using a 10 turn coil and multifunction calibrator
100 Hz to 440 Hz 0.87 % to 1.42 %
10 Ampere turn to 1025 Ampere turn 45 Hz to 65 Hz 0.31 % to 0.47 % II For the calibration of current clamps using a 50 turn coil and multifunction calibrator
65 Hz to 440 Hz 0.84 % to 1.45 %
Measured Quantity and Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Current, DC
100 µA 12 μA/A I For the calibration of current sources and measuring devices; primarily multimeters and multifunction calibrators, using standard resistors and voltmeters.
200 µA 10 μA/A
1 mA 10 μA/A
2 mA 10 μA/A
10 mA 10 μA/A
20 mA 10 μA/A
100 mA 10 μA/A
200 mA 10 μA/A
1A 10 μA/A
2A 10 μA/A
1 pA to 20.5 A 32 μA/A to 1.4 % II

For the calibration of current measuring devices; primarily multimeters, using current sources and multifunction calibrators. See Annex N.

0.01 µA to 20 mA 14 μA/A to 0.4 %

For the calibration of current sources; primarily multimeters, using multimeters, resistors, shunts and voltmeters. See Annex O.

20 mA to 25 A 15 μA/A to 50 μA/A
25 A to 100 A 50 μA/A to 100 μA/A
100 A to 1000 A 100 μA/A

For the calibration of current sources and measuring devices using DC current transformers and reference voltmeters

1000 A to 3000 A 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
Magnetomotive Force, Ampere Turn DC
10 Ampere turn to 205 Ampere turn 0.4 % II For the calibration of current clamps using a 10 turn coil and multifunction calibrator
10 Ampere turn to 1025 Ampere turn 0.56 % to 1.35 % II For the calibration of current clamps using a 50 turn coil and multifunction calibrator
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Frequency Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Current, AC/DC difference
5 mA to 10 mA 10 Hz to 10 kHz and 30 kHz 100 μA/A to 125 μA/A II For the calibration of current sources and measuring devices using a combination of multifunction calibrators, shunts, and voltage measuring devices.
25 mA to 50 mA 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
50 mA to 100 mA 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
150 mA to 300 mA 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
0.25 A to 0.5 A 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
0.5 A to 1 A 20 Hz to 1 kHz and 5 kHz to 10 kHz 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
1.5 A to 5 A 100 μA/A to 150 μA/A
5 A to 20 A 40 Hz to 60 Hz and 1 kHz and 5 kHz to 10 kHz 100 μA/A to 200 μA/A
±180°, 10 mV to 300 V 5 Hz to 100 kHz 0.05° to 1.6° II For the calibration of sinusoidal voltage sources using a phasemeter.
±180°, 50 mV to 120 V 1 Hz to 100 kHz 0.005° to 0.84° II For the calibration of sinusoidal voltage measuring devices using a phase source.
Power, AC
0 W to 48 kW 50 Hz and 60 Hz 80 μW/VA to 280 μW/VA of full scale II For the calibration of AC power measurement devices by comparison to a reference wattmeter. Inductive or capacitive power factor from 0 to 1 on active (Watt), apparent (VA) and reactive (Var) power. See Annex C.
0.4 VA to 48 kVA 80 μVA/VA to 280 μVA/VA of full scale
0 Var to 48 kVar 80 μVar/VA to 280 μVar/VA of full scale
Energy, kWh
60 V to 600 V
0.02 A to 80 A
PF=1 to 0.5 lead and lag
50 Hz to 60 Hz 0.01 % of reading II For the calibration of energy metering devices using an AC power source and an energy reference standard.
Energy, varh
60 V to 600 V
0.02 A to 80 A
PF=1 to 0.5 lead and lag
50 Hz to 60 Hz 0.01 % of reading II For the calibration of energy metering devices using an AC power source and an energy reference standard.
Energy, A2h
0 A2h to 5 A2h 60 Hz 0.01 % of reading II For the calibration of energy metering devices using an AC current source and an energy reference standard.
Measured Quantity and Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Power, DC
0.0009 mW to 20.5 kW
0.009 mW to 20.5 kW 84 μW/VA to 830 μW/VA II For the calibration of DC power measurement devices. See Annex K.
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Frequency Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Ratio Dissipation factor, df
Ratio, AC, and dissipation factor, DF
1:1 to 1:100 000
50 Hz 100 parts per 106 50 per 106 + 1 % (df reading) III For the calibration of voltage ratio transformers, using a capacitance bridge with appropriate standard capacitors; df ≤ 0.1 %
1:1 to 1:100 000
60 Hz 60 per 106 50 per 106 + 1 % (df reading)
1:1 to 1:40 000
50 Hz 40 per 106 + 1 % (ratio error) 40 per 106 + 1 % (df reading) For the calibration of current ratio transformers, powered on the primary side, using current comparator techniques with the appropriate range extenders; df ≤ 0.1 %
1:1 to 1:40 000
60 Hz 20 per 106 + 1 % (ratio error) 20 per 106 + 1 % df reading)
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
DC current ratio
1:1 to 1:2 000 for currents between 20 A and 1000 A 40 parts per 106 I For calibrating the transformation ratio of DC current transformers using current comparator bridges and their high current source ladder extenders.
1:1 to 1:6 000 for currents between 1000 A and 3000 A 60 parts per 106
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
10 µΩ to 100 µΩ 50 μΩ/Ω to 6 μΩ/Ω I For the calibration of resistors using current comparator bridges and their extenders at high current sources.
100 µΩ to 1 mΩ 6 μΩ/Ω to 4.5 μΩ/Ω
1 mΩ to 10 mΩ 4.5 μΩ/Ω to 3 μΩ/Ω
10 mΩ to 100 mΩ 3 μΩ/Ω to 2.5 μΩ/Ω
100 mΩ to 1 Ω 2.5 μΩ/Ω to 0.55 μΩ/Ω
1 Ω to 10 Ω 0.55 μΩ/Ω to 0.8 μΩ/Ω
10 Ω to 100 Ω 0.8 μΩ/Ω
100 Ω to 1 kΩ 0.8 μΩ/Ω to 1 μΩ/Ω
1 kΩ to 10 kΩ 1 μΩ/Ω to 0.55 μΩ/Ω
10 kΩ to 100 kΩ 0.55 μΩ/Ω to 1 μΩ/Ω
100 kΩ to 1 MΩ 1 μΩ/Ω to 5.6 μΩ/Ω

For the calibration of resistors using measurement bridges of high resistance value or Teraohmeter.

The Type II service is available on-site with increased uncertainties where appropriate.
1 MΩ to 10 MΩ 5.6 μΩ/Ω to 8 μΩ/Ω
10 MΩ to 100 MΩ 8 μΩ/Ω to 10 μΩ/Ω
100 MΩ to 1 GΩ 10 μΩ/Ω to 30 μΩ/Ω
1 GΩ to 20 GΩ 30 μΩ/Ω to 0.060 % II
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Frequency Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Voltage, AC
0.22 mV to 2.2 mV 10 Hz to 1 MHz 0.19 % to 9.3 % II For the calibration of sinusoidal voltage measurement devices using calibrators and voltage amplifiers. See Annex B. This service is available on-site with uncertainties increased where appropriate.
0.3 mV to 3.5 V 1 MHz to 30 MHz 0.31 % to 7.1 %
2.2 mV to 220 V 10 Hz to 1 MHz 0.0042 % to 1.2 %
220 V to 1100 V 40 Hz to 30 kHz 0.041 % to 0.0084 %
220 V to 750 V 30 kHz to 100 kHz 0.15 % to 0.038 %
0.3 mV to 70 V 10 Hz to 1 MHz 19 μV/V to 2.3 % II For the calibration of voltage sources using a Fluke 5790A or 5790B. See Annex F.
70 V to 220 V 10 Hz to 500 kHz 24 μV/V to 388 μV/V
220 V to 1000 V 10 Hz to 100 kHz 29 μV/V to 388 μV/V
0.3 mV to 7 V 10 Hz to 30 MHz 0.28 % to 1.9 % II For the calibration of 50 Ω voltage sources using Fluke 5790A or 5790B-WB. See Annex G.
1.1 kV 50 Hz to 60 Hz 0.06 % II For the calibration of sinusoidal voltage devices using voltage calibrators and sinusoidal voltage standards. This service is available on-site
400 Hz 0.065 %
5 kV 50 Hz to 60 Hz 0.03 %
400 Hz 0.035 %
10 kV to 100 kV 50 Hz to 60 Hz 0.025 %
400 Hz 0.030 %
Voltage, AC (peak to peak)
1 mV to 110 mV 1 kHz 30 μV/V of reading + 70 μV/V of range II For the calibration of oscilloscope calibrators on the square wave peak-to-peak voltage function using a sampling method on a multimeter.
110 mV to 130 V 1 kHz 31 μV/V of reading + 10 μV/V of range
110 mV to 11 V 100 Hz 7 μV/V of reading + 5 μV/V of range
1 mV to 110 mV 5 kHz and 10 kHz 105 μV/V of reading + 203 μV/V of range
110 mV to 110 V 5 kHz and 10 kHz 106 μV/V of reading + 21 μV/V of range
1 mV to 440 V 10 Hz to 20 kHz 24 μV/V to 1995 μV/V II For the calibration of a square wave voltage amplitude with AC voltmeter.
440 V to 2000 V 10 Hz to 1 kHz 38 μV/V to 200 μV/V
1 mV to 762 V 10 Hz to 20 kHz 24 μV/V to 1871 μV/V II For the calibration of a triangle wave voltage amplitude with AC voltmeter.
762 V to 3464 V 10 Hz to 1 kHz 38 μV/V to 200 μV/V
1 mV to 198 V 10 Hz to 1 MHz 24 μV/V to 4786 μV/V II For the calibration of a sine wave voltage amplitude with AC voltmeter.
198 V to 622 V 10 Hz to 500 kHz 31 μV/V to 500 μV/V
622 V to 2828 V 10 Hz to 100 kHz 38 μV/V to 500 μV/V
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Voltage, DC
10 V 0.5 μV/V I For the calibration of voltage reference standards by comparison with a set of Zener voltage reference standards.
100 mV to 1 V 4 μV/V à 0.9 μV/V I For the calibration of voltage sources using a binary voltage divider, its range extender and a Zener reference.
1 V to 10 V 0.9 μV/V à 0.7 μV/V
10 V to 30 V 0.7 μV/V
30 V to 120 V 0.7 μV/V à 1.0 μV/V
120 V to 300 V 1.0 μV/V
300 V to 1000 V 1.0 μV/V à 1.1 μV/V
0 mV to 1 mV 0.05 μV to 104 μV/V II For the calibration of voltage sources and multifunction calibrators, using digital multimeters. See Annex I for more information.
1 mV to 2 V 3.1 μV/V to 55 μV/V
2 V to 10 V 3.2 μV/V to 3.3 μV/V
10 V to 1000 V 3.2 μV/V to 6.2 μV/V
0 mV to 220 mV 0.4 μV to 7.8 μV/V II For the calibration of voltage measuring devices, using multifunction calibrators. See Appendix J for more information.
0.22 V to 2.2 V 3.8 μV/V to 6.7 μV/V
2.2 V to 11 V 2.7 μV/V to 3.6 μV/V
11 V to 22 V 2.7 μV/V to 2.9 μV/V
22 V to 220 V 3.7 μV/V to 5.3 μV/V
220 V to 1100 V 4.9 μV/V to 6.3 μV/V
1.1 kV to 120 kV 0.01 % II For the calibration of voltage source and measuring devices, using a combination of high voltage dividers, digital multimeters, and voltage sources. This service is available on-site.
Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Frequency Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Voltage, AC/DC difference
2 mV, 6 mV 10 Hz, 20 Hz,
40 Hz, 100 Hz,
1 kHz, 10 kHz
20 kHz, 50 kHz,
100 kHz,
300 kHz,
500 kHz,
800 kHz,
1 MHz
130 μV/V to 540 μV/V II For the calibration of thermal voltage converters and other high accuracy AC devices, both active and passive, such as Fluke 792A, Fluke 792A/B, using a thermal transfer standard Fluke 792A. At high frequencies (≥ 300 kHz), the maximum voltage is limited to 20 V or to 60 V. See Annex D.
10 mV, 20 mV 50 μV/V to 510 μV/V
60 mV, 100 mV 22 μV/V to 360 μV/V
200 mV, 600 mV 9 μV/V to 85 μV/V
1 V, 2 V 6 μV/V to 49 μV/V
6 V, 10 V 6 μV/V to 130 μV/V
20 V, 60 V 7 μV/V to 64 μV/V
100 V, 200 V 10 μV/V to 31 μV/V
600 V, 1000 V 12 μV/V to 42 μV/V
1 mV, 3 mV 10 Hz to 30 MHz 75 μV/V to 800 μV/V II For the calibration of thermal voltage converters and other high accuracy AC devices, both active and passive having an input impedance of 50 ohm. See Annex E.
10 mV, 30 mV
100 mV, 300 mV
1 V, 3 V
Voltage, AC (peak to peak) – Frequency response
5.5 V 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.7 % II For the calibration of oscilloscope calibrators using an RF power sensor.
Measurements are relative with respect to the RF power at a reference frequency.
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 1.1 GHz 2.4 %
3.4 V 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.7 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 1.1 GHz 2.4 %
1.1 GHz to 2.1 GHz 3.3 %
250 mV, 390 mV, 400 mV, 0.8 V, 1.2 V, 1.3 V 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.7 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 2.1 GHz 1.2 %
70 mV, 99 mV, 100 mV 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.7 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 2.1 GHz 1.3 %
25 mV, 39 mV, 40 mV 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.7 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 2.1 GHz 1.6 %
9.9 mV, 10 mV 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.8 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 0.9 %
300 MHz to 2.1 GHz 1.4 %
5 mV, 7.5 mV 50 MHz to 100 MHz 0.9 %
100 MHz to 300 MHz 1.0 %
300 MHz to 2.1 GHz 1.4 %
Voltage, AC (peak to peak) – Frequency response
5 mV to 5.5 V 50 kHz to 100 MHz 1.5 % + 100 μV II For the calibration of the frequency response of an oscilloscope relative to 50 kHz. Input impedance of the oscilloscope is 50 ohm during the measurement.
100 MHz to 300 MHz 2 % + 100 μV
300 MHz to 600 MHz 4 % + 100 μV
600 MHz to 1.1 GHz 5 % + 100 μV

Temperature indicators and simulators

Measured Quantity and Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Type J -210 °C to 1200 ° 0.16 °C to 0.28 °C II By electrical simulation without measurement of temperature. See Note 1. The following reference functions are used:
NIST Monograph 175:1993
Type K -200 °C to 1372 °C 0.17 °C to 0.41 °C
Type T -250 °C to 400 °C 0.16 °C to 0.63 °C
RTD, 4 wire
Pt 385, 100 Ω -200 °C to 650 °C 0.06 °C to 0.23 °C II By electrical simulation without measurement of temperature. See Note 1. The following reference functions are used:
ASTM E 1137-97
Pt 385, 200 Ω -200 °C to 630 °C 0.05 °C to 0.16 °C
Pt 385, 500 Ω -200 °C to 630 °C 0.05 °C to 0.11 °C
Pt 385, 1 kΩ -200 °C to 630 °C 0.04 °C to 0.23 °C
Pt 392, 100 Ω -200 °C to 630 °C 0.06 °C to 0.12 °C By electrical simulation without measurement of temperature. See Note 1. The following reference functions are used:
Minco Application Aid #18:2000, Minco Productions, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.
PtNi 385, 120 Ω -80 °C to 260 °C 0.09 °C to 0.14 °C
Cu 427, 10 Ω -100 °C to 260 °C 0.30 °C
Pt 3916, 100 Ω -200 °C to 630 °C 0.05 °C to 0.25 °C JIS 1604C


Measured Quantity and Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
Resistive temperature sensors and thermometers
0 °C to 100 °C 0.19 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

For the calibration of thermistors and 4 wire RTD sensors with or without their temperature indicators.

0 °C to 100 °C 0.25 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

For the calibration of Type J, K, or T thermocouples without their temperature indicators.

Thermocouple thermometers
0 °C to 100 °C 0.19 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

For the calibration of thermocouples with their temperature indicators.

Temperature baths
-30 °C to 400 °C 0.19 °C II

The stirred liquid and dry temperature baths are calibrated using a platinum resistance reference thermometer. This service is carried out by immersing the reference thermometer in the well of the bath under test in order to measure its temperature.

Temperature generation
0 °C 0.010 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

Ice bath.

25 °C 0.05 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

Stirred oil bath.

Calibration of cold junction compensation temperature sensor using a thermocouple
Type J and PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer) 0.1 °C II

Sensors and thermometers are calibrated using a reference thermometer in an ice bath, stirred liquid bath or a dry block. Available on-site with maximum immersion of 14 cm using a reference thermometer and miniature stirred liquid bath with uncertainties increased.

For the calibration of cold-junction-compensation (CJC) temperature sensors such as those found in the Fluke model 5520A multifunction calibrator.


Frequency and time

Measured Quantity and Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of service Remarks
10 MHz 1 in 1010 I For the calibration of the normalized frequency offset averaged over 24 hours of stable frequency sources and measuring devices, using a Rubidium Beam frequency standard and GPS system
0.1 Hz to 3 GHz 1 in 107 II For the calibration of frequency sources and measuring devices using frequency counters and frequency synthesizers. This service is available on-site.
Time interval
1 µs to 1 ms 6700 µs/s to 6.7 µs/s II For the measurement of time intervals generated by automatic chronometers and pulse sources where the beginning and end of the time interval is under electrical control. This service is available on-site.
1 ms to 0.9 s 6.7 µs/s to 0.11 µs/s
0.9 s to 900 s 0.1 µs/s
Rise time and fall time
> 20 ps 12 ps II For the calibration of oscilloscopes using a pulse generator
> 100 ps 5 % of reading + 14 ps

Annex A

Best uncertainty, ± {(μA/A of AC current) + residual}, for the calibration of current measurement devices including digital multimeters
Current, AC Frequency
10 Hz to 20 Hz 20 Hz to 40 Hz 40 Hz to 1 kHz 1 kHz to 5 kHz 5 kHz to 10 kHz
1 µA to 220 µA 230 + 16 nA 140 + 10 nA 110 + 8 nA 250 + 12 nA 900 + 65 nA
220 µA to 2.2 mA 230 + 40 nA 140 + 35 nA 110 + 35 nA 180 + 110 nA 900 + 650 nA
2.2 mA to 22 mA 230 + 400 nA 140 + 350 nA 110 + 350 nA 180 + 550 nA 900 + 5 µA
22 mA to 220 mA 230 + 4 µA 140 + 3.5 µA 110 + 2.5 µA 180 + 3.5 µA 900 + 10 µA
220 mA to 2.2 A - 240 + 35 µA 240 + 35 µA 390 + 80 µA 6000 + 160 µA
2.2 A to 11 A - - 400 + 170 µA 850 + 380 µA 3300 + 750 µA
Current, AC Frequency
45 Hz to 100 Hz 100 Hz to 1 kHz 1 kHz to 5 kHz
11 A to 20.5 A 930 + 3.9 mA 1200 + 3.9 mA 23000 + 3.9 mA

Annex B

Best Uncertainty, ± {( μV/V of AC voltage) + residual}, for the calibration of digital multimeters and voltage measuring devices
Voltage, AC Frequency
10 Hz to 20 Hz 20 Hz to 40 Hz 40 Hz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 50 kHz 50 kHz to 100 kHz 100 kHz to 300 kHz 300 kHz to 500 kHz 500 kHz to 1 MHz
0.22 mV to 2.2 mV 220 + 4 μV 85 + 4 µV 75 + 4 µV 180 + 4 µV 460 + 5 µV 900 + 10 µV 1200 + 20 µV 2500 + 20 µV
2.2 mV to 22 mV 220 + 4 μV 85 + 4 μV 75 + 4 µV 180+ 4 µV 460+ 5 µV 900 + 10 µV 1200 + 20 µV 2500 + 20 µV
22 mV to 220 mV 220 + 12 µV 85 + 7 µV 75 + 7 µV 180 + 7 µV 420 + 17 µV 750 + 20 µV 1200 + 25 µV 2500 + 45 µV
220 mV to 2.2 V 220 + 40 µV 80 + 15 µV 40 + 8 µV 70 + 10 µV 105 + 30 µV 340 + 80 µV 900 + 200 µV 1500 + 300 µV
2.2 V to 22 V 220 + 400 µV 80 + 150 µV 40 + 50 µV 70 + 100 µV 95 + 200 µV 260 + 600 µV 900 + 2000 µV 1400 + 3200 µV
22 V to 220 V 220 + 4 mV 80 + 1.5 mV 47 + 0.6 mV 75 + 1 mV 130 + 2.5 mV 800 + 16 mV 4200 + 40 mV 7000 + 80 mV
Voltage, AC Frequency
40 Hz to 1 kHz 1 kHz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 30 kHz 30 kHz to 50 kHz 50 kHz to 100 kHz
220 V to 1100 V 80 + 4 mV 125 + 6 mV 360 + 11 mV - -
220 V to 750 V - - - 360 + 11 mV 1300 + 45 mV
Voltage, AC Frequency
1 MHz to 2 MHz 2 MHz to 10 MHz 10 MHz to 20 MHz 20 MHz to 30 MHz
0.3 mV to 1.1 mV 7000 + 3.4 µV 9000 + 3.4 µV 11 000 + 3.4 µV 20 000 + 15 µV
1.1 mV to 3 mV 5500 + 4 µV 7500 + 4 µV 9500 + 4 µV 20 000 + 4 µV
3 mV to 11 mV 4500 + 7 µV 5500 + 7 µV 7500 + 7 µV 14 000 + 7 µV
11 mV to 33 mV 4000 + 13 µV 5000 + 13 µV 7000 + 13 µV 13 000 + 13 µV
33 mV to 110 mV 4000 + 43 µV 5000 + 43 µV 7000 + 43 µV 13 000 + 43 µV
110 mV to 330 mV 3500 + 100 µV 4500 + 100 µV 6500 + 100 µV 13 000 + 100 µV
330 mV to 1.1 V 3500 + 400 µV 4500 + 400 µV 6500 + 400 µV 13 000 + 400 µV
1.1 V to 3.5 V 3000 + 500 µV 4000 + 500 µV 6000 + 500 µV 12 000 + 500 µV

Annex C

Best Uncertainty, expressed in μW/VA (or μVA/VA or μVar/VA respectively) 2 for the calibration of AC power measuring devices
Voltage scale Current scale
0.005 A 0.01 A 0.02 A 0.05 A 0.1 A 0.2 A 0.5 A 1 A 2 A 5 A 10 A 20 A 50 A 100 A
60 V 280 210 130 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 100 130 130 130
120 V 280 210 130 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 100 130 130 130
240 V 280 210 130 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 100 130 130 130
480 V 280 240 160 130 130 130 130 110 110 110 130 160 160 160

Annex D

Best uncertainty, ± μV/V of input voltage, for the calibration of AC/DC voltage difference
Frequency Input voltage
2 mV 6 mV 10 mV 20 mV 60 mV 0.1 V 0.2 V 0.6 V 1 V
10 Hz 390 150 80 84 78 32 23 33 19
20 Hz 370 130 70 56 33 23 19 15 7
40 Hz 360 130 70 49 39 23 24 10 6
100 Hz 360 130 70 49 35 24 16 12 7
1 kHz 370 130 70 51 36 24 17 11 6
10 kHz 370 130 75 53 34 22 16 9 6
20 kHz 425 130 80 47 34 23 17 9 12
50 kHz 380 130 70 49 34 22 19 13 11
100 kHz 390 130 100 55 39 26 23 18 18
300 kHz 390 140 100 57 41 31 44 27 33
500 kHz 360 170 150 94 86 76 50 38 44
800 kHz 400 540 510 130 270 300 54 56 36
1 MHz 430 430 500 190 320 360 85 58 49
Frequency Input voltage
2 V 6 V 10 V 20 V 60 V 100 V 200 V 600 V 1000 V
10 Hz 20 22 18 24 24 23 30 31 35
20 Hz 8 8 9 10 10 10 14 18 39
40 Hz 8 6 8 8 9 12 12 14 28
100 Hz 7 7 7 7 8 11 11 13 27
1 kHz 7 8 7 7 8 14 11 12 26
10 kHz 8 7 7 8 9 10 11 13 26
20 kHz 8 7 8 8 8 12 12 12 25
50 kHz 11 9 11 10 11 13 21 21 22
100 kHz 14 13 15 14 15 20 31 34 42
300 kHz 32 22 28 22 25 - - - -
500 kHz 37 26 53 32 - - - - -
800 kHz 39 36 89 64 - - - - -
1 MHz 42 49 130 62 - - - - -

Annex E

Best uncertainty, ± μV/V of input voltage, for the calibration of AC/DC voltage difference for devices having a 50 ohm input impedance.
Frequency Input Voltage
1 mV 3 mV 10 mV 30 mV 0.1 V 0.3 V 1 V 3 V
10 Hz to 20 Hz 235 220 210 200 200 200 150 150
50 Hz to 0.5 MHz 100 100 100 100 100 75 75 75
0.7 MHz to 1 MHz 150 150 150 100 100 100 75 75
1.2 MHz to 2 MHz 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
3 MHz to 4 MHz 200 200 200 150 150 150 150 150
6 MHz to 10 MHz 250 250 250 200 200 200 150 150
12 MHz to 15 MHz 350 350 350 300 300 250 250 250
17 MHz 350 350 350 300 300 250 250 150
20 MHz 450 450 450 400 350 300 250 150
23 MHz 550 500 500 450 400 400 300 200
26 MHz 650 600 600 500 450 400 300 200
28 MHz 800 725 700 600 550 450 400 200
30 MHz 800 725 700 600 550 450 400 200

Annex F

Best uncertainty ± {(μV/V of the AC voltage measurement) + residual }, for the calibration of voltage sources
Voltage, AC Frequency
10 Hz to 20 Hz 20 Hz to 40 Hz 40 Hz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 50 kHz 50 kHz to 100 kHz 100 kHz to 300 kHz 300 kHz to 500 kHz 500 kHz to 1 MHz
0.3 mV to 2.2 mV 1318 + 1.0 μV 574 + 1.0 µV 326 + 1.0 µV 628 + 1.6 µV 930 + 1.9 µV 1783 + 3.1 µV 1860 + 6.2 µV 2713 + 6.2 µV
2.2 mV to 7 mV 659 + 1.0 μV 287 + 1.0 µV 163 + 1.0 µV 310 + 1.6 µV 465 + 1.9 µV 930 + 3.1 µV 1008 + 6.2 µV 1783 + 6.2 µV
7 mV to 22 mV 225 + 1.0 μV 147 + 1.0 µV 85 + 1.0 µV 163 + 1.6 µV 240 + 1.9 µV 628 + 3.1 µV 690 + 6.2 µV 1318 + 6.2 µV
22 mV to 70 mV 186 + 1.2 μV 93 + 1.2 µV 50 + 1.2 µV 101 + 1.6 µV 202 + 1.9 µV 395 + 3.1 µV 519 + 6.2 µV 853 + 6.2 µV
70 mV to 220 mV 163 + 1.2 μV 66 + 1.2 µV 29 + 1.2 µV 53 + 1.6 µV 124 + 1.9 µV 194 + 3.1 µV 295 + 6.2 µV 775 + 6.2 µV
220 mV to 700 mV 163 + 1.2 μV 59 + 1.2 µV 26 + 1.2 µV 40 + 1.6 µV 61 + 1.9 µV 140 + 3.1 µV 233 + 6.2 µV 744 + 6.2 µV
0.7 V to 2.2 V 155 51 19 36 55 124 202 698
2.2 V to 7 V 155 52 19 37 63 147 310 930
7 V to 22 V 155 52 21 37 63 147 310 930
22 V to 70 V 155 53 25 44 73 155 318 930
70 V to 220 V 155 53 24 53 76 163 388 -
220 V to 700 V 155 77 32 101 388 - - -
700 V to 1000 V 155 77 29 101 388 - - -

Annex G

Best uncertainty, ± {(% of the AC voltage measurement) + residual}, for the calibration of voltage sources on the 50 Ω WB entry of Fluke 5790A or 5790B
Voltage, AC Frequency
10 Hz
30 Hz
30 Hz
120 Hz
120 Hz
to 1.2 kHz
1.2 kHz to 120 kHz 120 kHz to 500 kHz 500 kHz to 1.2 MHz 1.2 MHz
2 MHz
2 MHz
10 MHz
10 MHz to 
20 MHz
20 MHz to 
30 MHz
0.3 mV to 2.2 mV 0.47 + 1.2 μV 0.47 + 1.2 µV 0.47 + 1.2 µV 0.47 + 1.2 µV 0.47 + 1.2 µV 0.52 + 1.9 μV 0.52 + 1.9 µV 0.60 + 1.9 µV 0.70 + 2.7 µV 1.01 + 2.7 µV
2.2 mV to 7 mV 0.39 + 5.4 μV 0.39 + 5.4 μV 0.39 + 5.4 μV 0.39 + 5.4 μV 0.39 + 5.4 μV 0.44 + 6.2 μV 0.44 + 6.2 μV 0.47 + 6.2 µV 0.52 + 6.2 µV 0.67 + 6.2 µV
7 mV to 22 mV 0.39 + 10.1 μV 0.39 + 10.1 μV 0.39 + 10.1 μV 0.39 + 10.1 μV 0.39 + 10.1 μV 0.44 + 10.1 μV 0.44 + 10.1 μV 0.47 + 10.1 μV 0.52 + 10.1 μV 0.67 + 10.1 μV
22 mV to 70 mV 0.39 + 23.3 μV 0.39 + 23.3 μV 0.39 + 23.3 μV 0.39 + 23.3 μV 0.39 + 23.3 μV 0.43 + 23.3 μV 0.43 + 23.3 μV 0.47 + 23.3 μV 0.50 + 23.3 μV 0.66 + 23.3 μV
70 mV to 220 mV 0.31 + 62.0 μV 0.31 +  62.0 μV 0.31 +  62.0 μV 0.31 +  62.0 μV 0.31 +  62.0 μV 0.35 +  62.0 μV 0.35 +  62.0 μV 0.39 +  62.0 μV 0.43 +  62.0 μV 0.58 +  62.0 μV
220 mV to 700 mV 0.31 + 233 μV 0.31 +  233μV 0.31 +  233 μV 0.31 +  233 μV 0.31 +  233 μV 0.35 +  233 μV 0.35 +  233 μV 0.39 +  233 μV 0.43 +  233 μV 0.58 +  233 μV
0.7 V to 2.2 V 0.27 + 310 μV 0.27 + 310 μV 0.27 + 310 μV 0.27 + 310 μV 0.27 + 310 μV 0.31 + 310 μV 0.31 + 310 μV 0.35 + 310 μV 0.39 + 310 μV 0.54 + 310 μV
2.2 V to 7 V 0.27 + 620 μV 0.27 + 620 μV 0.27 + 620 μV 0.27 + 620 μV 0.27 + 620 μV 0.31 + 620 μV 0.31 + 620 μV 0.35 + 620 μV 0.39 + 620 μV 0.54 + 620 μV

Annex H

Best uncertainty, ±μA/A of AC current, for the calibration of AC current sources using the AC/DC difference technique
Current, AC Frequency
10 Hz 20 Hz 40 Hz 60 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 10 kHz 30 kHz
200 µA 200 125 125 125 125 125 125 375
2 mA 200 125 110 110 110 110 110 150
20 mA 200 125 110 110 110 110 110 175
200 mA 200 125 110 110 110 110 110 175
2 A 200 150 125 125 125 150 175 -
10 A 250 250 175 175 175 250 250 -
20 A 300 300 200 200 200 300 300 -

Annex I

Best uncertainty, ± {( μV/V of the measured voltage) + ( μV/V of the voltage scale)} for the calibration of voltage sources
Measured DC Voltage 0 V to 1 mV > 1 mV to 200 mV > 200 mV to 2 V > 2 V to 10 V > 10 V to 20 V > 20 V to 200 V > 200 V to 1000 V
Used tension scale 10 mV 200 mV 2 V 10 V 20 V 200 V 1000 V
Uncertainty (μV/V of reading + μV/V of scale) 58 + 5 4.5 + 0.5 3 + 0.2 3.1 + 0.05 3 + 0.2 4.5 + 0.2 4.5 + 0.5

Annex J

Best uncertainty, ± {( μV/V of generated voltage) + ( μV)} for the calibration of voltage measuring devices
Uncertainty Generated DC Voltage
0 V to 220 mV > 220 mV to 2.2 V > 2.2 V to 11 V > 11 V to 22 V > 22 V to 220 V > 220 V to 1100 V
μV/V of generated voltage + μV 6 + 0.4 3.5 + 0.7 2.5 + 2.5 2.5 + 4 3.5 + 40 4.5 + 400

Annex K

Best uncertainty, ± {μW/VA} for the calibration of DC power measuring devices
Voltage scale Current scale
30 µA to 329.999 µA 0.33 mA to 3.29999 mA 3.3 mA to 32.9999 mA 33 mA to 329.999 mA 0.33 A to 1.09999 A 1.1 A to 2.99999 A 3 A to 10.9999 A 11 A to 20.5 A
30 mV to 329.9999 mV 630 µW/VA to 160 µW/VA 200 µW/VA to 91 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 250 µW/VA to 180 µW/VA 330 µW/VA to 310 µW/VA 520 µW/VA to 420 µW/VA 830 µW/VA to 800 µW/VA
0.33 V to 3.299999 V 630 µW/VA to 160 µW/VA 200 µW/VA to 90 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 84 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 84 µW/VA 250 µW/VA to 180 µW/VA 320 µW/VA to 310 µW/VA 520 µW/VA to 420 µW/VA 830 µW/VA to 800 µW/VA
3.3 V to 32.99999 V 630 µW/VA to 160 µW/VA 200 µW/VA to 90 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 84 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 84 µW/VA 250 µW/VA to 180 µW/VA 320 µW/VA to 310 µW/VA 520 µW/VA to 420 µW/VA 830 µW/VA to 800 µW/VA
33 V to 329.9999 V 630 µW/VA to 160 µW/VA 200 µW/VA to 90 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 250 µW/VA to 180 µW/VA 320 µW/VA to 310 µW/VA 520 µW/VA to 420 µW/VA 830 µW/VA to 800 µW/VA
330 V to 1000 V 630 µW/VA to 160 µW/VA 200 µW/VA to 91 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 140 µW/VA to 85 µW/VA 250 µW/VA to 180 µW/VA 320 µW/VA to 310 µW/VA 520 µW/VA to 420 µW/VA 830 µW/VA to 800 µW/VA

Annex L

Best uncertainty, ± {( % of the capacitance value) + residual value} for the calibration of capacitance measuring devices
Capacitance value % of capacitance value Residual value Minimum and maximum frequency
0.19 nF to 1.0999 nF 0.39 % 0.0078 nF 10 Hz to 10 kHz
1.1 nF to 3.2999 nF 0.39 % 0.0078 nF 10 Hz to 3 kHz
3.3 nF to 10.9999 nF 0.19 % 0.0078 nF 10 Hz to 1 kHz
11 nF to 32.9999 nF 0.19 % 0.078 nF 10 Hz to 1 kHz
33 nF to 109.999 nF 0.19 % 0.078 nF 10 Hz to 1 kHz
110 nF to 329.999 nF 0.19 % 0.23 nF 10 Hz to 1 kHz
0.33 µF to 1.09999 µF 0.19 % 0.78 nF 10 Hz to 600 Hz
1.1 µF to 3.29999 µF 0.19 % 2.3 nF 10 Hz to 300 Hz
3.3 µF to 10.9999 µF 0.19 % 7.8 nF 10 Hz to 150 Hz
11 µF to 32.9999 µF 0.31 % 23 nF 10 Hz to 120 Hz
33 µF to 109.999 µF 0.35 % 78 nF 10 Hz to 80 Hz
110 µF to 329.999 µF 0.35 % 230 nF DC to 50 Hz
0.33 mF to 1.09999 mF 0.35 % 0.78 µF DC to 20 Hz
1.1 mF to 3.2999 mF 0.35 % 2.3 µF DC to 6 Hz
3.3 mF to 10.9999 mF 0.35 % 7.8 µF DC to 2 Hz
11 mF to 32.9999 mF 0.58 % 23 µF DC to 0.6 Hz
33 mF to 110 mF 0.85 % 78 µF DC to 0.2 Hz

Annex M

Best uncertainty, ± {(μA/A of AC current output) + residual value}, for the calibration of AC current sources
AC current Scale Frequency
10 Hz to 20 Hz 20 Hz to 40 Hz 40 Hz to 1 kHz 1 kHz to 5 kHz 5 kHz to 10 kHz 10 kHz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 30 kHz 30 kHz to 50 kHz 50 kHz to 100 kHz
1 µA to  200 µA 1 µA to 2.2 µA 1325 + 0.0010 µA 580 + 0.0010 µA 330 + 0.0010 µA 330 + 0.0010 µA 335 + 0.0010 µA 355 + 0.0010 µA 664 + 0.0016 µA - -
2.2 µA to 7 µA 662 + 0.0010 µA 290 + 0.0010 µA 165 + 0.0010 µA 167 + 0.0010 µA 170 + 0.0010 µA 232 + 0.0010 µA 450 + 0.0015 µA
7 µA to 22 µA 231 + 0.0010 µA 155 + 0.0010 µA 88 + 0.0010 µA 90 + 0.0010 µA 99 + 0.0010 µA 375 + 0 µA 395 + 0.0014 µA
22 µA to 70 µA 195 + 0.0011 µA 110 + 0.0011 µA 125 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 375 + 0 µA 394 + 0.0016 µA
70 µA to 200 µA 200 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 375 + 0 µA 396 + 0.0016 µA
200 µA to  2 mA 200 µA to 256 µA 230 + 0.012 µA 154 + 0.012 µA 86 + 0.012 µA

86 + 0.012 µA

86 + 0.012 µA 150 + 0 µA 164 + 0.018 µA 164 + 0.018 µA  240 + 0.023 µA
256 µA to 810 µA 192 + 0.014 µA 108 + 0.014 µA 110 + 0 µA 110 + 0 µA 110 + 0 µA 150 + 0 µA 138 + 0.010 µA 138 + 0.010 µA 202 + 0.023 µA
0.81 mA to 2 mA 200 + 0 µA 125 + 0 µA 110 + 0 µA 110 + 0 µA 110 + 0 µA 150 + 0 µA 150 + 0 µA 150 + 0 µA 150 + 0 µA
2 mA to 200 mA 2 mA to 200 mA 200 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 110 + 0 mA 110 + 0 mA 110 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA - -
200 mA to 2 A 200 mA to 300 mA 200 + 0 mA 150 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 150 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA - -
300 mA to 500 mA 194 + 0.0084 mA 150 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 150 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA - -
0.5 A to 2 A 200 + 0 mA 150 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 125 + 0 mA 150 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA - -
2 A to 10 A 2 A to 10 A 250 + 0 mA 200 + 0 mA 175 + 0 mA 225 + 0 mA 225 + 0 mA - - - -
10 A to 20 A 10 A to 20 A 300 + 0 mA 300 + 0 mA 200 + 0 mA 300 + 0 mA 300 + 0 mA - - - -

Annex N

Best uncertainty, ± {( μA/A of generated current) + residual value} for the calibration of DC current measuring devices
Scale Values Uncertainty
2 pA 1 pA to 2 pA 4250 + 10 fA
20 pA 2 pA to 20 pA 3750 + 10 fA
200 pA 20 pA to 200 pA 2500 + 30 fA
2 nA 0.2 nA to 2 nA 650 + 100 fA
20 nA 2 nA to 20 nA 650 + 1 pA
200 nA 20 nA to 200 nA 350 + 10 pA
2 µA 0.2 µA to 2 µA 250 + 100 pA
20 µA 2 µA to 20 µA 250 + 1 nA
220 µA 20 µA to 220 µA 35 + 6 nA
2.2 mA 0.22 mA to 2.2 mA 30 + 7 nA
22 mA 2.2 mA to 22 mA 30 + 40 nA
220 mA 22 mA to 220 mA 40 + 0.7 µA
2.2 A 0.22 A to 2.2 A 60 + 12 µA
11 A 2.2 A to 11 A 340 + 480 µA
20.5 A 11 A to 20.5 A 780 + 580 µA

Annex O

Best uncertainty, ± {( μA/A of measured current) + ( μA/A of the scale)} for the calibration of DC current sources
Scale Values Uncertainty
100 nA 10 nA to 100 nA 30 + 400
1 µA 0.1 µA to 1 µA 15 + 40
10 µA 1 µA to 10 µA 15 + 10
200 µA 10 µA to 200 µA 12 + 2
2 mA 0.2 mA to 2 mA 12 + 2
20 mA 2 mA to 20 mA 13 + 2
100 mA 20 mA to 100 mA 30 + 5
200 mA 100 mA to 200 mA 36 + 4
  200 mA to 25 A 50 + 0
  25 A to 100 A 100 + 0