CLAS Certificate Number 94-01

Company name
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)
Company address
505 de Maisonneuve Ouest Boulevard
Montréal, Quebec H3A 3C2
Cherifa Lakhal-Ayat, Quality Assurance Coordinator
Telephone: 514-288-1551
Fax: 514-288-9632
Clients served
  • All interested parties
Fields of calibration
  • Acoustic and vibration
  • Flow
Accreditation body
  • Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
ISO/IEC 17025
  • SCC file number: 15162
  • First issued 1994-09-23 for calibration
  • Issue 12.0e 2024-11-22

This CLAS Certificate is published by the CLAS service of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in cooperation with the laboratory accreditation program of the accreditation body. The accreditation body recognizes the capability of the named laboratory for being able to perform calibrations as per the listed Calibration and Measurement Capabilities with metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI) or to standards acceptable to CLAS. See supplementary notes.

Acoustic and vibration

Acoustic calibrators

For the calibration of acoustic calibrators, Class 1, using IRSST's work instruction I-ACO-005.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

Sound pressure level, 90 dB to 124 dB (ref: 20 µPa), at 250 Hz or 1000 Hz

0.14 dB


Frequency 250 Hz, 1000 Hz

0.3 %


Sound level meters

For the calibration of class 1 sound level meters in accordance with international standard IEC 61672-3 (2006-10) Ed. 1.0 for periodic tests.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

Indication of reference level at the calibration check SPL frequency

0.2 dB


Acoustical Frequency weightings A, C and Z

For the calibration of class 1 sound level meters in accordance with international standard IEC 61672-3 (2006-10) Ed. 1.0 for periodic tests.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

125 Hz to 1.25 kHz

0.4 dB


>1.25 kHz to 10 kHz

0.5 dB


>10 kHz to 20 kHz

0.8 dB


Electrical Frequency weightings A, C and Z

For the calibration of class 1 sound level meters in accordance with international standard IEC 61672-3 (2006-10) Ed. 1.0 for periodic tests.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

63 Hz to 1.25 kHz

0.3 dB


>1.25 kHz to 10 kHz

0.4 dB


>10 kHz to 16 kHz

0.5 dB


Frequency and time weightings at 1 kHz

0.2 dB


Level linearity at 8 kHz

For the calibration of class 1 sound level meters in accordance with international standard IEC 61672-3 (2006-10) Ed. 1.0 for periodic tests.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

25 dBA to 39 dBA

0.3 dB


>39 dBA to 143 dBA

0.2 dB


Level linearity at 1 kHz

For the calibration of class 1 sound level meters in accordance with international standard IEC 61672-3 (2006-10) Ed. 1.0 for periodic tests.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

including the level range control

0.2 dB


Response to a 4 kHz

0.2 dB


Peak C sound levels

0.2 dB


Overload indication

0.3 dB



Gas Flow

For the calibration of flowmeter using the instruction I-DEBIT-001.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service

0.05 slpm to 5 slpm

4.0 %