CLAS Certificate Number 2009-02

Company name Polycontrols
Company address 3650-A1 blvd Matte
Brossard, Quebec
Canada J4Y 2Z2
Contact Sylvain Desaulniers
Telephone: 450-444-3600
Fax: 450-444-1088
Clients served
  • All interested parties
  • Some calibration services are available on-site. These services are indicated in the "Remarks" column of the following pages.
Fields of calibration
Accreditation body
  • Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
ISO/IEC 17025
  • SCC file number: 15796
  • First issued
  • Issue 5.0e

This CLAS Certificate is published by the CLAS service of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in cooperation with the laboratory accreditation program of the accreditation body. The accreditation body recognizes the capability of the named laboratory for being able to perform calibrations as per the listed Calibration and Measurement Capabilities with metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI) or to standards acceptable to CLAS. See supplementary notes.

Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded
Type of Service Remarks
Gas Flow
5 sccm to 10 slpm 0.2 % II For the calibration of flowmeter by Transfer standard. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory and On Site Calibration Services
10 slpm to 30 slpm 0.3 %
30 slpm to 3000 slpm 0.2 %
3000 slpm to 6000 slpm 0.3 %
0.5 sccm to 5 sccm 0.5 %
Liquid Flow
Mass flow (water)
0.378 kg/min to 1100 kg/min 0.02 % II For the calibration of flowmeter by gravimetric method. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory
Volumetric flow (water)
0.378 l/min to 1100 l/min 0.021 % II For the calibration of flowmeter by gravimetric method. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory
Mass flow (liquid)
0.45 kg/min to 800 kg/min 0.12 % II For the calibration of flowmeter by reference meter. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory
0.45 kg/min to 227 kg/min 0.12 % On Site Calibration Service
Volumetric flow (liquid)
0.45 l/min to 800 l/min 0.13 % II For the calibration of flowmeter by reference meter. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory
0.45 l/min to 227 l/min 0.13 l/min On Site Calibration Service
Density (water)
980 kg/m3 to 1020 kg/m3 0.05 kg/m3 II For the calibration of water density by comparison to flow calibration bench. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory
Density of liquids
500 kg/m3 to 1020 kg/m3 0.03 kg/m3 II For the calibration of liquid density by oscillating tube density meter. Calibration in the Polycontrols Laboratory