CLAS Certificate Number 2005-04

Company name TransCanada Calibrations Ltd.
Company address 1048 Arnould Rd.
Île Des Chênes, MB R0A 0T0
Contact Jordan Lambert
Telephone: (204) 878-4373 ext 232
Fax: (204) 878-4531
Clients served
  • All interested parties
Fields of calibration
Accreditation body
  • Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
ISO/IEC 17025
  • SCC file number: 15715
  • First issued
  • Issue 7.1e

This CLAS Certificate is published by the CLAS service of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in cooperation with the laboratory accreditation program of the accreditation body. The accreditation body recognizes the capability of the named laboratory for being able to perform calibrations as per the listed Calibration and Measurement Capabilities with metrological traceability to the International System of Units (SI) or to standards acceptable to CLAS. See supplementary notes.


Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service Remarks
High Pressure Natural Gas
40 m3/hr to 1600 m3/hr 0.14 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 8 inch Std Turbine References.
160 m3/hr to < 250 m3/hr 0.15 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 12 inch Std Turbine References.
250 m3/hr to < 2000 m3/hr 0.14 % of reading
2000 m3/hr to 4000 m3/hr 0.16 % of reading
500 m3/hr to < 2000 m3/hr 0.14 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 16 inch Std Turbine References.
2000 m3/hr to 55000 m3/hr 0.17 % of reading
10 m3/hr to < 25 m3/hr 0.19 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 4 inch Std Rotary References.
25 m3/hr to < 50 m3/hr 0.15 % of reading
50 m3/hr to 300 m3/hr 0.14 % of reading
40 m3/hr to < 80 m3/hr 0.21 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 8 inch Std Ultrasonic References.
80 m3/hr to < 1000 m3/hr 0.15 % of reading
1000 m3/hr to 1600 m3/hr 0.14 % of reading
160 m3/hr to < 200 m3/hr 0.8 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 12 inch Std Ultrasonic References.
200 m3/hr to < 250 m3/hr 0.38 % of reading
250 m3/hr to < 500 m3/hr 0.17 % of reading
500 m3/hr to < 2000 m3/hr 0.15 % of reading
2000 m3/hr to 4000 m3/hr 0.17 % of reading
500 m3/hr to < 2000 m3/hr 0.15 % of reading II For the calibration of High Pressure Natural Gas flow meter. TCC Procedure GC1 Utilizing 16 inch Std Ultrasonic References.
2000 m3/hr to 55000 m3/hr 0.17 % of reading


Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service Remarks
Hydraulic and Pneumatic:
0.05 kPa to 500 kPa 0.02 % of reading or 0.002 kPa whichever is greater II

For the calibration of hydraulic and pneumatic Gauge or Differential devices.

Utilizing Desgranges divider and Deadweight Tester, digital pressure standards. TCC Procedure CS10, CS13, CS14, CS18

0.05 kPa to 500 kPa 0.02 % of reading or 0.025 kPa whichever is greater

For the calibration of hydraulic and pneumatic Absolute devices.

Utilizing Desgranges divider and Deadweight Tester, digital pressure standards. TCC Procedure CS10, CS13, CS14, CS18

500 kPa to 50,000 kPa 0.015 % of reading or 0.25 kPa whichever is greater

For the calibration of hydraulic and pneumatic Absolute or Gauge devices.

Utilizing Deadweight Tester, digital pressure standards. TCC Procedure CS10, CS13, CS14, CS18


Measured Quantity & Range or Instrument Expanded Measurement Uncertainty Type of Service Remarks
Resistance Temperature Detectors 100 Ω:
in "Triple Point of Water" cell: 0.01 °C 0.025 °C II For the calibration of resistance temperature detectors 100 Ω using "Triple Point of Water" and "Gallium" cell.
in "Gallium" cell: 29.7646 °C 0.025 °C
Temperature sensors:
- 40 °C to 100 °C 0.04 °C II For the calibration of temperature sensors by comparison against the laboratory's PRT in a temperature liquid bath.
100 °C to 600 °C 0.35 °C For the calibration of temperature sensors by comparison against the laboratory's PRT in a drywell.